Читать книгу Anger Management For Dummies - W. Doyle Gentry - Страница 16

Part I
Getting Started with Anger Management
Chapter 2
Finding Your Anger Profile
Complicating Problems


Excessive anger, in and of itself, can seriously harm work, relationships, and daily satisfaction. However, when anger accompanies other emotional, physical, and/or social problems, chaos carries the day. Unfortunately, anger is, more often than not, associated with other problems.

When your body is hurting and your mind is sad or worried, your anger buttons may be pushed more easily. If you suffer from significant emotional or physical problems, you need to address them to maximize your chances of managing your anger more effectively. Discuss any concerns you have with a mental health professional or primary care medical provider.

The world around you can also make managing anger more difficult. Sometimes you can make meaningful changes to the world or situations that you find yourself in. In those cases, you should take action. When you can’t, look for sources of support, such as advocacy groups, friends, and even therapists. Review the following list to see how many of these issues apply to you:

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