Читать книгу The Great Dictionary Dutch - English - Benjamin Maximilian Eisenhauer - Страница 14
ОглавлениеC {noun, symbol} C c {abbreviation, noun} C C grote terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} C major c kleine terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} C minor C+ {symbol} C aug | C+ C++ C++ C- {symbol} Cdim C-7 {symbol} Cm7-5 C-groot [/se'ɣrot/] {abbreviation, noun} C major C-grootakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C major chord C-grotetertstoonaard {noun} C major scale C-grotetertstoonladder {noun} C-major scale C-grotetertstoonschaal {noun} C major scale C-grotetertstoonsoort {noun} C major scale c-klein [/se'klɛɪn/] {abbreviation, noun} C minor c-kleinakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C minor chord c-kleinetertstoonaard {noun} C minor scale c-kleinetertstoonladder {noun} C-minor scale c-kleinetertstoonschaal {noun} C minor scale C-majeur [/se'ɣrot/] {abbreviation, noun} C major C-majeurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C major chord C-majeurtoonaard {noun} C major scale C-majeurtoonladder {noun} C-major scale C-majeurtoonschaal {noun} C-major scale C-majeurtoonsoort {noun} C major scale c-mineur [/se'klɛɪn/] {abbreviation, noun} C minor c-mineurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C minor chord c-mineurtoonaard {noun} C minor scale c-mineurtoonladder {noun} C-minor scale c-mineurtoonschaal {noun} C minor scale c-sleutel {noun} C-clef C-toonladder {noun} C-major scale C6 {symbol} C6 C7 {symbol} C7 ca. {abbreviation} ca. cabaret [/ˌkɑbɑˈrɛ(t)/] {noun} cabaret cabaretier {noun} entertainer cabine {noun} stall cabinepersoneel {noun} cabin crew | flight attendants cabinet booth cableren cable cabotage {noun} cabotage cabrio {noun} cabriolet cabriolet {noun} cabriolet cacao [/kakaˈoː/ | /kaˈkɑu/] {noun} cocoa | cacao cacaoboom [/kɑˈkʌʊbom] {noun} cacaotree cacaoboon {noun} cacaobean cacaoboter {noun} cacao butter cacaomot {noun} cacao moth cacaopoeder {noun} cocoa powder | cocoa solids cachaça {noun} cachaça cachetteren {verb} seal cachexie {noun} cachexia cachot {noun} prison cachou cashew cactus {noun} cactus cactusvijg {noun} prickly pear cadans {noun} rhythm cadaverine cadaverine Caddo {noun} Caddo Caddotalen {properNoun} Caddoan languages cadeau [/kaˈdoː/] {noun} present | gift cadeaubon {noun} gift card Cadibarrawirracannameer {properNoun} Lake Cadibarrawirracanna cadmium {noun} cadmium Caelum {properNoun} Caelum Caesar {properNoun} Caesar caesar {noun} dictator | emperor | ruler caesarsalade Caesar salad cafetaria {noun} cafeteria cafeïne {noun} caffeine | caffein café [/kɑ'fe/] {noun} café | cafe | coffee-house | pub cahier {noun} notebook caisson {noun} caisson caissonziekte {noun} caisson disease cake {noun} cake cakevorm {noun} cake tin cala [/ˈka.la/ | /ˈkaː.la/] {noun} cove Calabrisch {noun} Calabrese Calabrië Calabria calamiteit {noun} calamity calciet {noun} calcite calcificatie {noun} calcification calcinatie {noun} calcination calcineren {verb} calcinate calcium {noun} calcium calciumantagonist {noun} calcium channel blocker calciumcarbid {noun} calcium carbide calciumcarbonaat {noun} calcium carbonate calciumhydroxide calcium hydroxide calciumoxide calcium oxide calciurie {noun} calciuria calciëmie {noun} calcaemia calculatie {noun} calculation calculator [/kɑlkʏˈlatɔr/] {noun} calculator calculeren {verb} calculate Calcutta {properNoun} Calcutta Caledonisch {adjective} caledonian Caledonische {adjective, noun} Caledonian Caledonië {properNoun} Caledonia | Scotland Caledoniër {noun} caledonian caleidoscoop {noun} kaleidoscope Calicoet Kozhikode calicokat calico calicot {noun} calico Calicut Kozhikode Californisch {adjective} californian californische kuifkwartel California quail Californische zeeleeuw {noun} California Sea Lion californium {noun} californium Californië {properNoun} California Californiër {noun} californian calixtijn Utraquist callcenter {noun} call center Callovien Callovian calorie {noun} calorie caloriearm {adjective} low calorie calorimetrie {noun} calorimetry calque {noun} calque calqueren {verb} trace calvados {noun} calvados Calvincyclus [/ˈkɛɫvɪnˌsiklʏs/] {noun} Calvin cycle calvinisme {noun} calvinism calymmium [/kaˈlɪmijʏm/] {noun} Calymmian calypso {noun} calypso Caló {noun} Caló cam webcam cambio {noun} bill of exchange | draft Cambodja [/kɑm.ˈbɔ.dja/ | /kɑm.ˈbɔ.tʃa/] {properNoun} Cambodia Cambodjaan {noun} Cambodian Cambodjaans {adjective, noun} cambodian Cambodjaanse {adjective, noun} cambodian woman Cambridge {properNoun} Cambridge Cambrische explosie Cambrian explosion cambrium [/ˈkɑmbrijʏm/] {noun} Cambrian camcorder {noun} camcorder camee {noun} cameo camera [/ˈkaməˌra/] {noun} camera cameraman {noun} cameraman camion [/kamiˈjɔn/] {noun} truck camionette {noun} van camioneur {noun} truck driver camouflage {noun} camouflage camoufleren [/kɑmuflerən/] {verb} camouflage campagne [/kɑmˈpɑɲə/] {noun} campaign Campanië Campania campanologie {noun} campanology campanula {noun} Canterbury bell | bellflower Campidanees {noun} Campidanese Campidanesisch Sardisch {noun} Campidanese | Campidanese Sardinian | Campidese | Sardu | South Sardinian camping [/ˈkɑmpɪŋ/ | /ˈkɛmpɪŋ/] {noun} campsite | camping ground campos-mierklauwier silvery-cheeked antshrike campus [/ˈkɑmpʏs/] {noun} campus Canada [/ˈka.na.da/ | /ˈkɑ.nɑ.da/] {properNoun} Canada Canadees {adjective, noun} Canadian Canadees-Frans Canadian Canadese {adjective, noun} Canadian Canadese kraanvogel sandhill crane canaille {noun} scum canapé {noun} couch canard [ka'nar] {noun} canard Canarische Eilanden {properNoun} Canary Islands Canberra {properNoun} Canberra cancelen {verb} cancel candela {noun} candela candidiasis {noun} candidiasis cannabis {noun} cannabis Canne Cannae canneleren {verb} groove cannelure {noun} cannelure Cannizzaro-reactie Cannizzaro reaction canofobie [/ka.no.fo.ˈbi/] {noun} cynophobia canon [/'ka.nɔn/] {noun} round canonicaat {noun} canonicate | canonry canoniek [/ˌka.no.ˈnik/] {adjective} canonical | authoritative | standard canoniseren {verb} canonize canonisering {noun} canonisation Cantabrië {properNoun} Cantabria cantate {noun} cantata cantharel [/ˌkɑntaˈrɛɫ/] {noun} chanterelle cantorij {noun} choir canule {noun} cannula canvas {noun, verb} canvas CAO {noun} collective agreement capabel [/kɑˈpabəl/] {adjective} capable capaciteit [/kapasiˈtɛit/] {noun} capacity capaciteiten {noun} capacity Capella {properNoun} Capella capibara [/ˌkapiˈbaːra/] {noun} capybara capillair {adjective, noun} capillary capillariteit [/ˌka.pɪ.la.ri.ˈtɛɪ̯t/] {noun} capillarity Capitanien Capitanian Capitolijn Capitoline Hill capitonneren {verb} pad Capitool Capitol capitulatie {noun} capitulation capituleren {verb} capitulate Capiznon {noun} Capiznon capoeira [/kapu'ɪ:ra/] {noun} capoeira capoeirista [/kapuɪ:'rista/] {noun} capoeirista capotje condom Cappadocië Cappadocia cappuccino {noun} cappuccino capraat {noun} caprate Capri {properNoun} Capri capriblauw {adjective, noun} capri blue capricieus {adjective} versatile caprilinezuur {noun} caprylic acid caprinezuur {noun} capric acid capriolen {noun} caprice capriool [//] {noun} shenanigan capronaat {noun} capronate capronzuur {noun} caproic acid | acide caproïque caprylaat {noun} caprylate capsicum capsicum capsule {noun} capsule captcha {noun} captcha capteren {verb} capture capuchon [/ˌka.py.