Читать книгу Face Down... But God - Aletha V. Smithson - Страница 3


Endorsements for

Face Down…But God

Curtis Smith: Rec’d 1/7/2020

“Donnie Foster is a remarkable man who has led a life few can fathom. He deeply understands the power of God’s love and redemption and, rather than simply accept those gifts, he lives his life sharing them with everyone he meets. He is truly an inspirational Christian who sees his life as an opportunity to spread the hope and love of Jesus. Like me, I know you will be touched by Donnie’s story.” (His life story is told in the book Face Down: The Donnie Foster Story.)

-Curtis Smith | Corporate Director Community Engagement: Parkview Health

Jan. 8 at 2:15 PM

“Donnie Foster’s life is one of the most amazing stories God has ever written. Whenever he communicates, I want a front-row seat!”

-Dr. Mitch Kruse host of The Restoration Road with Mitch Kruse and author of Street Smarts from Proverbs and Restoration Road

Keith Busse, Rec’d 1/15/20

“Face Down: The Donnie Foster Story was a riveting read for me, as I finished it in two evenings. It does a great job of linking child abuse to early drug abuse, crime, and alcoholism. Redemption was finally found but, what a journey! Donnie’s new book, Face Down:…But God (Chapter Two of his life, if you will) lets you view the true rewards of a life of redemption and the mission God chose for Donnie, as he leads hard core alcoholics and drug addicts back to productive lives, families, and a new appreciation for God and His Son Jesus Christ.”

-Keith Busse; Retired CEO and Chairman of the Board of Steel Dynamics.

Troy Kiefer, final rec’d 2/5/2020

“Donnie’s life is not only a glorious example of how an acceptance of Jesus Christ can transform and save a single life, it is also an example of how the Lord can then use that individual and their story to save countless other lives as well. Donnie’s path in life, as heartbreaking as it was, has now been transformed by Jesus Christ into a beacon of spiritual light that likewise calls the lost and ‘the least of these’ to the same salvation in Christ. The Lord has used Donnie’s life to give people hope and to reach people who otherwise would not believe that freedom and salvation can be theirs.

“Donnie is passionate and focused on being led by the Lord to connect with that one individual who most needs to hear about the grace, mercy, and salvation of Jesus Christ. In working beside him, I have witnessed Donnie go where few others would go, endure conditions that few others would endure, in order to reach out to and love those that few others would even notice. He’s done these things for the sole purpose of offering them freedom, peace, and salvation in Jesus Christ! If you have ever said in response to the Lord, ‘I can’t!’ you need only to look to the gracious transformation of Donnie’s life from one of the lost into one of the Lord’s shepherds. He is living, loving proof that with the Lord as your guide and champion, YOU CAN!”

Troy Kiefer, Fort Wayne, Indiana Board Member, MISFITS Ministry, Inc.

(The final statement in the book Face Down: The Donnie Foster Story):

“His peace now floods my soul and is my hope.”

The last ten years: How God has changed everything

(Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals and organizations. Also, memories often differ when they are recalled by more than one party. Like Face Down: The Donnie Foster Story, written from Donnie’s memories, this is an account of the last 10 years of Donnie’s life. Memories are encoded differently by every individual based on many factors. Should there be differences in recollections by family or friends, because this is Donnie’s story, we are using Donnie’s memories. Also, in this account, we’ve chosen to use the real names of some of the people involved instead of the fictitious name they were given in Face Down. Those changes will be explained when necessary.)

Donnie and Kelly 2020

Face Down... But God

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