Читать книгу Event Success - Alon Alroy - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Title Page



PART I: Why Events? CHAPTER 1: How We Got Here Overcoming a History of Inertia An Industry Ripe for Disruption A Temporary Pause and a Permanent Change A New Day Has Dawned Notes CHAPTER 2: Event Success in the Post-COVID-19 Era Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Virtual Events An Early Case Study A Chorus of Aha Moments Digital by Default CHAPTER 3: After the Storm The Event Impact Gap™

PART II: Data CHAPTER 4: The Age of Disruption The Attendee Experience CHAPTER 5: The Event Data Maturity Curve Identifying the Four Steps of Event Data Maturity Using Data to Make Events Outcome-Oriented CHAPTER 6: Reaching the Right Audience at the Right Time Informing Event Strategy Targeting Key Accounts Improving Attendee Engagement and Communication CHAPTER 7: SAPPHIRE NOW: A Case Study in Event Data Utilization From Grocery Stores to Meal Delivery Services Closing the Event Impact Gap™ with Data CHAPTER 8: With New Data Power Comes New Responsibility Protecting User Data Testing Organizer Resolve

PART III: Audience Engagement CHAPTER 9: Engagement in a Hybrid Era Improving Virtual Engagement in a Hybrid World CHAPTER 10: Choosing the Right Format for the Right Outcome Virtual Events In-Person Events Hybrid Events CHAPTER 11: Content Virtual Attendee Personas Breaking Through the Noise with Personalization Adding Production Value Bringing Audiences into the Conversation Using the Medium to Complement the Message Extending the Value of Content Through On-Demand Services CHAPTER 12: Community Building Community Through Virtual Events Taking a Seat at the Marketing Table Offering Can't-Miss Shared Experiences CHAPTER 13: Experience Design Designing Experiences That Attendees Actually Want Personalizing the Experience Designing Experiences Based on Outcomes Focusing on User Experience Sharing the Experience Harnessing the Wow Factor Humanizing Virtual and Hybrid Events Through Technology

PART IV: People and Process CHAPTER 14: The Rise of the Event Experience Manager Making the Transition The Event Experience Leaders of the Future Building Diverse and Inclusive Teams Elevating the Role of Event Professionals CHAPTER 15: New Skills for a New Title Data and Technology Applying Tech Industry Design Principles Sales and Marketing Human Resources Public Relations Digital Content Production Note CHAPTER 16: Soft Skills A Brief History of Soft Skills How the Pandemic Cemented the Value of Soft Skills Key Soft Skills for Event Experience Managers CHAPTER 17: The New Path for Event Professionals The Value of a Broader Skill Set Where Experience Counts CHAPTER 18: The Event Team of the Future The Virtual Events Team The In-Person Event Team The Hybrid Events Team

PART V: Technology CHAPTER 19: The Changing Event Technology Landscape Expansion and Consolidation Why Event Technology Matters CHAPTER 20: Choosing the Right Technology Partner Questions to Ask When Determining Event Technology Needs Save More Seats at the Negotiation Table Consider Depth, Breadth, and Experience Know Where You Land in the Data Ownership Debate Additional Considerations for Enterprise Companies What to Consider When Evaluating a Potential Event Technology Platform CHAPTER 21: What an Event Platform Can (and Can't) Do for You CHAPTER 22: Taking on the Future of Experiences The Immediate Future of Events This Is Our Moment

10  References

11  Acknowledgments

12  About Bizzabo

13  About the Authors Alon Alroy Eran Ben-Shushan Boaz Katz

14  Index

15  End User License Agreement



Title Page



Table of Contents

Begin Reading



About Bizzabo

10  About the Authors

11  Index

12  End User License Agreement








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Event Success

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