ˈʃɔ̃ː/ | /ˌkɑ.py.ˈʃɔn/] {noun} hood caracal {noun} caracal | Persian lynx Caracalla Caracalla Caracas [/karákas/] {properNoun} Caracas caracole {noun} snail carambola star fruit carambole [/karɑm'bol/] {noun} carambola carapax carapace caravan {noun} caravan Caraïben [/karaˈʔibə(n)/] {properNoun, noun} Caribbean Caraïbisch {adjective, noun} caribbean Caraïbisch-Hindoestani Caribbean Hindustani Caraïbische Zee Caribbean Sea carbamazepine {noun} carbamazepine carbid {noun} calcium carbide carbide {noun} carbide carbidgas {noun} acetylene carbidlamp {noun} carbide lamp carbolineum {noun} creosote carbon- carboxylic carbonaat {noun} carbonate carbonade carbonado carbonado carbonado carboniseren {verb} carbonize carbonpapier {noun} carbon paper | carbon-paper carbonzuur {adjective, noun} carboxylic acid carboon [/kɑrˈbon/] {noun} Carboniferous carborundum {noun} carborundum | cilicon carbide carburateur {noun} carburetor carburatie {noun} carburation carburator {noun} carburetor carbuur {noun} calcium carbide carcinogeen {adjective, noun} carcinogenic carcinoom {noun} carcinoma cardan {noun} cardan cardanas {noun} cardan shaft | propeller shaft cardiaal {adjective} cardiac Cardiff Cardiff cardigan {noun} cardigan cardio- {prefix} cardio- cardiogeen {adjective} cardiogenic cardiograaf {noun} cardiograph | cardiographer cardiogram {noun} cardiogram | electrocardiogram cardiologie [/kɑrdijolo'xi/] {noun} cardiology cardiologisch {adjective} cardiological cardioloog [/kɑrdijo'lox/] {noun} cardiologist cardiomegalie {noun} cardiomegaly cardiomyopathie [/ˌkɑr .di .jo ˌmi .jo .pa ˈti/] {noun} cardiomyopathy cardiopathie {noun} cardiopathy cardiopulmonaal {adjective} cardiopulmonary cardiorespiratoir {adjective} cardiorespiratory cardioselectief {adjective} cardioselective cardiotonisch {adjective} cardiotonic cardiotoxisch {adjective} cardiotoxic cardiovasculair {adjective} cardiovascular cargadoor {noun} shipbroker cargo {noun} freight Cariben {properNoun} Caribbean Caribisch {adjective} caribbean Caribisch Nederland {properNoun} Caribbean Netherlands Caribische Zee {properNoun} Caribbean Sea carillon {noun} carillon carillonist {noun} carilloneur cariës {noun} caries | tooth decay carjacking {noun} car-jacking | carjacking | carnapping carkit {noun} carkit carnaal {adjective} carnal carnatie carnation carnaubawas carnauba carnaval {noun} carnival carnivoor [/kɑrniˈvor/] {noun} carnivore Carolina-winterkoning Carolina wren caroteen {noun} carotene carotenoïde {noun} carotenoid carpaccio {noun} carpaccio Carpaletunnel carpal tunnel Carpaletunnelsyndroom carpal tunnel syndrome carpoolen [/ˈkɑ:rpu:lən/] {verb} carpool carpooler {noun} carpooler carpooling {noun} car pooling carrier [/'kɛrijər/] {noun} carrier carrière {noun} career carrosserie {noun} body carrousel {noun} carousel | merry-go-round | carrousel carré {noun} four of a kind Cartagena {properNoun} Cartagena carter {noun} sump cartesiaans assenstelsel Cartesian coordinate cartesisch Cartesian cartesisch product Cartesian product Carthaags Carthaginian Carthager {noun} carthaginian Carthago {properNoun} Carthage cartograaf {noun} cartographer cartografie {noun} cartography cartotheek {noun} card index cartouche {noun} cartouche cartularium {noun} cartulary carwash {noun} carwash Casablanca Casablanca Casanova Don Juan casanova {noun} Casanova cascade {noun} waterfall casco {noun} shell casestudy {noun} case study casework {noun} case-work | social service | welfare work cash {adjective, noun, verb} cash cashew {noun} cashew cashewnoot {noun} cashew-nut casino {noun} casino cassatie {noun} annulment cassave {noun} cassava casselerrib {noun} pickled loin of pork casseren {verb} annul cassette {noun} cassette cassetteband {noun} cassette tape cassettedeck {noun} cassette deck cassettespeler {noun} cassette player cassonade {noun} soft brown sugar cast {noun, verb} cast castagnet {noun} castanet castagnetten {noun} castanet Castelnau-mierklauwier Castelnau's antshrike casten {verb} casting Castiliaans {adjective, noun} Castilian Castilië {properNoun} Castile Castilië en León {properNoun} Castile and León Castilië zeep Castile soap Castilië-La Mancha {properNoun} Castile-La Mancha casting {noun} cast castoreum castoreum castraat {noun} castrato castraatzanger castrato castratie {noun} castration castrato castrato castreren {verb} castrate casus {noun} case casuïstiek {noun} casuistry CAT {noun} CAT cataclysme {noun} cataclysm cataclystisch cataclysmic catacombe {noun} catacomb Catalaan {noun} Catalan Catalaans {adjective, noun} Catalan Catalaanse {adjective, noun} Catalan Catalaansheid Catalanness catalepsie {noun} catalepsy catalogiseren {verb} catalogue catalogus [/kɑ'talogəs/] {noun} catalogue Catalonië {properNoun} Catalonia cataloog {noun} catalogue catamaran {noun} catamaran cataplasma poultice cataract {noun} cataract catarre {noun} catarrh catastrofaal [/ˌkatɑstroˈfal/] {adjective} catastrophic catastrofe {noun} catastrophe catcher {noun} catcher catchphrase catchphrase catecheet {noun} catechist catechismus {noun} catechism catechist {noun} catechist catechumeen {noun} catechumen categorie {noun} category categorisatie {noun} categorization | categorisation categorisch {adjective, adverb} peremptory categoriseren {verb} categorization Cathaar Cathar Cathaars Catharist Catharijne Catherine catharsis {noun} cathartic catwalk {noun} catwalk caudaal {adjective} caudal causaal {adjective} causal causalisme causalism causaliteit {noun} causality cause célèbre cause célèbre caustic soda lye causticus {noun} caustic caustische soda lye cauterisatie {noun} cauterization cauteriseren {verb} cauterize cava [/ˈkava/] {noun} cava cavalcade {noun} cavalcade cavalerie {noun} cavalry cavia {noun} guinea pig caviteit {noun} cavity cayennepeper {noun} cayenne Cayuga {noun} Cayuga Caïro {properNoun} Cairo cd {noun} CD cd-rom {noun} CD-ROM cd-speler {noun} CD player Cdim {symbol} Cdim7 cDNA [/se.de.jɛ.na/] {noun} cDNA CEA central simple algebra Cebuano {noun} Cebuano cedent {noun} assignor ceder [/ˈsedər/] {noun} cedar cederen {adjective, verb} accommodate cederhout {noun} cedarwood cedille {noun} cedilla ceel {noun} lease | list cefalalgie {noun} cephalalgia ceintuur {noun} belt cel [/sɛl/] {noun} cell celadon celadon celbiologie {noun} cell biology celdeling {noun} cell division celdodend {adjective} cell-killing celdood {noun} cell death celebreren {verb} celebrate celesta {noun} celesta celfysiologie {noun} cell physiology celibatair {adjective, noun} bachelor | celibate celinhoud {noun} cell contents celkern [/sɛlkɛrən/] {noun} nucleus cellijn {noun} cell line | cell-line cellist {noun} cellist cello {noun} cello cellulair [/sɛ.ly.ˈlɛːr/] {adjective} cellular cellulitis {noun} cellulitis celluloid {noun} celluloid cellulose [/ˌsɛ.ly.