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The Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, conveened at Edinburgh, the 21st day of July 1567; In the whilk were assembled Earles, Lords, Barrons, whose names are written after the Articles be them subscribed, with the Superintendents, Ministers, and Commissioners of Townes. Thanks was given to God be Mr John Craig, Minister of Edinburgh.

Sess. 2a, Julii 22, 1567.

Tenor of the Letter of Excusatione of the Earle of Argyle, of his absence from this Assembly, followeth:—

After our most hearty commendatione: We have receaved your writings. Understandand be the same your earnest travells and godly zeale in erecting of this our kirk within Scotland; according to our dewties and your Assembly to this effect, wherunto ye have desyred us, yet somethings having admiratione that ye should have assigned your Assembly, whereunto ye desyre the principall members of the haill kirk, without their owne advyce and consent. Having concurred with them of before alsweell anent the places of Assembly as in matters to be treated in the same, be reasone the brethren else assembled in Edinburgh are in armes, and as we understand, the rest that is to come there comes in the lyke manner, whilk is far by the use and customed manner we have seen before; and as it is not unknown unto you what varietie is presentlie in this realme, yet not doubting your intents and myndes to be only direct as ye have afore showen: Nottheless, because our brethren else assembled in Edinburgh are in armes, accompanied by men of weir, we not being participant with their proceeding, neither yet hes adjoyned ourselves thereintill, cannot at this tyme be present at the tyme appointed, according to your desyres; yet assuring you, likeas in tyme past we not only have bestowed our goods in the maintainance of God’s cause, but also has hazard our life and our friends, in the same state we mynde to continew; and since the impediment to our conveening, albeit willing to all godly proceedings, is for the causes after specified. In the mean tyme, we will earnestly request you that no novations nor alterations be made or attempted whill our meeting, whilk we trust in God shall be shortly, so that none of our brethren nor we in absence have occasion to mislyke any of your proceedings; because sic grave matters requires ane common consent alswell in their approveing as that they may the better be born with: for your awn wisdomes we doubt not will consider the factiones of our adversaries, that they will never allow our doings, and therefore it is more than necessar there be no diversitie of mindes amongst ourselves; yea, we will finde all matters frame the better if we be all present when they are concluded: So, not willing to impasche you with long letters, hes committed farther of our minde to this bearer your servitor, to whom please give credite; and so committs you to God. The 18th of Julii 1567.

Your assured in the Lord,

Ar. Argyle.

The tenor of the Commendators of Arbroath, Kilwinning, and my Lord Boyd’s excusations, agreeing in all poynts, follows:—

After most hearty commendationes in the Lord Jesus: We have received your writting, dated at Edinburgh, the 26th of Junii, schawand in effect, albeit God in his goodness hes sent the light of the Evangell of salvation within this realme, to the great comfort and prosperitie of all the faithfull within the samen, and their posterities; yet, nevertheless, Satane, with his ministers, at every light occasion hath frustrate, in tymes past, the ministrie of their life and sustentation, the lame and impotent members of Christ alsweel frustrate of their livings, dieing in the street for hunger and cold, and the haill flock of Christ Jesus within this realme continually threatened to be made sacrifice of be the practice of the enemies, as your writtings containes at length: ffor meeting of the whilk, and provyding remead thereto, ye desyre us to be in Edinburgh the 20th of this instant at the Assembly of the Kirk, whereby ane perpetuall order may be taken for the libertie of the Kirk of God, the sustentation of the ministrie, and the failzied members thereof, so that the haill members of the Kirk might be sure union and conjunction, be more able to gainstand the violence of the foresaids enemies.

