Читать книгу Face Down... But God - Aletha V. Smithson - Страница 6



(Some thoughts and phrases were taken from a message by Dr. Wyatt Mullinax at Broadway Christian Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana.)

Don’t ever question the presence of God anywhere, anytime. When God rescues a soul from the pit, he often chooses men and women whose lives have been tested or known very deep suffering. When God reforms a depraved and destitute life of pain or suffering, He gives that individual a new heart filled with His Spirit. Those individuals are often the strongest voices for God’s love because they’ve seen the depths of both sides of life. They’ve seen the black-and-white of life. When God rebuilds a life, it’s built on the strongest and most stable foundation this world will ever know.

The life of Donnie Foster testifies to that. Having been delivered by his sinful past by the blood of Jesus, he found the fringe benefits of hope, peace, grace, forgiveness, all enveloped in the unfailing love of Jesus. The Psalmist tells us in chapter 71:20 (NIV)

“Though you have made me see troubles,

many and bitter,

you will restore my life again;

from the depths of the earth

you will again bring me up.”

In Face Down: “But God” we see what God can do with a life changed by righteous mercies. Donnie lived the life of an addict but the pages that follow are his testimony to how God has transformed him and has used him to reach those most of us could never reach or might even be afraid to approach. His mission is to introduce them to the only One who can change their hearts and offer them a life of hope.

The Apostle Peter dared to go where no other mortal would go when Jesus told him to step out of the boat. In Donnie’s ministry, he goes where others won’t go or are afraid to go…to step out of the boat and trust Jesus. (Read this beautiful account in Matthew 14:22-31.)

Hope through Jesus Christ is abundant and “knowing God is with you stabilizes everything.”

Donnie’s mission is first to meet the individual right where they are, leading them to the Cross; never judging them but loving them and gently guiding them to a saving knowledge of Jesus and then mentoring them but most of all…Loving them with the love of Jesus.

Face Down... But God

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