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The Generall Assembly, convened at Edinburgh the 25th day of December 1563, in the New Tolbooth; the prayer and exhortation made be John Willock: In the whilk were present James Duke of Chalterault, Archibald Earle of Argyle, James Earle of Murray, James Earle of Mortoune, Earle of Marshall, Alexander Earle of Glencairne, William Maitland of Lethingtoune, Secratar, Sir John Wishart of Pitarrow, Comptroller, Sir John Ballantine of Auchnool, Justice-Clerk, Lords of Secret Counsall, Superintendants, Ministers, and Commissioners of Kirks and Provinces.

Session First, 25th of December 1563.

Anent the Question moveit be Johne Knox, Minister of Edinburgh, to the haill Assemblie, whether he receivit charge of the haill Kirk, convenit in Edinburgh, after the beginning of the Reformation, to advertise the brethren to conveine at what tyme any member of the Kirk sould chance to be troublit, and that for thair counsell to be had?

To the quhilk the Lord Lindesay, the Lairds of Kolwood and Abbotshall, Cunninghamehead, the Superintendents of Angus, Fyfe, Louthiane, West, and Galloway, Mr Johne Row, Mr Christiesone, Mr Robert Hamiltoun, Mr Christopher Goodman, ministers, with the maist pairt of the haill Assemblie, made their declaration, That they rememberit verie well that the said Johne Knox wald have had himself exonoured of the foirsaid charge, and that the Kirk then present wald naways suffer him to refuse the same, bot that he sould continue as of befoir to advertise fra tyme to tyme, as occasion salbe given.

It was proponed be the haill Assemblie that ane Moderator should be appointed, for avoiding confusion in reasoning, but that every brother should speak in his own roome. The Lords of the Secret Councill, with the haill brethren of the Assembly, appointed Mr Johne Willock, Superintendent of the West, Moderator during this Assemblie.

Session Third, 28th December 1563.

The haill Assemblie here present has farther concluded and finally consented, that for their own parts, the tennents and occupiers of the ground shall have their own teynds upon composition.

Session Fourth, 29th December 1563.

It was thought needful for farther confirmation of the Booke of Discipline, That the Erle Marshall, Lord Ruthven, Lord Secretare, Commendatare of Kilwinning, the Bishop of Orknay, Clerk of Register, Justice-Clerke, Mr Henrie Balnaves, David Foird, and Mr George Buchanan, anie three or foure of them, advise the said booke diligentlie, consider the contents thereof, noting their judgments in writing, and to report the same to the nixt Assemblie Generall of the Kirk; or if ane Parliament happen to be in the meane tyme, that they report their saids judgments to the Lords of the Articles that shall chance to be chosen before the said Parliament.

Session Fifth, 30th December 1563.

Forsamickle as Ministers, Exhorters, and Reiders, remaines not at the Kirks quher their charge lyes, bot dwells in townes farre distant fra the saids Kirks, quherthrow the peiple wants the continuall comfort quhilk their daylie presence sould give, be mutual conference of the ministers with the flocke. Heirfor, the Kirk ordanes Ministers, Exhorters, and Reiders, haveing mansis to dwell in, that they make residence at the same, visite the flock as they may; and quher the parochin is great, that the Minister crave the supporte at the Eldars and Deacons to help him in the said visitatioun.

Touching the burial of the poore in every parochin to landwart, it is ordainit that a biere be made in every parochin to carry the dead corpsis to buriall; and that village or house quher the dead lyes, with the nixt adjacent house therto, or ane certaine number of every house, sall convey the dead to the buriall, and eird it sax foote under the eird; And that every Superintendent within his awin bounds requyre the Lairds and Barrones within the same to make ane Act in their Court touching this ordour, and cause their officers to warne the narrest neighbours quher the dead lyes, to convey the samen to buriall, as said is, according to their said act; and farder, that the Superintendants take ordour heir as occasioun sall serve.

Session Sixth, the last of December 1563.

Anent the determinatioun of the Kirk tuiching Thomas Duncansone, Schoolmaster and Reidar in Striveling, quho had committed fornicatioun, and thereafter had made publick repentance, Whether he sould be restorit to his office or not after his publick repentance: It was ordainit that he sould abstaine frae the said office, until sick tyme that the Kirk of Striveling made request to the Superintendent for him; and that he present the said sute or requeist to the nixt General Assemblie. Attour, if the woman was a maiden with quhom he had committed the said fornicatioun, that he sall marie her if she requyre the samen, in part of satisfactioun to the Kirk.

Tuiching the question proponit be the Superintendent of Fyfe, anent Alexander Jarden, Minister of Kilspindie, Inchture, and Raitt, quha had committit fornicatioun with a virgine, and thereafter had maried her and had satisfiet the Kirk, Whether he sould be admittit agane to the ministrie or not? The Kirk suspended the said Alexander frae all functiouns of the ministrie within the Kirk quhill the nixt Assemblie, and then to receave answer.

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

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