ˈlo.zə/] {noun} cellulose celmembraan {noun} cell membrane Celsius {properNoun} Celsius celstof {noun} cellulose Celtiberen Celtiberian celvocht {noun} cell sap celwagen {noun} prison van celwand [/sɛlʋɑnd/] {noun} cell wall cement {noun, verb} cement cementeren {verb} cement cementfabriek {noun} cement factory | cement plant cementgrijs {adjective, noun} cement grey cementmolen {noun} cement mill CEN {noun} European Committee for Standardization (ECS) Cenomanien Cenomanian cenotaaf {noun} cenotaph cenote cenote Cenozoïcum [/senoˈzowikʏm/] {noun} Cenozoic cenozoïcum [/senoˈzowikʏm/] {noun} Cenozoic censor {noun} censor censureren {verb} censor | censurer censuur [/sɛnˈsyr/, /sɛnˈzyr/] {noun} censorship cent [/sɛnt/] {noun} cent centaur {noun} centaur centeren {verb} centring centi- {prefix} centi- centime {noun} centime centimeter [/'sɛntiˌmetər/] {noun} centimeter | centimetre centimorgan centimorgan centraal {adjective} central Centraal Mazahua {noun} Central Mazahua Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek [/sɛn.ˌtral.a.fri.ˌkan.sə.re.py.ˈblik/ | /sɛn.ˌtral.ɑ.fri.ˌkans.re.pʏ.ˈbliːk/ | /sɛn.ˌtraɫ.a.fri.ˌkan.sə.re.py.ˈblik/] {properNoun} Central African Republic Centraal-Amerika {properNoun} Central America Centraal-Amerindische talen {properNoun} Central American Indian languages Centraal-Azië Central Asia Centraal-Bikol {noun} Central Bikol Centraal-Koerdisch {noun} Central Kurdish | Kurdi | Sorani | Soranî | Soranî Kurdish Centraal-Maleis-Polynesische talen {properNoun} Central Malayo-Polynesian languages Centraal-Masela {noun} Central Masela Centraal-Mazahua {noun} Central Mazahua Centraal-Soedanese talen {properNoun} Central Sudanic languages centrale {adjective, noun} exchange | power station centrale enkelvoudige algebra central simple algebra centrale verwarming {noun} central heating centrale verwerkingseenheid central processing unit Centrale Vlakte Central Plain centralisatie {noun} centralization centraliseren {verb} centralize centreren {verb} centre centrifugaal {adjective} centrifugal centrifugaalkoppeling {noun} centrifugal clutch centrifugaalpomp {noun} centrifugal pump centrifuge {noun} separator | spindryer centrifugeren {verb} centrifuge | separate centriool [/ˌsɛntriˈol/] {noun} centriole centrosoom {noun} centrosome centrum {noun} center | centre centurie {noun} century centurio {noun} centurion centurion {noun} centurion CEO [/siʔiˈjo/] {noun} CEO Cepheus Cepheus ceramiek {noun} ceramics ceramist {noun} artisan | ceramicist | potter cerberus {noun} cerberus cerebellair {adjective} cerebellar cerebraal {adjective} cerebral cerebrale parese cerebral palsy cerebrospinaal {adjective} cerebrospinal cerebrovasculair {adjective} cerebrovascular ceremonie {noun} ceremony ceremonieel {adjective, noun} ceremonial ceremoniemeester {noun} master of ceremonies cerium {noun} cerium ceriumhoudend {adjective} ceriferous certificaat [/ˌsɛrtifiˈkat/] {noun} certificate certificatie {noun} caption certificeren {verb} certify cerumen [/səˈrymɛn/] {noun} cerumen cervelaat {noun} cervelat cervelaatworst {noun} cervelat cervicaal {adjective} cervical cervix {noun} cervix cervix uteri {noun} cervix uteri cervixkapje cervical cap ces {noun} C-flat | C-flat minor Ces grote terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} C flat major ces kleine terts {phraseologicalUnit} C flat minor Ces-grootakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C-flat major chord Ces-grotetertstoonladder {noun} C-flat major scale ces-kleinakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C flat minor chord ces-kleinetertstoonaard {noun} C flat minor scale ces-kleinetertstoonladder {noun} C-flat minor scale Ces-majeur {noun} C-flat major Ces-majeurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C-flat major chord Ces-majeurtoonaard {noun} C flat major scale Ces-majeurtoonladder {noun} C-flat major scale Ces-majeurtoonschaal {noun} C-flat major scale ces-mineurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C flat minor chord ces-mineurtoonladder {noun} C-flat minor scale ces-mineurtoonschaal {noun} C-flat minor scale ceses {noun} C-double flat cesium {noun} caesium | cesium cesseren {verb} cease cessie {noun} assignment | cessione cessionaris {noun} assignee cesuur {noun} caesura Ceuta {properNoun} Ceuta Ceylon {properNoun} Ceylon cf. cf. cfk {noun} chlorofluorocarbon chador {noun} chador Chagatai {noun} Chagatai chagrijn {noun} chagrin chagrijnig [/ʃɑˈɣrɛɪnəɣ/] {adjective} grumpy | bad tempered chaise longue chaise longue Chakma {noun} Chakma chakra {noun} chakra chala [/xaˈla/] {noun} challah Chaldea {properNoun} Chaldea Chaldeeuws-Katholieke Kerk Chaldean Catholic Church chalet {noun} chalet challe [/ˈxɑlə/] {noun} challah challenger {noun} combatant | contender | opponent chameets [/xaˈmets/] {noun} chametz Chamische talen {properNoun} Chamic languages champagne [/ʃɑmˈpɑɲə/] {adjective, noun} champagne champignon [/ˌʃɑmpiˈjɔn/] {noun} cultivated mushroom Chandigarh {properNoun} Chandigarh Changhsingien Changhsingian Chanoeka [/'xɑnuka/] {noun} Hanukkah chanoekia [/xanukiˈja/] {noun} hanukkiah chanoekia's [/xaˈnukijas/] {noun} hanukkiahs chanoekiot [/xanukiˈjɔt/] {noun} hanukkiahs chanson {noun} chanson chantage {noun} blackmail chanten {verb} chant chanteren {verb} blackmail Chanty-Mansiejsk Khanty-Mansiysk chaoe chaos theory chaos [/ˈxaɔs/] {noun} chaos chaostheorie {noun} chaos theory chaotisch {adjective} chaotic chape {noun} clevis chaperonne {noun} chaperon | duenna chaperonneren {verb} chaperon | squire chapiter {noun} chapter Chapmam-mierklauwier Chapman's antshrike charade {noun} charade Charel Charles charge {noun, verb} charge chargeren {verb} attack charisma {noun} charisma charismatisch {adjective} charismatic charitas {noun} charity charitatief {adjective} philanthropic charivari {noun} charivari charlatan {noun} charlatan | imposter Charleroi Charleroi charleston {noun} charleston charmant {adjective} charming charme [/sjarme/] {noun} charm charmeren {verb} charm charmeur {noun} charmer charmeuse {noun} enchantress charoset [/xa'rɔsɛt/] {noun} haroseth charouses [/xaˈrɑusəs/] {noun} haroseth charter {noun, verb} charter | charter flight | charterparty charteren {verb} charter chartervlucht {noun} charter flight chartularium cartulary chassidisch [/χɑˈsidis/] {adjective} Hasidic | Hassidic chassidisme [/χɑsiˈdɪsmə/] {noun} Hasidism | Hassidism chassied [/χɑˈsit/] {noun} Hassid | Hassidic Jew chassis {noun} chassis chat {noun, verb} chat chateau {noun} castle | château chatelaine chatelaine chatsjapoeri khachapuri chatten [/ˈtʃɑtə(n)/ | /ˈtʃɛtə(n)/] {verb} chat Chattien Chattian chaufferen {verb} drive chauffeur [/ʃaʊ̯.ˈføːr/ | /ʃo.ˈføːr/ | /ʃo.ˈfʏːr/] {noun} chauffeur | driver chauvinisme {noun} chauvinism chauvinist {noun} chauvinist chauvinistisch {adjective} chauvinistic Chavacano {noun} Chavacano chaveriem [/xaveˈrim/] {noun} chaverim chavver [/ˈxɑvər/] {noun} cobber chazan [/χaˈzɑn/] {noun} hazzan chazzen [/ˈxɑzə(n)/] {noun} hazzan chazzer [/ˈxɑzər/] {noun} chazzer checken [/ˈtʃɛkən/] {verb} check checklist {noun} checklist Cheddar Cheddar cheese cheder [/'xɛdɛr/] {noun} cheder | heder cheers cheers cheeta {noun} cheetah chef [/ʃɛf/] {noun} head | chief | leader chef-kok {noun} chef chef-staf {noun} chief of staff cheffin {noun} head cheider [/ˈxɛidər/] {noun} cheder | heder chelatie {noun} chelation cheliceer chelicera chemicalie {noun} chemical chemicaliënindustrie chemicals chemicus {noun} chemist chemie {noun} chemistry chemie- chemistry chemisch {adjective} chemical chemisch element {noun} chemical element chemische industrie chemicals chemo- {prefix} chemistry chemokuur {noun} chemotherapy chemoreceptor {noun} chemoreceptor chemotherapeuticum {noun} chemotherapeutic chemotherapie {noun} chemotherapy Chennai {properNoun} Chennai cheque [/ʃɛk/] {noun} cheque | check cherimoya {noun} chirimoya Cherokee [/tʃɛ.