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Body Mass Index (BMI)


Although you do not have to be overweight to be insulin resistant, being overweight and having a high proportion of body fat are significant risk factors for Insulin Resistance and heart disease. For this reason, it is helpful to work out your Body Mass Index, or BMI. There are two groups of people for whom a BMI reading is not always helpful or accurate, namely:

Athletes and those of a muscular build: it may overestimate body fat.

Older persons and others who have lost muscle mass: it may underestimate body fat.

Generally speaking, though, your BMI is a reliable indicator of your total body fat.

Work out your BMI by using the BMI table (see Resources). If you need help with assessing your BMI number, please talk to your doctor, who can work it out for you.

My BMI No.:


The Insulin Factor: Can’t Lose Weight? Can’t Concentrate? Can’t Resist Sugar? Could Syndrome X Be Your Problem?

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