For answer: It is not unknown unto you how the nobilitie of this realme is divided be reason of the Q. Majestie holden where she is, and that the towne of Edinburgh, where ye desyre us to conveen, is keeped straitly be ane part of the nobilitie and men of warr of their retinue, to whose opinion we are not adjoined as yet; and, therefore, we cannot think ourselves sure to conveen the said day and place ye desyre us to keep; and also thinks marvell the haill multitude of Protestants within this realme should have been desyred to have conveened in sic ane place; the matter standand as it does. Nevertheless, we favour our party shall be willing to sett forward at all tymes the light of Christ’s Evangell to be clearly preached, and the ministers thereof to be sustained, and the furthering of the policie concerning the Kirk in all sorts, so far as it may stand be ane law. Likeas, we have been in all tymes bypast, since it pleased God to open our eyes and shew the light of his blessed word; and thus will cumber you with no longer Letter, but prayes God to have you in his eternall protectione. At Hamiltoune, the 19th of Julii 1567.

Your loving friend at power in all godliness,


Aberdeen Excusatione.

Right Honorable and weel-beloved brethren, after our hearty commendationes in the Lord Jesus Christ: This present is to advertise you that we have received your Letter; and, at the requisitione of our minister and Provest, haveing commissione thereto, hes sighted, seen, and considered your writting and Act of the Generall Assembly, in the whilk is contained the great labours taken be Satane and his members making impediment to the proceedings of the Evangell and furthsetting of the glory of God, sustentation of the ministrie, the poor and needy, and the contraire now to be provided be the Assembly Generall of the Christian Kirk of this realme now to be conveined, the 20th of July instant, craving of us our concurrence to the effect forsaid, together with our personal presence. It shall please your Wisdomes; understand, and most assuredly believe us professors of the Evangell of the Kirk, within the Burgh of Aberdeen, to be of ane minde, and, be the grace of God, to continue to the maintenance of the furthsetting of the Glory of God, teaching of the true Evangell and sustentation of the ministers, with help unto the poore, and unto the tyme your Wisdomes, with the nobilitie, find ane order universall for the ministrie, we shall, for our own part, God willing, sustaine our minister, so that of reason he shall have no cause to plaint, and to the poore after our power doe semblablie, as uther burroughs shall take order; and, as to our personall presence to conveen at this tyme, hes given and sent our minister, Adam Herriot, to concurr and assist in our name to the effect forsaid, and to declare unto your Wisdomes the impediment of our personall presence at this tyme; praying your Wisdomes, notwithstanding our absence, to credite us faithfullie to abide at your decree to be sett out be you and the Assembly, to the effect foresaid, and to maintain the samen with our bodies and goods as tyme shall reqyre. And, farther, having no occasione at this present to wryte, committs you to the protectione of the Highest. Written at Aberdeene, the 12th of this instant, and subscribed with our Provest’s hand, at our command, at Aberdeene, be them that are your assured,

Thomas Menzies.

Sess. 3d, Julii 23, 1567.

Certain brethren were appointed to conveen to sie and advyse upon the Assignatione of the Stipends of the Ministrie lately assigned be the Queen’s Majestie, the good payment, who fand in effect as follows:—

We have seen the assignationes within the shreffdomes of Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, and Fyfe, and finds that all the haill contained therein, at least for the most part, hes been thankfully payed, and that the collector hes given his charges for payment thereof duly, and rests nothing but to put them to the horne, that there be letters direct, and commission given in the said letters, with consent of the thesaurer, to collect and uptake the haill fruits of the benefices of so many as past to the horne for the 1566 year, and sicklyke for the 1567 year instant, so long as they remane, and to make compt of the thrid to the ministrie, and so meikle of the two part as they intromett with to the thesawrer as escheat; and as to the victuall within the forsaids shyres, we finde that long before any letters raised upon this assignation, and before the baptisme of the prince, they were sold to the comptroller, and therefore he must be charged in his compts to rander sa meike of the prices heirof againe to the ministers, as is contained in his assignation. Touching the thirds of the ministers’ assignation beyond Die, except Orkney, findes be the collector that the 1566 yeares cropt is not used to be payed whill Lambes in the 1567 year after; and for execution given to him within bounds shall pass with the possible diligence, and charge that haill bounds according to the letters, of the whilks he supposes good payment, as hes been of before, except the bishoprick of Caithness, whilk the collector alleadges the bishop payes to his ministers of his own kirk, conforme to the book and compts made of before. Item, Deare, Dunnett, and Pilorthe, are given free to the Earle Marschell, and the friars of Aberdeen, to Captain Lauder; but it is understood that all the gifts are revoked, and therefore the collector is to charge them. Item, The victuall within the same bounds are sold ut supra, and therefore the comptroller in his compts shall render conforme to the first article. Item, Besouth Forthe nothing gotten in; but the collector alleadges that Duncan Livingstoune hes taken up 11 sh. of xxxvij lb. 11 sh. ijd., as he hes granted be the particular receipt, and therefore he must be charged to delyver the same to the said collector. Item, Of the thrids contained within his collectorie, that it is alleadged discharged of the Abbay of Cambuskenneth, to 323 lb. 6 sh. 8d. 3 chalders beir, and 3 chalders meall. The thrids of Drybrugh, 304 lb. and 62 part boll qwhyte, 8 chalders, 2 bolls, two part boll beir, 7 chalders, 10 bolls, two part boll meill.