ˈrɔ.ki/ | /ˈtʃeː.ro.keː/] {noun} Cherokee cherub [/ˈxerʏp/] {noun} cherub cherubs [/ˈxerʏps/] {noun} cherubim | cherubs Cheshire Cheshire cheese chesjvan [/ˈxɛʃvɑn/] {noun} Cheshvan Chhattisgarh {properNoun} Chhattisgarh chi {noun} chi chianti {noun} chianti Chibcha {noun} Chibcha Chibchatalen {properNoun} Chibchan languages chic [/sʲik/] {adjective} chic Chicago Chicago chicaneren {verb} carp Chickasaw {noun} Chickasaw chicorei {noun} chicory chiffre {noun} cipher | cypher chihuahua {noun} chihuahua chijl [/xɛil/] {noun} chyle chikane chicanery Chileen {noun} Chilean Chileens {adjective} Chilean Chileense {adjective, noun} chilean woman Chili [/ˈʃi.li/] {properNoun} Chile chili {noun} chili chili con carne {noun} chili con carne Chiliarend Chilean eagle chiliasme {noun} chiliasm Chiliflamingo Chilean flamingo chiliolie chili oil chilipeper [/'ʃílipepər/] {noun} chili pepper chillen [/ˈtʃɪlə(n)/] {verb} chill chimaera {noun} chimera chimpansee [/ˌʃɪm.pɑn.ˈse/] {noun} chimpanzee chimère {noun} chimera China [/ˈʃi.na/] {properNoun} China chinasyndroom {noun} China syndrome chinchilla {adjective, noun} chinchilla Chinees [/ʃi.ˈnes/] {adjective, noun} Chinese Chinees Engels Chinglish Chinees Pidginengels {noun} Chinese Pidgin English Chinees teken Chinese character chineesrestaurantsyndroom {noun} Chinese restaurant syndrome Chinese [/ʃi.ˈne.sə/] {adjective, noun} Chinese Chinese boksdoorn wolfberry Chinese gekuifde naakthond Chinese Crested Dog Chinese kool {noun} Chineese cabbage | pe-tsai Chinese Muur Great Wall of China Chinese radijs daikon Chinese talen {properNoun} Sinitic languages Chinese vasteland mainland China chinese vlagdolfijn baiji Chinese waterkastanje {noun} water chestnut Chinese wolhandkrab {noun} Chinese mitten crab | mitten crab Chinezen {noun} Chinese Chinook Jargon {noun} Chinook Jargon chip {noun, verb} integrated circuit Chipewyaans [/ˌtʃɪpəwaˈjans/] {noun} Chipewyan chipkaart {noun} smartcard chipolata {noun} chipolata chips [/tʃɪps/ | /ʃips/ | /ʃɪps/] {interjection, noun} potato chips | potato crisps chiraliteit chirality chirograaf {noun} indenture chiromantie {noun} plamistry chiropracticus {noun} chiropractor chirurg [/ʃi'rʏr(ə)x/] {noun} surgeon chirurgie {noun} surgery chirurgijn {noun} barber surgeon chirurgisch {adjective} surgical Chisinau Chisinau chiton chiton Chitral Chitral chlamydia {noun} chlamydiosis chlamydia's [/xlaˈmidias/] {noun} chlamidias chloasma {noun} chloasma chloor {noun, verb} chlorine chlooramfenicol {noun} chloramphenicol chloordioxide {noun} chlorine dioxide chloorfluorkoolwaterstof {noun} chlorofluorocarbon chloraal {noun} chloral | trichloroacetaldehyde chloraat {noun} chlorate chloreren {verb} chlorinate chloroform {noun} chloroform | trichloromethane chloroplast [/xlorɔplɑst/] {noun} chloroplast chlorose {noun} chlorosis choanoflagellata [/xoˈanoflɑɣɛˌlata/] {noun} choanoflagellate choanoflagellaten [/xoˈanoflɑɣɛˌlatə(n)/] {noun} choanoflagellate choco {noun} Nutella chocola [/ˌʃo.ko.ˈla/] {noun} chocolate chocolaatje [/sʲoko'latʲə/] {noun} chocolate chocolade [/ˌʃo.ko.ˈla.də/ | /ˌʃɔko.ˈla.də/] {noun} chocolate chocolade- chocolate chocoladebol {noun} chocolate éclair chocoladebonbon chocolate chocoladebruin {adjective, noun} chocolate brown chocoladekleur [/sʲokoˈladəklør/] {noun} chocolate chocoladekleurig chocolate chocoladeletter {noun} chocolate letter chocolademelk {noun} drinkingchocolate | hot cocoa chocoladepasta {noun} chocolate spread chocoladepudding {noun} chocolat pudding chocoladereep {noun} bar of chocolate chocoladetaart {noun} chocolate cake chocoladevlok chocolate chip chocolaterie {noun} chocolate shop chocolatier {noun} chocolate chocopasta {noun} chocolate spread Choedzjand Khujand choemasj [/xuˈmɑʃ/] {noun} Chumash choemesj [/ˈxumɛʃ/] {noun} Chumash choepa [/xuˈpa/] {noun} chuppah choetspa [/xutsˈpa/] {noun} chutzpah choke {noun} choke cholangiografie {noun} cholangiography cholangitis {noun} cholangitis cholecystectomie cholecystectomy cholecystitis {noun} cholecystitis cholelithiasis {noun} cholelithiasis cholera [/χoləra/] {noun} cholera cholereticum {noun} choleretic cholerisch {adjective} choleric cholestase {noun} cholestasis cholesterol {noun} cholesterol cholinerg {adjective} cholinerg chomeits [/ˈxomɛits/] {noun} chametz chommesj [/ˈxɔməʃ/] {noun} Chumash chondroblast [/ˌɣɔndroˈblɑst/ | /ˌχɔndroˈblɑst/] {noun} chondroblast chondrocyt [/ˌɣɔndroˈsit/ | /ˌχɔndroˈsit/] {noun} chondrocyte choppe [/ˈxɔpə/] {noun} chuppah choqueren {verb} shock chordofoon {noun} chordophone chorea {noun} chorea choreograaf {noun} choreographer choreografie {noun} choreography chorizo {noun} chorizo Chorramsjahr Khorramshahr Christchurch {properNoun} Christchurch christelijk [/krɪs.tə.lək/] {adjective} christian christen [/ˈkrɪs.tən/] {noun} Christian christendom [/ˈkrɪ.stən.ˌdɔm/] {noun} Christianity | Christendom christenheid {noun} Christendom Christiaan {properNoun} Christian christin {noun} Christian Christmaseiland {properNoun} Christmas Island Christoffel {properNoun} Christopher Christus {properNoun} Christ Chroesjtsjov Khrushchev chromaat {noun} chromate chromaatgeel {noun} chrome (yellow) chromaatgroen {noun} Brunswick green chromaticiteit [/ˌxromatisiˈtɛɪt/ | /ˌɣromatisiˈtɛɪt/ | /ˌχromatisiˈtɛɪt/] {noun} chromaticity chromatide {noun} chromatid chromatiek {noun} chromatics | chromatism | chromatology chromatisch {adjective} chromaticl chromatische aberratie chromatic aberration chromatische toonladder {phraseologicalUnit} aggregate chromatofoor {noun} chromatophore chromeren {verb} chrome chromium {noun} chromium chromodynamica {noun} chromodynamics chromosomaal [/ˌɣro.mo.zo.ˈmal/ | /ˌɣro.mo.zo.ˈmaɫ/ | /ˌχro.mo.zo.ˈmaɫ/] {adjective} chromosomal chromosoom [/ˌχroʊmoʊˈsoʊm/] {noun} chromosome chroneem {noun} chroneme chroniqueur {noun} chronicler | historian chronisch [/ˈxronis/, /ˈkronis/] {adjective} chronic chronograaf {noun} chronograph | chronographer chronologie [/xrono.lo'ɣiː/] {noun} chronology chronologisch {adjective} chronological chronometer {noun} chronometer chronometreren time chronotroop {adjective} chronotropic chroom {noun} chromium | chrome chroomoxidegroen {adjective, noun} chrome green chroomzuur [/'xromzyr/] {noun} chormic acid Chuquisaca {properNoun} Chuquisaca chylomicron [/ˌxi.lo.mi.ˈkrɔn/ | /ˌχi.lo.mi.