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Adding dock icons


You can customize your dock with favorite applications, a document you update daily, or maybe a folder containing your favorite recipes. Use the dock for anything you need quick access to.

Adding an application, file, or folder to the dock is as easy as 1-2-3:

1 Open a Finder window that contains an application, a document file, or a folder you use frequently. You can also drag an icon — including a hard drive icon — from the desktop or any Finder window.

2 Click the item you want to add to the dock.As shown in Figure 3-4, I chose the TextEdit application. (It’s highlighted.)

3 Drag the icon out of the Finder window and onto the dock.The icons to the left and right of the new icon magically part to make room for it. Note that the dock icon isn’t the actual item. That item remains wherever it was — in a window or on the desktop. The icon you see in the dock is a shortcut that opens the item. I briefly mentioned aliases (known as shortcuts in the Windows world) earlier, but the icon on the dock is actually an alias of the icon you dragged onto the dock.Furthermore, when you remove an icon from the dock, as you find out how to do in a moment, you aren’t removing the actual application, document, or folder. You’re removing only its shortcut from the dock.

FIGURE 3-4: Adding an icon to the dock is as easy as 1-2-3. Just drag the icon onto the dock.

Folder, disk, document, and URL icons must sit on the right side of the divider line in the dock; application icons must sit on the left side of it. Why does the dock force these rules upon you? I suppose that someone at Apple thinks this is what’s best for you. Who knows? But that’s the rule: apps on the left; folders, disks, documents, and URLs on the right.

As long as you follow the rule, you can add several items to either side of the divider line at the same time by selecting them all and dragging the group to that side of the dock. You can delete only one icon at a time from the dock, however.

Adding a URL to the dock works slightly differently. Here’s a quick way to add a URL to the dock:

1 Open Safari, and go to the page with a URL that you want to save in the dock.

2 Click the small icon that you find to the left of the URL in the address bar and drag it to the right side of the dividing line in the dock.

3 Release the mouse button when the icon is right where you want it in the dock.The icons in the dock slide over and make room, as shown in Figure 3-5, and the URL appears as a dock icon. From now on, when you click the URL icon that you moved to your dock, Safari opens to that page.

FIGURE 3-5: Drag the icon from Safari’s address bar to the right side of the dock.

If you open an item whose icon that normally doesn’t appear in the dock, and you want to keep its temporary icon in the dock permanently, you have two ways to tell it to stick around after you quit the program:

 Control-click (or click and hold down) and choose Options ⇒ Keep in Dock from the menu that pops up.

 Drag the icon (for an application that’s currently open) off and then back to the dock (or to a different position in the dock) without letting go of the mouse button.

macOS Monterey For Dummies

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