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Parts.Receptacle, the part upon which the several organs of the flower are inserted.

Calyx, the exterior floral envelope.

Corolla, the interior floral envelope. The calyx and corolla constitute the protecting organs, sometimes called perianth.

Stamens, the fertilizing organs.

Pistils, the seed-bearing organs. The stamens and pistils constitute the essential organs.

Kinds.Symmetrical, same number in each set of organs; unsymmetrical, different number.

Complete, all the sets present; incomplete, some sets wanting.

Regular sepals and petals uniform; irregular, sepals or petals unlike.

Perfect, stamens and pistils both present; imperfect, one set absent.

Staminate, with stamens only; pistillate, with pistils only; neutral, with neither.

Monœcious, staminate and pistillate on same plant; diœcious, on different plants.

Dichlamydeous, having calyx and corolla; monochlamydecous, having calyx only; achlamydecous, having neither.

Di, trí, tetrá, pentá-merous, two, three, four, or five parts in each set.

Sessile, without peduncle; pedunculate, with peduncle.

Deviations from the Normal or Pattern Flower arise from

Augmentation, increase of floral circles (Water Lily).

Cherisis, increase of organs by division. The Bleeding-heart shows the collateral chorisis of stamens, and the Catchfly shows the transverse chorisis of corolla.

Anteposition, parts opposite instead of alternate (Grape).

Cohesion, union of parts of the same set (corolla of Morning-glory).

Adnation, union of different sets. In the Cherry the stamens and corolla are inserted upon the calyx.

Irregularity, parts of the same set unequally developed (Violet, Pea).

Suppression, non-development of some parts. In the mints some of the stamens are suppressed or wanting.

The Circle of Knowledge: A Classified, Simplified, Visualized Book of Answers

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