ˈkrɔn/] {noun} chylomicron chylus [/ˈxilʏs/] {noun} chyle ciao {interjection} bye cicade {noun} cicada cicatrisatie {noun} cicatrization cicero {noun} cicero cichorei {noun} chicory cider {noun} cider cigarillo {noun} cigarillo cijfer {noun, verb} digit | cipher cijfercode {noun} codeword cijferen {verb} arithmetic | figure cijns {noun} tribute cilinder {noun} cylinder | roller cilinderblok {noun} engine block cilinderhoed top hat cilinderinhoud {noun} engine displacement cilinderkop cylinder head cilindervormig {adjective} cylindrical cilindrisch {adjective} cylindrical cimbaal {noun} cymbal Cimbrisch {noun} Cimbran cineaste {noun} moviemaker cinema {noun} cinema cinema verité {noun} cinema verité cinematograaf {noun} cinematograph cinematografie {noun} cinematography cinnaber {noun} cinnabar | vermilion cipier {noun} jailer | warden cipres {noun} cypress cirage {noun} shoe polish circa {abbreviation, adverb} approximately | about circonflexe {noun} circumflex circuit {noun} circuit circulair {adjective} circular circulatie {noun} circulation circulatiepomp {noun} circulator pump circulator {noun} circulator pump circuleren {verb} circulate circumcisie {noun} circumcision circumfigeren circumfix circumflex {noun} circumflex circumfuse circumfix circus {noun} circus cirkel [/ˈsɪrkəɫ/] {noun, verb} circle cirkelen {verb} circle cirkelredenering {noun} circular argument cirkelzaag [/ˈsɪrkəlzax/] {noun} circular saw cirrocumulus {noun} cirrocumulus cirrose {noun} cirrhosis cirrus [/'sɪrɵs/] {noun} cirrus Cis {noun, symbol} C sharp cis {adjective, noun} C-sharp | C-sharp minor Cis grote terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} C sharp major cis kleine terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} C sharp minor Cis-groot {abbreviation, noun} C sharp major Cis-grootakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C-sharp major chord Cis-grotetertstoonaard {noun} C sharp major scale Cis-grotetertstoonladder {noun} C sharp major scale Cis-grotetertstoonschaal {noun} C sharp major scale Cis-grotetertstoonsoort {noun} C sharp major scale cis-klein {abbreviation, noun} C sharp minor cis-kleinakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C-sharp minor chord cis-kleinetertstoonaard {noun} C sharp minor scale cis-kleinetertstoonladder {noun} Cis-minor scale Cis-majeur {abbreviation, noun} C sharp major Cis-majeurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C sharp major chord Cis-majeurtoonaard {noun} C sharp major scale Cis-majeurtoonladder {noun} C sharp major scale Cis-majeurtoonschaal {noun} C-sharp major scale Cis-majeurtoonsoort {noun} C sharp major scale cis-mineur {abbreviation, noun} C sharp minor cis-mineurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C sharp minor chord cis-mineurtoonladder {noun} Cis-minor scale cis-mineurtoonschaal {noun} Cis-minor scale ciseel [/si'zel/] {noun} cessel ciseleren {verb} emboss cisis {noun} C-double sharp | C-double sharp minor cisis-kleinakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C double sharp minor chord cisis-kleinetertstoonladder {noun} Cisis-minor scale cisis-mineurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} C double sharp minor chord cisis-mineurtoonladder {noun} Cisis-minor scale cisis-mineurtoonschaal {noun} Cisis-minor scale Cismaj7 {symbol} Cismaj7 cisman cis man cisterne {noun} cistern cisvrouw cis woman citaat [/siˈtat/] {noun} quotation | quote citadel {noun} stronghold Citaten van Voorzitter Mao Tse-Toeng Little Red Book Citaten van voorzitter Mao Zedong Little Red Book citer {noun} zither | cither | cittern citeren {verb} quote Citizendium {noun} Citizendium citroen {noun} lemon citroen- lemon citroenboom {noun} lemon tree citroengeel {adjective, noun} lemon yellow citroengele {adjective} lemon citroengras {noun} lemongrass citroenmelisse {noun} lemon balm citroenpers lemon squeezer citroensap {noun} lemon juice citroensmaak lemon citroenvlinder {noun} brimstone butterfly citroenzuur {noun} citric acid citroenzuurcyclus citric acid cycle citronella {noun} citronella oil | lemon balm citruspers {noun} juicer citrusvrucht {noun} citrus fruit civetkat {noun} civet civiel {adjective} civil civiel recht civil law civiele techniek {noun} civil engineering civilisatie {noun} civilisation civiliseren {verb} civilize claim {noun, verb} claim claimen {verb} claim clair-obscur {noun} chiaroscuro clan {noun} clan clandestien {adjective} clandestinely clapperloader [/ˈklɛpərˌlodər/] {noun} clapper loader clarificeren elucidate clarithromycine clarithromycin classicistisch {adjective} classical classificatie {noun} classification classificeren {verb} classify clatraat {noun} clathrate claudicatie {noun} claudication claustrofiel {adjective, noun} claustrophile claustrofobie [/klʌstrofoˈbiː/ | /klʌustrofoˈbiː/] {noun} claustrophobia clausule [/klʌʊˈsylə/] {noun} clause | stipulation | proviso clausuur {noun} separation clavicytherium clavicytherium clavulaanzuur {noun} clavulanic acid claxon {noun} horn claxonneren {verb} blast the horn clearance [/ˈkliːrəns/] {noun} clearance cleistogaam {adjective} cleistogamous clematis {noun} clematis clement {adjective} gentle clementie {noun} consideration clerihew clerihew clerus {noun} clergy cliché {noun} cliché | cliche clickbait clickbait client client clientèle {noun} clientèle clignoteur {noun} indicator climacterium {noun} climacterium climax {noun} high tide clinicus {noun} clinician clipart clip art cliticum clitic clitisch {adjective} clitic clitoraal {adjective} clitoral clitoris {noun} clitoris clitorishoed {noun} clitoral hood clitoriskap clitoral hood clivage {noun} cleavage cliënt {noun} client cliënteel {noun} clientele | customers | patronage cliëntelisme {noun} pork-barrelling cloaca {noun} cloaca cloacadier monotreme clochard {noun} wanderer clonidine {noun} clonidine clonisch {adjective} clonic closetpot {noun} WC pedestal | toilet bowl clou {noun} punch line cloud {noun} cloud clown [/kloːn/ | /klʌːun/] {noun} clown | buffoon club [/klɵp/] {noun} club | society cluster {noun, verb} tone cluster | cluster | galaxy cluster Cm {symbol} Cm Cm6 {symbol} Cm6 Cm7 {symbol} Cm7 Cmaj7 {symbol} Cmaj7 co- {prefix} co- | fellow co-assistent intern co-enzym {noun} coenzyme coach [/koːtʃ/] {noun, verb} coach coachen {verb} coach coagulaat coagulate coagulatie {noun} coagulation coaguleren {verb} coagulate coalitie [/kowaˈli(t)si/] {noun} coalition coalitieregering {noun} coalition government coaster {noun} coaster coaten {verb} coat coating {noun} coating coaxiaal {adjective} coaxial coaxiale kabel coax coaxkabel {noun} coax cable Cobija {properNoun} Cobija cobra {noun} cobra coca {noun} coca Coca-Cola Coca-Cola cocaïne {noun} cocaine Cocha-mierklauwier Cocha antshrike Cochabamba {properNoun} Cochabamba cochleair {adjective} cochlear cockpit {noun} cabin cockpitvoicerecorder {noun} CVR | cockpit voice recorder cocktail {noun} cocktail cocktailshaker {noun} cocktail shaker coco de mer coco-de-mer cocon {noun} cocoon cocooning {noun} cocooning Cocoseilanden {properNoun} Cocos Islands cocounselen co-counselling Cocytus Cocytus code [/'kodə/] {noun} code codeerder {noun} coder | encoder codeermachine {noun} encoder | coding machine Codegua Codegua codenaam {noun} code name coderen {verb} encode codering {noun} encoding codewoord {noun} codeword codeïne {noun} codeine codicil {noun} codicil coeliakie {noun} coeliac disease cognaat [/kɔχ'nat/] {noun} cognate cognaat object cognate accusative cognac {noun} brandy cognitief [/kɔxniˈtif/] {adjective} cognitive cognitieve psychologie cognitive psychology cognossement {noun} bill of lading cohabiteren cohabit coherent {adjective} coherent | connected | consistent coherentie {noun} coherence coherer coherer cohesie {noun} cohesion coifferen {verb} curl coiffeur {noun} barber coiffure {noun} haircut Coimbra Coimbra coke {noun} cocaine cokes {noun} coke col [/kɔl/ | /kɔɫ/] {noun} turtleneck cola {noun} cola | Coke | coke colbert {noun} jacket colchicine colchicine colectomie {noun} colectomy coleslaw coleslaw colitis {noun} colitis collaborateur {noun} collaborator collaboratie {noun} collaboration collaboreren {verb} collaborate collage {noun} collage collageen [/ˌkɔlɑˈɣen/] {adjective, noun} collagen collant {noun} tights collaps {noun} collapse collateraal {adjective} collateral collectant {noun} fundraiser collecte {noun} collection collectebus {noun} collecting-box collecteren {verb} collect collectie {noun} collection collectief {adjective, noun} collective collectief onbewuste collective unconscious Collectieve Veiligheidsverdragorganisatie Collective Security Treaty Organisation collectioneren {verb} collect collectivisatie {noun} collectivization collectiviseren {verb} collectivize collectivisme {noun} collectivism collectivum collective noun collega [/kɔˈleɣa/ | /kɔˈleχa/] {noun} colleague | workmate | coworker college [/kɔˈleʒə/] {noun} lecture | college | class | university class college van bestuur presidency collegezaal {noun} auditorium collegiaal {adjective} fraternal collegialiteit [/kɔlexijali'tɛit/] {noun} collegiality | good fellowship collie {noun} collie collisie {noun} clash collocatie {noun} collocation colloquium {noun} colloquium colloïdaal {adjective} colloidal colloïde {noun} colloid | colloidal colluderen collude collusie {noun} collusion collyrium {noun} collyrium colofon {noun} colophon colofonium {noun} rosin Colombia [/ko.ˈlɔm.bi.ja/] {properNoun} Colombia Colombiaan {noun} Colombian Colombiaans {adjective} colombian Colombiaanse {adjective, noun} colombian woman Colombië Colombia colonie pénale penal colony colonne [/ko'lɔnə/] {noun} fifth column colopathie {noun} colonopathy coloradokever {noun} potato beetle | Colorado beetle colorectaal {adjective} colorectal colostrum {noun} beastings | colostrum colporteren {verb} peddle | sell door-to-door coltan {noun} coltan coltrui {noun} turtleneck columbarium {noun} columbarium Columbia Columbia coma [/ˈkoːmaː/] {noun} coma comakijken {verb} binge-watching comateus {adjective} comatose comazuipen [/ˈkomaˌzœypə(n)/] {verb} binge drinking combinatie {noun} combination combinatietang {noun} lineman's pliers combineren {verb} combine combo {noun} combination comedo {noun} comedone comedy {noun} comedy comfort [/kɔnˈfɔrt/] {noun} comfort comfortabel {adjective} comfortable comfortkoeling {noun} air conditioning coming man {noun} coming-man coming-out {noun} coming out Comintern Comintern comitatief [/kɔ.mi.tɑ.tif/] {adjective} comitative comitologie comitology comité {noun} committee commandant {noun} commander commanderen {verb} order | be in command | command commanderij {noun} commandery commandeur {noun} commander commanditair {adjective, noun} commendatary commanditaire vennootschap limited partnership Commando Simon says commando {noun} command | commando commandocentrum {noun} war room commandoregel {noun} command line commensaal {noun} commensal commentaar [/kɔmən'tar/] {noun} comment | criticism commentariëren {verb} commentate commentator {noun} commentator commercialiseren {verb} commercialize commercialiteit {noun} commerciality commercie {noun} commerce | trade commercieel [/kɔmərˈʃel/, /kɔmɛrˈsjel/] {adjective} commercial commiseratie {noun} commiseration commissariaat {noun} police station commissaris {noun} superintendent commissie {noun} commission | committee commode {noun} commode commotie {noun} commotion | consternation commotio {noun} commotion communaal {adjective} communal communautair {adjective} communal communautarisme {noun} communitarianisme commune {adjective, noun} commune communicant {noun} communicant communicatie [/ˌkɔ.my.nɪ.ˈkaː.si/ | /ˌkɔmyniˈkasi/ | /ˌkɔmyniˈkaʦi/] {noun} communication communicatief {adjective} communicative communicatiekunde {noun} communication sciences communicatiemiddel [/ˌkɔmyniˈkatsiˌmɪdəɫ/] {noun} means of communication communiceren {verb} communicate communie [/kɔ.ˈmy.ni/ | /kɔ.ˈmyː.nɪə̯/] {noun} communion communiqué {noun} communiqué communisme [/kɔmyˈnɪsmə/] {noun} communism communist {noun} communist communiste communist communistisch {adjective} communist communitarisme {noun} communitarianisme communiteit {noun} commonality commutatie {noun} commutation commutatief {adjective} abelian commuun {adjective} common comorbiditeit {noun} comorbidity Comorees {adjective, noun} Comorian Comoren [/ko.ˈmoː.rə(n)/ | /ko.ˈmo̝ː.rə(n)/] {properNoun} Comoros compact {adjective} compact compacteren {verb} compact | compress | condense compactheid compactness compactificeren compact compactor {noun} compactor compagnie {noun} company compagnon {noun} partner comparateur {noun} comparator comparatief {adjective, noun} comparative compareren {verb} compare compartiment [/ˌkɔmpɑrtiˈmɛnt/] {noun} apartment compatibel {adjective} compatible compatibiliteit [//] {noun} compatibility compendium {noun} digest Compensatie compensation compensatie {noun} compensation compensatiemaatregel {noun} anti-subsidy measure | countervailing measure compensatierekking compensatory lengthening compensator {noun} compensator compenseren {verb} compensate competent {adjective} competent competentie {noun} competence competitie {noun} competition competitief {adjective} competitive competitiewedstrijd {noun} league game | league match competitiviteit {noun} competitiveness compilator {noun} compiler compiler {noun} compiler compileren {verb} compile compleet {adjective} complete | completely | full complement {noun} complement complementair {adjective} complementary complementariteit {noun} complementarity complete {adjective} total completeren {verb} accomplish complex [/kɔmplɛks/] {adjective, noun} complex complex getal complex number complexiteit {noun} complexity complexiteitstheorie {noun} computational complexity theory compliantie {noun} compliancy complicatie {noun} complication compliceren {verb} complicate compliment {noun} compliment complimenteren {verb} flatter complot {noun} conspiracy complotdenker conspiracy theorist complottheoreticus conspiracy theorist complottheorie {noun} conspiracy theory component {noun} component componeren {verb} compose componist {noun} composer componiste {noun} composer composeren compose composiet {adjective, noun} composite compositie {noun} composition compositiefoto {noun} identikit picture compositietekening identikit compost {noun} compost composteerbaar {adjective} compostable composteren {verb} compost compoundboog compound bow compressibiliteit {noun} compressibility compressie {noun} compression compressor {noun} compressor comprimeren {verb} compress comprimering compression compromis [/kɔmproˈmi/, /kɔmproˈmɪs/] {noun} compromise compromisloos {adjective} uncompromising compromitteren {verb} compromise compunctie compunction computationeel {adverb} computational computationele taalkunde computational linguistics computer [/kɔm.