Читать книгу The Mind-Body Cure - Bal Pawa - Страница 29



As humans, we are products of what we think, believe, and feel—and the mind rather than the brain is at the center of these. Thoughts are the language of the mind. Established thoughts become beliefs, and they are the language of our mindset and the way we see the world. Feelings are the language of the body. To change how we feel, we must change our thoughts and beliefs.

Our mind manufactures 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day! Many of those are automatic responses embedded in our subconscious and they underlie our belief systems and our mindset. Think about that for a minute. If we could consciously harness all of those thoughts for health, just think how powerful that could be. The key to healing illness rests on staying alert and observing our automatic thoughts, and if these are negative, then we need to actively create new, better thoughts that serve our body. When repeated, virtually experienced, and “felt,” these beliefs become embedded in our subconscious mind and become our new automatic thoughts. This is the ultimate “shift” that occurs in mindset and sets us in motion toward healing or better health.

The Mind-Body Cure

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