Читать книгу Cooking Without Made Easy: All recipes free from added gluten, sugar, yeast and dairy produce - Barbara Cousins - Страница 25

My lack of self-worth


My parents were basically good people who loved me in their own way, and they were doing what they thought was their best. However, their attitudes to parenting were based on their own dysfunctional upbringings. They were very money orientated—to them, money in the bank equalled security. I had very few toys or books, the most basic of clothes and the home didn’t contain any of life’s luxuries. I remember birthdays and Christmases with nothing to open—instead my parents put money in a bank account for when we were older. We never had a Christmas tree or bedtime stories; I didn’t go on holiday or have friends to stay. The message that I constantly received as a child was that I didn’t matter but money did. Self-worth was one of the lessons my soul obviously came here to learn.

Cooking Without Made Easy: All recipes free from added gluten, sugar, yeast and dairy produce

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