ˈpju.tər/ | /kɔm.ˈpɪ̯uː.tər/] {noun, verb} computer computer zegt nee computer says no computercrash crash computercriminaliteit {noun} computer crime | cybercrime computeren [/kɔmˈpjutərə(n)/] {verb} work at the computer computerfreak geek computergebruik {noun} computing computerisatie computerization computerkast {noun} chassis computermuis {noun} mouse computerprogramma {noun} computer program computersimulatie {noun} computer simulation computerspel {noun} computer game computertaal {noun} computer language computervertaling {noun} machine translation computervirus {noun} computer virus | virus computervredebreuk [/kɔmˈpju.tərvredəbrøk/] {noun} computer trespass computerwetenschap {noun} computer science computerwetenschappen {noun} computer science conatief conative concealer concealer concentratie {noun} concentration concentratiekamp {noun} concentration camp concentratievermogen {noun} ability to concentrate concentreren {verb} concentrate concentrisch {adjective} concentric concept [/kɔnˈsɛpt/] {noun} draft | outline | plan conceptalbum concept album conceptauto {noun} concept car conceptie {noun} conception conceptief {adjective} conceptive conceptueel {adjective} ideal concert {noun} concert concertgebouw concert hall concertina {noun} concertina concertmeester {noun} concertmaster concertzaal {noun} concert-room concessie {noun} concession concessiehouder {noun} concessionaire concessionaris {noun} concessionaire conchologie {noun} conchology concies {adjective} concise conciliair {adjective} conciliar conciliatie {noun} conciliation concilie {noun} council conciërge [/kɔn.si.ˈjɛr.ʒə/ | /kɔn.ˈʒɛr.ʒə/] {noun} caretaker | concierge | porter conclaaf {noun} conclave concluderen [/ˌkɔŋklyˈderən/] {verb} conclude | infer | abstract | find | induce conclusie [/kɔŋˈklyzi/] {noun} conclusion concomiterend {adjective} concomitant concordaat {noun} concordat concordantie {noun} accord concours hippique {noun} stadium jumping concreet [/kɔnˈkret/] {adjective} concrete concreet substantief concrete noun concretiseren {verb} concretise concretum concrete noun concubine {noun} concubine concurent competitor concurrent {adjective, noun} competitor | unsecured concurrentie {noun} competition concurrentiebeleid {noun} competition policy concurrentieverhouding {noun} competition condition concurrentievoordeel {noun} competitive advantage concurreren [/kɔŋkʏˈrerə(n)/] {verb} compete condens {noun} moisture condensatie [/kɔndɛn'zasi/] {noun} condensation condensator {noun} capacitor | condenser condensatorcapaciteit {noun} capacity condenseren {verb} condense condenswater {noun} condensate | condensed water conditie {noun} condition conditietraining {noun} fitness training conditioner {noun} hair conditioner conditioneren {verb} condition | stipulate conditionering conditioning condoleren {verb} offer one's condolences condoom {noun} condom condor {noun} condor conductantie {noun} electrical conductance conducteur [/ˌkɔndʏkˈtør/] {noun} conductor | guard conductie {noun} conduction conductor {noun} conductor condyloma {noun} condyloma confectie {noun} clothing industrie | dry goods confectioneren {verb} accomplish confederaal [/kɔnfedə'ral/] {adjective} confederal | relating to a confederacy confederatie {noun} confederation conferencier {noun} entertainer conferentie {noun} conference | lecture confereren {verb} deliberate | have a conference | hold session | meet confetti {noun} confetti confidentie {noun} confidence | secret configuratie {noun} configuration configureren [/kɔnfixy'rerə(n)/] {verb} configure confirmatie {noun} confirmation confirmatief {adjective} confirmative confirmeren {verb} confirm confiscatie {noun} confiscation | seizure confiseur {noun} confectioner confisqueren {verb} confiscate confituur {noun} jam conflagratie conflagration conflict {noun} conflict conflictbeheersing {noun} conflict management conflictdiamant blood diamond conflicteren {verb} conflict conflictgebied {noun} war zone conflictmineraal {noun} conflict mineral confligeren conflict confluent {adjective} confluent conform [/kɔɱ'fɔrəm/] {adjective, preposition} conform conformeren [/kɔnfɔrmerən/] {noun, verb} conform conformiteit {noun} conformity confrontatie {noun} confrontation confronteren {verb} confront confucianisme {noun} Confucianism confusie {noun} confusion confuus {adjective} puzzled congenialiteit {noun} congeniality congenitaal {adjective} congenital congenitale faciale diplegie Moebius syndrome congenitale oculofaciale paralyse Moebius syndrome congestie {noun} congestion conglomeraat {noun} conglomerate congregatie {noun} congregation congres [/kɔŋˈɣrɛs/ | /kɔŋˈχrɛs/] {noun} congress | convention congresseren {verb} attend a congress congruent {adjective} congruent | compatible congruentie {noun} congruence congé {noun} discharge | paying off Coniacien Coniacian conifeer {noun} conifer coniotomie cricothyrotomy conisch {adjective} conical conjecturaal conjectural conjectuur [/ˌkɔn.jɛk.ˈtyːr/] {noun} conjecture conjugaal {adjective} conjugal conjugatie {noun} conjugation conjugatus {adjective} conjugated conjunctie {noun} conjunction conjunctief {adjective, noun} subjunctive conjunctivitis {noun} conjunctivitis conjunctuur {noun} conjuncture conjunctuurwerkloosheid {noun} cyclical unemployment | seasonal unemployment conjuntivitis {noun} conjunctivitis connecteren {verb} connect Connecticut {properNoun} Connecticut connectie {noun} connection connector {noun} connector connexiteit {noun} connexity connotatie {noun} connotation consacreren {verb} consecrate consanguin consanguineous consciëntieus {adjective} conscientious consecutief {adjective} consecutive consecutio temporum consecutio temporum consensueel consensual consensus [/kɔnˈsɛnzʏs/] {noun} consensus consequent {adjective} consistent consequentie {noun} consequence conservatie {noun} conservation conservatief [/kɔnzɛrvaˈtif/, /kɔnsɛrvaˈtif/] {adjective, noun} conservative conservatisme {noun} conservatism conservator {noun} curator conservatorium {noun} conservatory | academy of music conserveermiddel {noun} preservative conserven {noun} tinned food conservenblik {noun} can conserveren {verb} preserve considerans consideration consideratie {noun} consideration consigne {noun} directions | instruction consigneren {verb} consign consistent {adjective} consistent consistentie {noun} consistence consistorie [/kɔnsɪstɔˈri/] {noun} consistory consociationalisme consociationalism consolideren {verb} consilidate consommé {noun} broth consonant {adjective, noun} consonant consonantie {noun} consonance consortium {noun} consortium conspiratie {noun} conspiration conspirationeel conspiratorial conspireren {verb} conspire constant {adjective} constant constantaan {noun} constantan constante van Avogadro {properNoun} Avogadro's number constante van Planck {noun} Planck's constant Constantijn {properNoun} Constantine Constantinopel {properNoun} Constantinople constateren [/kɔnsta'terə(n)/] {verb} ascertain | establish constellatie {noun} constellation