Страница 10 из 26
Formal Languages, Automata and Numeration Systems, Volume 1
Formal Methods Applied to Industrial Complex Systems
Rapid Prototyping Software for Avionics Systems. Model-oriented Approaches for Complex Systems Certification
Mathematical Structures for Computer Graphics
Handbook of Machine and Computer Vision. The Guide for Developers and Users
Fundamentals of Pervasive Information Management Systems
Scheduling of Large-scale Virtualized Infrastructures. Toward Cooperative Management
Algorithms and Ordering Heuristics for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Real-time Systems Scheduling 1. Fundamentals
Software War Stories. Case Studies in Software Management
Designing with Objects. Object-Oriented Design Patterns Explained with Stories from Harry Potter
Formal Methods Applied to Industrial Complex Systems. Implementation of the B Method
Real-time Systems Scheduling 2. Focuses
Programmable Logic Controllers. A Practical Approach to IEC 61131-3 using CoDeSys
Essential Algorithms. A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms
Data as a Service. A Framework for Providing Reusable Enterprise Data Services
Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 3.3. A Cyber-Physical Approach
Software Quality Engineering. A Practitioner's Approach
Digital Color Imaging
3D Visual Communications
Models and Analysis for Distributed Systems
Semantic Computing
Qt for Symbian
Software Metrics and Software Metrology
System Design for Telecommunication Gateways
Game Invaders. The Theory and Understanding of Computer Games
Advanced Computational Infrastructures for Parallel and Distributed Adaptive Applications
Evolving Intelligent Systems. Methodology and Applications
Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation. Model Replication and Monte Carlo Studies
Enterprise Interoperability. Interoperability for Agility, Resilience and Plasticity of Collaborations (I-ESA 14 Proceedings)
Beyond Redundancy. How Geographic Redundancy Can Improve Service Availability and Reliability of Computer-Based Systems
Case Study Research in Software Engineering. Guidelines and Examples
Reversible Computing. Fundamentals, Quantum Computing, and Applications
Distibuted Systems. Design and Algorithms
Digital Color. Acquisition, Perception, Coding and Rendering
Energy Security. An Interdisciplinary Approach
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Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions
Word 2019 For Dummies
Mastering SolidWorks
Arduino For Dummies
Advanced Maya Texturing and Lighting
Soft Computing Evaluation Logic. The LSP Decision Method and Its Applications
JavaScript and Open Data
Software Technology. 10 Years of Innovation in IEEE Computer
C# 7.0 All-in-One For Dummies
Android App Development For Dummies
Twitch For Dummies
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