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Samāra, having winged appendages (Maple).

(c1.) Dry Fruits.—Dehiscent.

Single pistil. - Follicle, opening by a ventral suture (Columbine).
Legūme, opening by both sutures (Bean).
Loment, jointed legume (Desmodium).
Compound pistil. - Capsule, any compound dehiscent fruit.
Sílique, a two-valved capsule (Mustard).
Sílicle, a short silique (Shepherd’s Purse).

Pyxis, circumscissile dehiscence (Purslane).

(2.) Aggregate Fruits, . A cluster of carpels on one receptacle taken as a whole (Raspberry).

(3.) Accessory or Anthocarpous Fruits.—Those of which the most conspicuous portion, although appearing like a pericarp in some cases, does not belong to the pistil (Rose-hip).

(4.) Multiple or Collective Fruits.—Those which result from the aggregation of several flowers into one mass (Pine-apple, Mulberry).

Stróbile or Cone, a scaly multiple fruit, resulting from the ripening of some kinds of catkins (Hop, Conifers).

Gálbalus, a closed cone (Juniper-berry, Red Cedar).

The Circle of Knowledge: A Classified, Simplified, Visualized Book of Answers

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