consternatie {noun} consternation constipatie {noun} constipation constitueren {verb} constitute constitutie {noun} constitution constitutioneel {adjective} constitutional constitutionele monarchie constitutional monarchy constructeur {noun} design engineer constructie [/xxxx/] {noun} construction | construct constructief [/ˌkɔnstrʏkˈtif/] {adjective} constructive constructivisme {noun} constructivism constructivistisch constructivist construeren {verb} construct consul {noun} consul consulaat {noun} consulate consulair {adjective} consular consulent {noun} consultant consulente {noun} consultant consult {noun} consultation consultatie {noun} consultation consultatief {adjective} consultative consulteren {verb} consult consument [/kɔnzyˈmɛnt/, /kɔnsyˈmɛnt/] {noun} consumer consumentenbond {noun} consumer's association consumentenprijsindex {noun} consumer price index consumentenvertrouwen {noun} consumer confidence consumeren {verb} consume consummeren {verb} consummate consumptie {noun} consumption consumptieaardappel {noun} consumption potato consumptief {adjective} consumptive consumptiegoed {noun} consumption prodct contact [/kɔn.ˈtɑk/ | /kɔn.ˈtɑkt/] {noun} contact | switch contactambtenaar {noun} contact officer contacteren {verb} contact contactgegevens contact details contactlens {noun} contact lens contactpersoon {noun} contact contactsleutel {noun} ignition key contactuur {noun} contact hour contactverbod restraining order container {noun} container containerschip {noun} container ship contaminatie {noun} contamination contamineren {verb} contaminate contant {adjective, adverb} cash contanten {noun} cash contemplatief {adjective} contemplative contempleren {verb} contemplate contemporain {adjective} contemporary contenantie {noun} composure content {adjective, noun} content contentieus {adjective} contentious contest {noun} battle | competition | event contesteren {verb} challenge context [/ˈkɔntɛkst/] {noun} context contiguïteit {noun} contiguity continent {noun} continent continentaal China mainland China continentaal plat continental shelf continentaal recht civil law continentale helling continental slope continentie continence continentverschuiving continental drift contingent [/kɔntɪŋ'gɛnt/] {adjective, noun} contingent contingentie {noun} contingency continu {adjective} continuous continubedrijf {noun} continuous running industry continueren [/ˌkɔntinyˈweːrə(n)/] {verb} continue continuo {noun} continuo continuïteit {noun} continuity continuüm {noun} continuum continuümhypothese continuum hypothesis conto {noun} account contorsionist contortionist contorsioniste contortionist contour {noun} line contourlijn {noun} contour contra {noun, preposition} double contra-attaque {noun} counterattack contra-indicatie {noun} contraindication contrabande [/kɔntrabɑndə/] {noun} contraband contrabas {noun} double bass contrabassaxofoon {noun} contrabass saxophone contraceptie {noun} contraception contraceptivum {noun} contraceptive contracoup countercoup contract [/kɔnˈtrɑkt/] {noun} contract contractbreuk {noun} breach of contract contracteren {verb} contract contractie {noun} contraction contractiliteit {noun} contractility contractuur {noun} contracture contradans {noun} contra dance contradictie {noun} contradiction contradictio in terminis {noun} contradiction in terms contradictoir {adjective} contradictory contradictorisch antithetical contragewicht {noun} counterweight contrair {adjective} contrary contramoer {noun} jam nut | locknut contraoctaaf {noun} contraoctave contrapunt {noun} counterpoint contrareformatie {noun} counter-Reformation contrariëren {verb} antagonise contrast {noun} contrast | antithesis contrasteren {verb} contrast contrasterend {adjective, verb} incompatible contrastmiddel {noun} contrast medium contribueren {verb} chip in contributie {noun} dues | subscription contritie contrition controle {noun} examination controlebord board controlecijfer checksum controlekamer {noun} control room controlelijst {noun} checklist controlepunt {noun} check point controleren {verb} check | control | inspect | verify controletoren control tower controleur {noun} checker | controller | inspector controverse {noun} controversy controversieel {adjective} controversial controversioneel {adjective} controversional contusie {noun} contusion Conté Conté convalescentie {noun} convalescence convenant {noun} letter of intent conveniëntie {noun} convenience conventie {noun} convention conventionaliteit {noun} conventionality conventioneel {adjective} conventional convergent [/ˌkɔnvɛrˈɣɛnt/] {adjective} convergent convergeren {verb} converge conversatie [/kɔn.vɛr.ˈsa.tsi/] {noun} conversation converseren {verb} converse conversie {noun} conversion converter {noun} converter | convertor converteren [/kɔn.vɛr.ˈte.rə(n)/] {verb} convert convertibel {adjective} convertible convertibele mark convertible mark convex {adjective} convex convocaat {noun} convocation convocatie {noun} convocation convoceren {verb} summon convulsie {noun} convulsion Cookeilanden {properNoun} Cook Islands cookie {noun} HTTP cookie cool {adjective} cool Coopers sperwer Cooper's hawk Copernicaans Copernican copernicium {noun} copernicium copieus {adjective} copious | abundant coplanair {adjective} coplanar coproductie {noun} co-production coprofagie {noun} coprophagy coprolalie {noun} coprolalia copulatie {noun} copulation copuleren {verb} copulate copyright {noun} copyright coquina coquina cor pulmonale {noun} cor pulmonale cordieriet cordierite cordon sanitaire cordon sanitaire corduroy {adjective} corduroy coreopsis coreopsis Corfu Corfu cornea {noun} cornea cornedbeef {noun} corned beef Cornelia {properNoun} Cornelia Cornelis {properNoun} Charles cornet {noun} cornet cornetto cornett Cornisch [/ˈkɔrnis/ | /ˈkɔrnɪs/] {noun} Cornish Cornwall {properNoun} Cornwall coronaal {adjective} coronal coronagraaf {noun} coronagraph coronair {adjective} coronary corporale {adjective, noun} corporal corporatie {noun} corporation corporatief {adjective} corporative corporatisme {noun} corporativism corporeel {adjective} corporal corps {noun} body corpulent [/kɔrpy'lɛnt/] {adjective} fat corpulentie {noun} overweight corpus [/'kɔrpora/ | /'kɔrpɵs/] {noun} body corpus callosum corpus callosum corpus luteum {noun} corpus luteum corpusculair {adjective} corpuscular correct {adjective} correct correctheid {noun} correctness correctie {noun} correction correctief {adjective, noun} corrective correctieve verkrachting corrective rape correctioneel {adjective} correctional correlatie {noun} correlation correlatiecoëfficiënt correlation coefficient correlatief {adjective, noun} correlative correleren {verb} correlate correspondent {noun} correspondent correspondentie {noun} correspondence corresponderen {verb} correspond corresponderend {adjective, verb} corresponding | matching corridor {noun} corridor corrigeren [/ˌkɔriˈʒeːrə(n)/ | /ˌkɔriˈʒɪːrə(n)/] {verb} correct | adjust corrigerende verkrachting corrective rape corroderen {verb} erode corrosie {noun} corrosion corrosief {adjective} caustic corrumperen {verb} subvert corrupt {adjective} corrupt corruptie {noun} corruption corsage {noun} bodice