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3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift


The 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift represents your ability to safely and effectively lift heavy loads from the ground. You use a 40- to 60-pound hex bar and weighted plates to demonstrate your strength through the MDL. You use a lot of muscles on this exercise — primarily those in your legs, forearms, and back. Figure 2-1 shows the muscles the MDL targets.

© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

FIGURE 2-1: Muscles used in the 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift.

The starting position for the MDL is inside the hex bar with your feet about shoulder-width apart. This event has three phases of movement:

 Preparatory: On the command of “Get set,” step into the hex bar, bend at your knees and hips, and grasp the center of each handle. Extend your arms fully, keep your back flat, and keep your head in line with your spine. Keep your head and eyes to the front (or slightly upward) and your heels on the ground. All your reps begin from this position.

 Upward movement: On the command of “Go,” stand up and lift the bar by extending your hips and knees. Your hips can’t rise before or above your shoulders, and your back should remain straight. Stand up straight and pause slightly to reset your spine.

 Downward movement: After you pause at the top, flex your hips and knees slowly to lower the bar to the ground. Control your movement the entire time and keep your back straight. Don’t let go of the bar! The weight plates have to touch the ground before you start the next repetition.

You have to execute three continuous reps with the same weight. If you lose control of the hex bar, you can retest at a lower weight — but you only get one additional chance. If you successfully complete three reps on your first try, you can choose to take another attempt at a higher weight. If you fail at the higher weight, no big deal; your grader counts your lower-weight score instead.

Whether to try the MDL at a higher weight after you successfully lift a lower weight is up to you. However, like the old APFT, saving some energy may be wise if you know you’re going to struggle with one or more of the following five events.

Your grader can call out a safety violation. For example, if you allow your knees to move together, round your back or shoulders, or lose your balance, he or she can stop the event and tell you to go to another lane with a lower weight. If your grader sends you to another lane, it doesn’t count against you.

Stay safe when you’re lifting the hex bar. Don’t move your hips above your shoulders, don’t round your shoulders, and keep an eye on your knees — don’t let them collapse inward. Keep your movements controlled and avoid dropping the weights on the ground.

The big scores to remember on the MDL: 140 pounds for 60 points, 180 pounds for 65 points, and 200 pounds for 70 points. Want to max it out? Slap 340 pounds on your bar for 100 points.

ACFT For Dummies

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