The thirds of Melros, Haddingtoune, and Northberrwick, the third of Kelso and Coldinghame; as to Dumfries, Annandale, and Kirkcudbright, and Wigtoune, the Bishope of Gallaway hes deput certain collectors for satisfactione of the ministers within the samen.

Item, Within Kyle, Carrick, and Cunninghame, executiones past, and believes to have payment at the nixt ganging in the countrie. Item, Corsraguel is given frie, and the minister of Fairfurd is evill payd that the act be reised, made be the Queen’s Grace and Secret Councill, dischargeing the gifts and tacks of all the thirds, and that nane be given hereafter, without advyse of the Secret Counsell, to the effect the collector may charge, notwithstanding any sic gifts. Remember that ilk collector execute within his bounds, that letters be direct, with consent of the thesaurer, according to the first article.

The Noblemen, Barrones, and uthers undersubscryvand in this present Assembly of the Kirk of God, hes condescended and agreed to the articles following, at Edinburgh, Julii 20, 1567:—

In the first: Forswameikle as there was ane Parliament holden in this realme, before the Queen’s Majestie’s arrivall in the same, be the estates conveened for the tyme, authorized with her Heines own power and commissione; in the whilk Parliament it was concluded, that the religione of Jesus Christ be universallie receaved within this realme, should be universally established and approved within the same, and all Papistrie, with the Papists usurped jurisdictione, all Idolatrie, and especially the blasphemous Masse, be abolished and put away; as the acts made thereupon proports: Quhilk acts, together with the Queen’s Majestie’s power to hold the same Parliament, the Noblemen, Barrons, and uthers undersubscrivand, wills to be extract and putt in full executione as ane publick law, and that the transgressors thereof be punished according to the same throughout the haill realme, without exceptione: Whilk Parliament in all things concerning the Religion, they shall defend and maintaine at their uttermost, in the first Parliament whilk shall be holden at all uther tymes and occasiones convenient: Item, That the act allready made towards the thirds of the benefices within this realme, principally for sustaining of the ministrie, may be dewly put to executione, according to the order of the Book of the appointment of ministers’ stipends, allsweel of them that are to be appointed, as for them already placed; and that the ministers be first duely answered and sufficiently sustained of the same, to the relief of their present necessitie, ay and whill ane perfect order may be taken and established toward the full distributione of the patrimonie of the kirk, according to God’s word; and that also the ordinance made be the Queen’s Majestie and her Councill towards the small benefices, now extending to the soume of three hundred merks, be dewly put to executione, alsweell toward the benefices whilks hes vaiked since the date of the said ordinance, as concerning them that shall happen hereafter to vake, and sicklike the act made towards the anuales, abies and altarages of burrowes.

