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Dr. Wyatt Mullinax

Sometimes I feel like the shoe salesman who led D.L. Moody to a personal relationship with Christ. God has given me so many wonderful opportunities to mentor men who, in turn, can reach so many other men that I could never effectively reach. Donnie Foster is one of those men.

God has given Donnie a ministry that allows him opportunities to reach men with whom most of us could never effectively relate. As I say of my own life’s conversion, I also say of Donnie’s: “It never ceases to amaze me what God can get out of a salvage yard once it is turned over to him.” He uses all past curses to become blessings. Perhaps that is why the Scriptures admonish us to “be careful, you may be entertaining angels unaware.” This may be because, when you first encounter these men with very deep needs, they appear to be more like fallen angels than angelic beings.

For me, I have to picture them with four words on their forehead: “FOR WHOM CHRIST DIED.” Then and only then can we be effective with them nor will this allow us to escape our challenge of fulfilling the great commission which is to proclaim to all men everywhere, the good news.

Dr. A.Wyatt Mullinax

Dr. Mullinax is a licensed Clinical Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist, Mental Health Counselor, Clinical Addiction Specialist, and Ordained Minister.

“Be ready with a meal or a bed

when it’s needed.

Why, some have extended hospitality

to angels without ever knowing it!

Regard prisoners

as if you were in prison with them.

Look on victims of abuse

as if what happened to them

had happened to you.”

(From Hebrews 13 MSG)

Face Down... But God

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