Читать книгу The Insulin Factor: Can’t Lose Weight? Can’t Concentrate? Can’t Resist Sugar? Could Syndrome X Be Your Problem? - Antony Haynes - Страница 15

Part three – Diet Scoring this part of the questionnaire


Each ‘yes’ answer scores one point. Please note that if you smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day, then you score one point three times for the smoking-related questions. The same principle applies to the alcohol, water intake and vegetable intake questions.

Do you now or have you ever in the past:

1 Eat refined carbohydrates (e.g. white bread, white rice, sugar)?

2 Eat hidden sugars in foods or drinks?

3 Regularly eat large meals?

4 Smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day?

5 Smoke more than 8 cigarettes a day?

6 Smoke cigarettes every day or more than 10 a week?

7 Drink caffeinated drinks (with or without sugar) (e.g. coffee or cola drinks)?

8 Drink more than four cups of tea a day (with or without sugar)?

9 Drink more than 2 units/glasses of alcohol a day?

10 Drink more than 4 units/glasses of alcohol a day?

11 Eat fried food more than once a week?

12 Eat barbecued food more than once a month?

13 Eat processed foods regularly, including microwave or oven meals?

14 Eat protein foods (e.g. fish, white meats, eggs, meats) less than 3 times a week?

15 Are you a vegan (no meat or dairy products)?

16 Drink more than two glasses of fruit or vegetable juice a day?

17 Seldom eat oily fish, nuts and seeds? (see chapter 6)

18 Eat less than one portion of fresh vegetables a day?

19 Eat less than two portions of fresh vegetables a day?

20 Eat two meals a day or less?

21 Eat just one meal a day?

22 Drink less than three glasses of water a day?

23 Drink less than five glasses of water a day?

24 Drink less than eight glasses of water a day?

Score out of 24 =

The Insulin Factor: Can’t Lose Weight? Can’t Concentrate? Can’t Resist Sugar? Could Syndrome X Be Your Problem?

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