Item, How soon ane lawful Parliament may be had, or that the occasione may utherwayes justly serve, the nobles, barrones, and uthers of the Kirk undersubscryvand, shall labour and prease at their uttermost, that the faithfull Kirk of Jesus Christ profest within this realme, shall be put in full liberty of the patrimony of the Kirk, according to the Booke of God and the order and practise of the primitive Kirk, and that nothing shall passe in Parliament unto the tyme the matters of the Kirk forsaid be first considered, approved, and established; and in the meantyme the professors undersubscryvand consents and offers to reforme themselves according to the Book of God, whilk they shall put in practise, and the refusers to be secluded from the bosome of the Kirk.

And, moreover, in the said next Parliament, or utherwayes at the first occasione, order shall be taken for ease of the poor labourers of the ground, toward the payment of their teyndes in reasonable manner, and how the samen shall not be sett over their heads, without their advyse and consent.

Item, That nane be permitted nor admitted to have charge over schoolls, colledges, or universities, or yet openly or privately to instruct the youth, but sic as hes been tryed be the Superintendants and visitors of the kirks, shall be found sound and able in doctrine, and admitted be them to their charges.

Item, That all crymes and offences committed against God’s law may be severally punished according to the word of God, and where laws are presently appointed for the punishment, and judges also deput to that effect, that the executione may be made thereupon as effeirs: And where neither laws nor judges are appointed for sic crymes as are to be punished be the law of God, that in the first Parliament the same judges may be appointed, lawes established, as God commands in his word.

Item, That since the horrible murther of the Queen’s Majestie’s husband is so odious not only before God, but also to the haill world, with continuall infamie and shame to this realme, if the same murther shall not be punished accordingly: Therefore the noblemen, barrones, and uthers undersubscryvand shall, with all their forces, strength, and power, concurr and assist to take plaine part together, to further and maintaine the punishment of the said murther on all and whatsumever persones that shall be found guiltie of the same; seeing the plague of God shall not depart from the countrey or towne where innocent blood is shed, before the same shall be cleansed be shedding of the blood of the offenders.

Seeing it hes pleased God of his mercy, to give ane native Prince to this countrey, appearand to be our Sovereigne, to the end he be not cruelly and shamefully murthered, as the King his father was, the nobilitie, barrones, and uthers undersubscryvand, shall assist, maintaine, and defend the Prince against all that would doe him injurie.

Item, That all kings, princes, and magistrates, whilk hereafter in any tyme to come shall happen to reigne and bear rule over this realme, their first intres before they be crowned and inaugurat, shall make their faithfull league and promise to the trew Kirk of God that they shall maintaine and defend, and be all lawfull meanes sett forward the trew religion of Jesus Christ, presently professed and established within this realme, even as they are obliedged and actricted in the law of God, alswell in Deuteronomie as in the second chapter of the Book of the Kings, as they crave obedience of their subjects; so the band and contract to be mutual and reciprocall in all tymes comeing, betuixt the Prince and God, and also betuixt the Prince and his faithfull people, according to the word of God.

Item, That the Prince whom God hes given us, alsewell for his surety as good educatione, shall be committed to wyse, ancient, godly, and learned men of the realme, to be brought up within the same, in the feare of God, and vertew, whereby he may so profite in his youth, that when he shall come to his yeares of maturitie he may be able to discharge himself sufficiently of that honor and place where he shall be called, and prove that good king whilks, with all their hearts, they wish him to be.

Item, The nobility, barrones, and utheris of the Kirk undersubscryvand, in the presence of God, hes faithfully promised to conveene themselves together with their power and forces, and here begine to root out, destroy, and allutterly subvert, all monuments of idolatrie, and mainely the odious and blasphemous Masse; and therefore to goe forward throughout this haill realme, to all and sundrie places, whatsomever idolatrie hes fostered, haunted, or maintained, and chiefly where masse is said, to execute the reformatione forsaid, without exception of place or persones; and shall to the uttermost of their power, remove all idolatrie and uthers that are not admitted to the ministrie any manner of way, of the Kirk, from all functione thereof, alswell private as publick, that they hinder not the ministrie any manner of way in their vocatione; and in place of the premises, sett up and establish the true religion of Jesus Christ throughout this haill realme, be planting of Superintendants, ministers, and uthers needfull members of the Kirk, seeing the host of the Lord shall pass through the haill countrey to this effect; and also shall proceed to the punishment of idolaters according to the law thereupon pronounced: And sicklyke, shall punishe and cause be punished, all uthers vices that presently abounds within this realme, whilk God’s law and the civill law of this realme commands to be punished, and chiefly the murther of the King lately committed; and in lyke manner promises faithfully to reforme schooles, colledges, and universities throughout the whole realme, and expell and remove the idolaters that hes charges thereof and uthers who hes not as yet joyned themselves to the trew Kirk of Christ, and plant faithfull ministers and instructors in their roomes, to the effect the youth be not infected be poysonable doctrine at the beginning, whilk afterwards cannot be well removed away.

