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Step 2: Finding your friends


Now that your profile picture is in place, it’s time to find your friends. Without friends, Facebook can feel a bit like going to an amusement park alone. Sure, the rides were fun and the food was greasy, but no one was there to appreciate it with you.

You have many ways to find friends on Facebook, as you discover in Chapter 8, along with understanding what friendship means on Facebook.

To find your friends, follow these steps:

1 Enter a name or email in the search field.Facebook might show you a drop-down list with possible matches. You can choose someone from the list or click the Return or Enter key to search for the name you typed in the search field.

2 Browse the results.Facebook shows you a list of people with exact or similar names to what you typed, as shown in Figure 2-3. To ensure that you’ve found the correct person, click the name and check out that person's timeline and profile picture.FIGURE 2-3: Find your friends early and often.

3 Use the filters in the left sidebar.If you’re looking for someone with a common name, the list of suggestions might seem endless. Never fear! Facebook gives you some handy-dandy filters in the left sidebar to narrow your search. Your options are to filter by Friends of Friends (particularly useful if you have mutual friends), City, Education, or Work.

4 Send a friend request.After you have determined that this is your friend, click the Add Friend icon to the right or below the person’s name.

5 Repeat, repeat, repeat.Keep searching and keep friending. We discuss more ways to find friends in Chapter 8, but this is a good way to get started. Depending on how you joined Facebook, you may see a few friend suggestions waiting for you below the friend search tool. These are people that Facebook thinks you may know. If you know them, great — go ahead and send a friend request. If not, you can click the Remove button to get rid of the suggestion. Sometimes, you might find friends in the search results but you don’t see an option to send them a friend request. If this is the case, they might have set their privacy to allow requests only from friends of friends or people who are already Facebook friends with someone that they’re Facebook friends with. Try sending them a message (see Chapter 9) to let them know you’d like to be Facebook friends.

Facebook For Dummies

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