Читать книгу Facebook For Dummies - Carolyn Abram - Страница 52

Adding More Friends


As a new user logging into Facebook, Facebook overwhelmingly seems to want you to do one thing — add more friends. You may be seeing the updates of friends in your News Feed, but you are almost certainly seeing previews of people you may know with big buttons prompting you to Add Friend. You may see these previews in your News Feed and even on your timeline.

Facebook finds people to recommend as friends based largely on the people you're already friends with. Each time you see a Person You May Know suggestion, you can choose to ignore the suggestion by clicking the tiny X in the upper-right corner or clicking the Add Friend button.

In general, especially when you're just starting out, we lean towards suggesting that you add everyone you know and care about as a friend. Family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, teammates, classmates — add ’em all. Adding more friends will make your News Feed more interesting, and Facebook will learn over time whom, exactly, you find most interesting.

On Facebook, friendships are reciprocal. You don’t officially become Facebook friends with someone until he or she has approved your friend request.

On the flip side, we do not recommend adding people you don’t like as friends. Yes, we mean that one person from your last job who was always super nice to you but secretly drove you insane. Or that second cousin twice removed who always asks you inappropriate questions about your love life. Don’t feel obligated to click Add Friend simply because you know someone.

Categories of people you may not want to add as friends are teachers, doctors, students, and other people you know and like but would like to maintain a more professional relationship with. Facebook is often a place where people are casual, let their (virtual) hair down, and don’t censor. It can be unsettling or even inappropriate to see your therapist venting about her patients or for your boss to see photos of you relaxing at the beach when you claimed you were home sick.

Chapter 8 provides much more information about the nuances of friendship and how to know whom to add.

Facebook For Dummies

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