Follows the subscriptiones of the Earles, Lords, Barrones, and uthers Commissioners present for the tyme:—

Mortowne. Glencairne. Marr. Home. William Lord Ruthven. Sanquhair. Patrick Lord Lindsay. Grahame Lord Innermaith. Ochiltrie. Sir James Balfour. James M‘Gill. Tullibardine, Comptroller. William Maitland. John Erskine. John Wischart. Glenbervie. John Cunninghame of Drumquhassell. William Kirkcaldie. John Cathcart of Carltoune. William Moncreiff. Drumlanrick. Bargavy. Andrew Wood of Largo. Andrew Stewart. Robert Fairlie of Braid. Archibald Wood. George Barclay of Mathirs. George Torry of Kelwood. George Home of Spott. Mr William Lundie. Gilbert Kennedy of Dalquhorne. James Melville of Reath. Qwhittinghame. Rassyth. Barrow. Pittencreiff. Andrew Ker in Fawdensyde. Thomas Scott of Harine. Henrie Grahame. John Fullertone of Dreghorne. Alexander Guthrie of that Ilk. William of Craigings. William Durhame of Grange. Thomas Dischingtowne. Thomas Scott of Thirlstane. George Straitoune of that Ilk. Alexander Chrichtoun of Carko. Mr John Wood. Alexander Ogstowne of Fethercairne. Patrick Kynninmounth. Robert Lindsay, Thesaurer. John Culless. William Menzies. John Melvill. William Edmonstoune of Drumleith. Robert Murray. John Shaw. John Stewart of Mynto. Gilbert Ogilbie of that Ilk. James Chalmers of Gaitgirthe. Commissioners of Townes—For Edinburgh, Alexander Clark, Bealie, Mr Clement Little, Mr John Prestowne, Mr Richard Strang: For Air, Paull Reid, Richard Bannatyne, Gilbert M‘Millane: For Irving, Alexander Cunninghame, Alexander Commendator of Culross: For Glasgow, Mr David Weymes, James Boyd, William Howburne, Alexander Forrester: For Jedburgh, Chirnside, Kynnochie Mackenzie, Robert Monro of Souls.

The Convention of Brethren, holden in Edinburgh the 15th of December 1567, before the Generall Assembly of the haill Kirk, to begine the 25th of the forsaid moneth.

First were nominat and chosen for every province, brethren to reason and conferr upon sic things as appearandlie sould be necessary for setting fordward the affaires of the Kirk, without prejudice of the Generall Assembly and actiones thereof, December 27, 1567.

Anent the crymes of incest and adulterie, and punishment to be taken thereanent in the nixt Generall Assembly, the brethren presently conveinit thinks it necessar that every minister, with the elders and deacons, shall search out within their bounds, at their sessions, the forsaids crymes if they be notore, thereafter to signifie the samen to the Superintendant of the diocie at his Synodall Conventione, and he thereafter to notifie the same to the supreame magistrate, requiring to ministere justice and punishe sic hainous offences according to the law of God, as he will answer to the Supreame Judge at the day when no respect of persons shall be had; and where no Superintendants are yet placed, that the ministers, elders, and deacons, declare the saids crymes to the Generall Assembly, to the effect forsaid.

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

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