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Parts.Flower, the blossom.

Peduncle, the stem of a solitary flower or the main stem of a flower-cluster.

Scape, a peduncle that grows from the ground.

Pedicel, , p, the stem of each flower of a flower-cluster. Bracts, b, small floral leaves.

Involucre, a cluster of bracts.

Kinds.—(1.) Solitary, single, alone.

Terminal, at the summit of the stem.

Axillary, in the axils of the leaves.

(2.) Clustered, several flowers collected in a bunch.

(a.) Indefinite or Indeterminate, flowering from axillary buds. Inflorescence centripetal.

Flowers pedicellate - Racēme, flowers arranged along the axis; pedicels about equal in length (Currant).
Córymb, same as raceme, except that the lower pedicels are elongated, making the top flat (Hawthorn).
Umbel. same as corymb, except that the pedicels branch from about the same point (Milkweed).
Panicle, compound raceme (Blue-grass).
Thyrsus, a compact panicle (Lilac).
Flowers sessile - Spike, same as raceme with flowers sessile (Mullein).
Spādix, a fleshy spike, generally enveloped by a large bract called a Spāthe, (Calla Lily).
Ȧment or Catkin, a slender pendent spike, with scaly bracts (Birch).
Head or Capitulum, a shortened spike, reduced to a globular form (Clover).

(b.) Definite or Determinate, flowers all terminal. Inflorescence centrifugal.

Cyme, flat-topped or rounded inflorescence (Elder).

Fascicle, a compact cyme (Sweet-William).

Glomerule, a cyme condensed into a head (Mint).

Verticillaster, two opposite glomerules joined (Motherwort).

Scorpioid, a one-sided and coiled cyme (Forget-me-not).

The Circle of Knowledge: A Classified, Simplified, Visualized Book of Answers

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