Страница 6 из 26
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing
Windows Security Monitoring
Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019
Image Databases
Image Processing
Stop Staring
Unstructured Data Analytics
Real-Time Systems
Introducing Maya 2011
Minecraft For Dummies
Introducing ZBrush 3rd Edition
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Bible
Photoshop Elements 3 Solutions
Handbook of Virtual Humans
Mastering Autodesk Maya 2012
Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Computing
Photoshop CS6 All-in-One For Dummies
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop Elements 9
Photoshop Elements 8 Digital Classroom
Minecraft Modding For Kids For Dummies
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop CS6
Micro, Nanosystems and Systems on Chips
Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture
Game Character Creation with Blender and Unity
Architecture-Independent Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks
Microprocessor Theory and Applications with 68000/68020 and Pentium
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Top 100 Simplified Tips and Tricks
Communicating Embedded Systems
Too Soon To Tell
HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies
Enterprise Interoperability: Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability
HCI Theory
Программирование на С, С++
Apprendimento Automatico In Azione
Maschinelles Lernen In Aktion
Aprendizagem De Máquina Em Ação
Совершенный алгоритм. Жадные алгоритмы и динамическое программирование
Head First. Изучаем Go
Java Concurrency на практике
Чистый Agile. Основы гибкости
Краткое содержание книги: Психбольница в руках пациентов. Алан Купер
Adaptive Interaction
Мобилизация. Как создать приложение, которым будут пользоваться
Основы нейросетей
Грокаем технологию Биткоин
CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide
Как хорошему разработчику не стать плохим менеджером
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