Страница 12 из 26
Computer System Design. System-on-Chip
Codecharts. Roadmaps and blueprints for object-oriented programs
Lean Architecture. for Agile Software Development
Modeling and Optimization of Air Traffic
Raspberry Pi User Guide
Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications. Proceedings of the Workshops and the Doctorial Symposium of the I-ESA International Conference 2010
Software Testing. Concepts and Operations
Market-Oriented Grid and Utility Computing
Computer Architecture
Harnessing Green IT. Principles and Practices
IPv6 Deployment and Management
Sound Visualization and Manipulation
Reconciliation of Geometry and Perception in Radiation Physics
Phase-Field Methods in Materials Science and Engineering
Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering
Elements of Computational Systems Biology
Реактивные шаблоны проектирования (pdf+epub)
Микросервисы на платформе .NET (pdf+epub)
Java. Объектно-ориентированное программирование
HTML5 Games. Creating Fun with HTML5, CSS3, and WebGL
Assembly Language Programming. ARM Cortex-M3
System Design for Telecommunication Gateways
Static Analysis of Software. The Abstract Interpretation
Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision
Smashing HTML5
Design of Multithreaded Software. The Entity-Life Modeling Approach
DAFX. Digital Audio Effects
Architectures for Computer Vision. From Algorithm to Chip with Verilog
Reversible Computing. Fundamentals, Quantum Computing, and Applications
Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation. Model Replication and Monte Carlo Studies
Quantum Networking
CSS3 Foundations
A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV
Software Architecture 1
Safety of Computer Architectures
Software Architecture 2
Building Dependable Distributed Systems
Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming
Comparable Corpora and Computer-assisted Translation
Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes. Theory and Signal Processing Applications
The Art of Videogames
Compiler Construction Using Java, JavaCC, and Yacc
Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET
Software Metrics and Software Metrology
Practical Database Programming with Java
Semantic Web and Model-Driven Engineering
Изучаем Python. Программирование игр, визуализация данных, веб-приложения
Думай как программист. Креативный подход к созданию кода. C++ версия
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