Читать книгу The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland - Various - Страница 31
ОглавлениеThe Generall Assemblie haldin in the Councill House of Edinburgh, the 6th of March 1572(3): In the qwhilk war present Barrons, Superintendants, James Bishop of St Androis, Commissioners to plant Kirks, Ministers, Commissioners of Provinces, Townes, Kirks and Universities. David Fargysone Moderator.
Mr John Row complanit upone for solemnizing the band of matrimonie betwixt the Master of Craufurd and the Lord Drummond’s daughter, without proclamation of bands, and in lyke manner out of dew tyme, viz. upon ane Sonday afternoone at prayer. Answerit, that he did nothing but the command of the sessione of his kirke, and my Lord Ruthven, ane speciall elder of the said kirk.
The Kirk, presently assemblit, for certaine good considerations moving them, statutes and ordaines, that no collections for the poor be made in the tyme of the ministratione of the table of the Lord Jesus, nor yet in tyme of sermones heirafter within kirks, but only at the kirk doore.
The Kirk, presently assemblit, ordains the act made against ministers that marries uther parochiners without proclamation of bands, to have effect and strength against Mr John Row, and underly the samen dureing the Kirk’s will.
Sessio 3.
The Kirk assemblit, statuts and ordayns all ministers and uthers beneficed persones, that hes receaved benefices sen the Reformation, to make residence at the kirks where their benefices lyes, and use their office according to the tennor of thair admissione; and if any beis found to doe in the contrare, that they be callit to particular dyats before the Superintendants, or the Commissioners of the provinces where sic benefices are, to whom the Kirk giues power to depose the saids persones, in their visitationes, for non-residence; and whatever any of the saids Superintendants or Commissioners happins to doe in the premisses, to report to the nixt Assembly.
The Assembly, considering that the trauells of umqwhill John Knox, merits fauourably to be remembrit in his posteritie, Giues to Margaret Stewart, his relict, and her three daughters of the said umquhill Johne, the pensione qwhilk he himself had in his tyme of the Kirk; and that for the year next approachand, and following his deceis of the year of God 1573, to their education and support, extending to ffyve hundred merks money, twa chalder wheit, sax chalder beir, four chalder eats.
The Kirk requestit the kirk of Edinburgh to provyde and appoint some learnit, to support Richard Bannatyne to put John Knox historie, that is now in scrolls and papers, in good forme; and because he is not able to await thereupone, upon his awne expenses, appoynts to him the soume of ffourty pound, to be payit of the 81 years cropt.
Sessio 6.
Ordaines all and sundrie Superintendants and Commissioners to plant kirks, to proceed summarly to excommunicatione against all papists within their provinces; and that within eight dayes after they be admonischit, to joyne themselves to the religione presently established within this realme, be hearing of the word of God, partaking of the sacraments, subscryve and giue their oath according to the act of Parliament, and acts agreit upon, betwixt my Lord Regent’s Grace, Secret Councill, and the Kirk.
Sessio 7.
It is statute and ordainit be universall order of this Assembly, that all Bishops, Superintendants, and Commissioners to plant kirks, present themselves in every Generall Assemblie that hereafter shall be halden, the first day of the Assembly before noone, and that they remaine whill the end of the same, under the paine of tinsell of ane halfe of their stipend for ane year, and alse to serve in the mean tyme of the wanting of the said portion of their stipend.
Anent my Lord Regent’s Grace desyre, twiching some of the learnit ministers to be Senators in the Colledge of Justice; The haill Kirk presently assemblit, having at lenth reasonit, whether a minister were able to discharge himself of both the vocations; votit throughout, that nane was able nor apt to bear the said twa charges; and therefore inhibites, that any minister occupying the vocatione of the ministrie take upon him to be a senator, Mr Robert Pont only exceptit, wha is already placit with advyce and consent of the Kirk.
Articles presentit be the Superintendant of Lawthiane, and Ministers within his jurisdictioune.
1. First, that a copie of the acts of the Generall Assembly begine every exercise.
2. That sic matters as falls out betuixt the Synodall Conventione and Generall Assemblies, shall be notit at every exercise, 20 dayes before the Generall Assemblie.
3. That sic matters as are referrit to the Generall Assembly, fra the particular, be pennit be the Superintendant’s clarks, faithfullie reportit to the Generall Assembly be the said Superintendant.
4. That the Generall Assemblie be frequent with the nobilitie and barrons, alsweell as ministers, that the face of the Assembly may be had in reverence as afoirtymes.
5. That sic ministers as have not wherwith to buy books, may have books lowsit to them be the collector, and to allow the pryces thereof in their stipends.
The Kirk approves and ratifies all the forsaids articles as necessary and profitable.
It is thocht maist reasonable and expedient, that Bishops, Superintendants, and Commissioners, purches generall letters, without delay; commanding all men to frequent preaching and prayers, according to the order receavit in their congregations; and also to charge the magistrate, to put the acts concerning the observation thereof, alseweell grantit be parliament as friely, with uniforme consent, the congregations hes condescendit upon, and for executione of discipline and punisching of others.
Giue any man leave his wife and pass out of the countrie, and tarries away the space of seven yeares and marries ane uther woman in ane strange countrie, and else his first wyfe be married upon ane other man in his absence, both are adulterers, unless the sentence of divorcement had been pronouncit be the judge.
It is neither agrieable to the word of God, nor to the practise of the primitive Kirk, that the speciall administration of the word and sacraments, and the ministration of the criminall and ciuill justice, be so confoundit, that ane persone may occupy both the cures.