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The Generall Assemblie, begun and halden in the Tolbooth of Perth, the Saxt of August, 1572; In the qwhilk war present the Earles, Lords, Superintendants, Barrones, Commissioners to plant Kirks, Commissioners of Provinces, Universities, and Ministers: John Eskine of Dun, Knight, was chosen Moderator be the haill voice of the Assemblie.

Sessio 2.

To the effect that obedience be given to the Moderator presently and hereafter, the haill brethren assemblit, in ane voyce, statuts and ordaynes, that no persone, of what state or degree soever he be of, take in hand to speak without licence, askit and gine, be the Moderator; and after licence obtainit, that the persone speakand, keep moderatione in reasonyng and answering, and alse keep silence when he shall be commandit be the Moderator, under the paine of removeing out of the Assemblie, and not to re-enter therein dureing that conveining; and this to be a perpetuall act for all Assemblies hereafter.

Sessio 3.

Forswameikle as in the Assembly halden in Leith in January last, there was certaine Commissioners appointit to trauell with the Nobilitie and their Commissioners, to reasone and conclude upon diverse articles and heads, then thocht good to be conferrit upon; according to the whilk Commissione they have proceidit to diverse dyatts and conventions, and finallie concludit for that tyme upon the saids heads and articles; as the same producit in this Assemblie proports: In the qwhilks, being considerit and read, are found certain names, sic as Arch Bishope, Deane, Archdeane, Chamber, Chapter; qwhilks names war thocht sclanderous and offensive to the eares of many of the brethren, appeirand to sound to Papistrie; Therefore the haill Assembly, in ane voyce, alsweell they that was in Commissione at Leith as uthers, solemnly protests, that they intend not be using sic names, to ratifie, consent, and agree to any kinde of Papistrie or superstitione, and wisches rather the saids names to be changit in uthers, that are not sclanderous or offensive; and, in lyke manner, protests that the saids heids and articles agriet upon, be only receavit as ane interim, untill farther and mair perfect order be obtaynit, at the hands of the King’s Majestie’s Regent and Nobilitie, for the whilk they will preass, as occasion shall serve: Unto the qwhilk protestation the haill Assemblie, in ane voice, adheres.

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

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