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Jane’s story


Jane was a client of mine. She was married with two boys and had what she considered a good marriage. Jane was a carershe loved looking after her home and family and never complained. Her husband had his own business and worked long hours, but he was a good father and always found time for the boys. He would take them to football matches or play with them on the computer and had built up a good relationship with his sons. However, the family didn’t do many things togetherthey rarely went out for the day or to the seaside or even on holiday. Jane would often entertain her husband’s work colleagues, despite the fact that she didn’t like some of them. She also did the book keeping for the business because it helped out and saved the company money, rather than because she enjoyed it.

Jane had started taking antidepressants in order to cope with her father’s long illness and subsequent death. The drugs helped her to suppress the emotions she needed to work through, many of which stemmed from the lack of support she was receiving. She came to me to help her come off the antidepressant. However, each time she cut down the amount she was taking she became anxious. This was caused by mental and emotional toxicity that she needed to work through and leave behind. Irrational feelings make sense when we understand what’s behind them, therefore I suggested that she came regularly for support in order to begin to work through the issues at the root of her anxiety. Unfortunately, this never happened as Jane always managed to cancel her next appointment before we’d done any constructive work. In her heart, though, Jane knew that this was the right way forward and would arrive back in my consulting room six months down the line, back on the full amount of antidepressants. We’d then start the process again, only for her to give up yet again.

Eventually, the drugs were not sufficient and Jane started to turn to alcohol. She enjoyed a glass of wine and considered it a treat, but what had been an occasional tipple became a daily necessity, something that she turned to whenever she felt anxious, uncomfortable, unloved or put upon. As a result, the emotions that were trying to come to the surface were suppressed yet again.

Then one day Jane met someone else, had an affair and moved out of the family home. Everyone was shocked, including Jane. She couldn’t understand what was happening to her; what this compulsion was that was dragging her away from what she thought was a good marriage. She said that she hadn’t minded always being there and looking after everyone, yet the man she had met was giving her all the things that she’d never had in her marriage: weekends away, days out, holidays, fun, time for her, and support. Jane had used drugs and alcohol over the years to suppress the real her. She had tapped into one side of her personality, the carer, but had ignored a part of her soul that was crying out for attention.

Unfortunately, the story doesn’t have a happy ending. Eventually, Jane’s husband took the opportunity to move to America and the boys decided to go with him. They never forgave their mother for breaking up their home. And so Jane gained and lost a great deal.

It’s not for me to judge if Jane did the right thing. Only her soul knows if she is on the right path, but I can’t help wondering what would have happened if Jane had been able to stay with the diet and detoxification.

The last few case histories have been about women getting in touch with their feelings and having sufficient power to act upon them, but I haven’t yet talked about men. At present, the world is going through a great metamorphosis and this is affecting men as well as women. In the past, women were seen as nurturers and men as achievers. Now this is changing and the change is causing a lot of confusion, pain and loneliness. Men and women are becoming more androgynous and becoming whole within themselves – sometimes receptive, sometimes assertive. Relationships between men and women are changing to one of mutual understanding, companionship and growth. We are learning to talk to each other as equals and human beings instead of trying to fit into stereotypical male and female roles.

The patriarchal domination of the world is hopefully coming to an end. The feminine represents the kind of power we need in order to overcome the warmongering, empire-building greed that is bringing our planet to the edge of extinction. The fear and disrespect of the feminine emerges from a fear and distrust of one’s own feelings. There is no room in a male-dominated system for them. If one really felt the effects of one’s actions—whether the act is suppressing a race, abusing a child or allowing starvation to occur—most people could not continue to live with the internal conflict it would cause.

Fortunately, many men today are starting to become aware of their feminine side and are more ready to show their feelings. They are letting go of control and starting to respond from their hearts. They are learning to tap into a higher spiritual power and flow with their intuition.

Cooking Without Made Easy: All recipes free from added gluten, sugar, yeast and dairy produce

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