Читать книгу The Great Dictionary Dutch - English - Benjamin Maximilian Eisenhauer - Страница 16
ОглавлениеD {noun, symbol} D d {noun} D D grote terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} D major d kleine terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} D minor d'r [/dər/] {adverb, personalPronoun, possessivePronoun} her D+ {symbol} D aug | D+ D- {symbol} Ddim D-7 {symbol} Dm7-5 D-groot [/de'ɣrot/] {abbreviation, noun} D major D-grootakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D major chord D-grotetertstoonaard {noun} D major scale D-grotetertstoonladder {noun} D-major scale D-grotetertstoonschaal {noun} D major scale D-grotetertstoonsoort {noun} D major scale d-klein {abbreviation, noun} D minor d-kleinakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D minor chord d-kleinetertstoonaard {noun} D minor scale d-kleinetertstoonladder {noun} D-minor scale d-kleinetertstoonschaal {noun} D minor scale D-majeur [/de'ɣrot/] {abbreviation, noun} D major D-majeurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D major chord D-majeurtoonaard {noun} D major scale D-majeurtoonladder {noun} D-major scale D-majeurtoonschaal {noun} D-major scale D-majeurtoonsoort {noun} D major scale d-mineur {abbreviation, noun} D minor d-mineurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D minor chord d-mineurtoonaard {noun} D minor scale d-mineurtoonladder {noun} D-minor scale d-mineurtoonschaal {noun} D-minor scale D-toonladder {noun} D-major scale D-trein {noun} corridor train | corridor-train | international express | international express train d.w.z. {abbreviation} i.e. d10 d10 d12 d12 D6 {symbol} D6 d6 d6 D7 {symbol} D7 d8 d8 da's wat ik u gezegd heb he! I told you so daad [/daːt/] {noun} deed | act | action daadloosheid {noun} inertia daadwerkelijk {adjective, adverb} actual daags {adjective} daily daalder {noun} daalder Daan {properNoun} Danny daar [/daːr/] {adverb, conjunction} there | because | as daar ga je cheers daar komt bij moreover daar zij licht let there be light daaraan {adverbialPronoun} thereto daarachter [/ˈdarɑxtər/] {adverbialPronoun} behind that daaraf [/ˈdarɑf/] {adverbialPronoun} off that | off those daarbij {adverbialPronoun} besides daarbij laten rest daarbovenop {adverb} above | in addition to | plus daarbuiten [/darˈbœytə(n)/] {adverbialPronoun} outside of that | outside of those daardoor {adverbialPronoun} therefore daarenboven {adverb} and ... as well | and also | as well as | besides | furthermore | in addition daarentegen {conjunction} all the time | in the meantime | meanwhile | on the contrary | otherwise daarginder {adverb} over there daarginds [/dar.ˈχɪn(t)s/ | /ˈdar.ɣɪn(t)s/] {adverb} yonder daarheen {adverbialPronoun} there daarin {adverbialPronoun} therein daarjuist {adverb} just | just now | just this minute daarmede {adverbialPronoun} therewithal daarmee {adverbialPronoun} therewith daarmee uit that's that daarna {adverbialPronoun} thereafter daarnaar {adverbialPronoun} thereat daarnaast {adverbialPronoun} besides daarnet {adverb} just now daarom {adverbialPronoun} therefore daaromheen {adverb} roundabout | thereabout | thereabouts daaronder {adverbialPronoun} thereunder daarop {adverb, adverbialPronoun} thereon daarop volgen ensue daaropvolgens thereinafter daartegen {adverbialPronoun} thereagainst daartevoren theretofore daaruit {adverbialPronoun} therefrom daarvan {adverbialPronoun} thereof daarvandaan {adverbialPronoun} thence daarvoor {adverbialPronoun} therefore daas {adjective, noun, verb} horsefly | gadfly | cleg | gad-fly daciet [/daˈsit/] {noun} dacite Dacisch Dacian Dacië Dacia Daciër {noun} Dacian dactyloscopie {noun} dactyloscopy dactylus {noun} dactyl dada {interjection, noun} Dada dadaïsme {noun} Dada dadel {noun} date dadelboom date palm dadelijk {adjective, adverb} immediately | at once | instantly | just | right away | right now dadeloos {adjective} deedless dadelpalm {noun} date tree daden [/ˈdaːdə(n)/] {noun} works daden zeggen meer dan woorden actions speak louder than words dader [/ˈdadər/] {noun} culprit Dadra en Nagar Haveli {properNoun} Dadra and Nagar Haveli Daffy Duck Daffy Duck dag [/dɑx/ | /dɑχ/] {interjection, noun, verb} day | hi | bye dag des oordeels judgement day dag en nacht day and night dag in dag uit day in, day out dag na dag day in, day out Dag van de Overwinning Victory Day dag-en-nachtevening [/ˌdɑɣɛˈnɑxtevəˌnɪŋ/ | /ˌdɑɣɛˈnɑɣevəˌnɪŋ/ | /ˌdɑχɛˈnɑχtevəˌnɪŋ/] {noun} equinox Dagaare {noun} Dagaare dagactief diurnal dagbehandeling {noun} day treatment dagblad {noun} newspaper dagboek {noun} diary dagboekschrijver journalist dagdagelijks {adjective, adverb} daily dagdromen {noun, verb} daydream dagdromer {noun} daydreamer dagdroom {noun, verb} daydream dageesj [/da'ɡeʃ/] {noun} dagesh dagelijks {adjective, adverb} daily | Tag | täglich dagelijks brood alimony dagelijkse afwijking diurnal aberration dagen [/ˈdaɣə(n)/ | /ˈdaχə(n)/] {noun, verb} dawn dagenlang {adjective, adverb} for days dageraad {noun} dawn | daybreak Dagestan Dagestan dagge {noun} jointer daggeld {noun} money at call | money on call dagijzer jointer Dagik {noun} Dengebu dagjesmensen {noun} day trippers | day visitors daglicht [/'dɑxlɪxt/] {noun} daylight dagloner {noun} day laborer dagmaat {noun} clearance dagmerk {noun} day shape dagpauwoog {noun} peacock butterfly dagprijs {noun} daily price | day rate dagreis {noun} daytime journey dagtank {noun} daily service tank | daily supply tank | day tank dagtekenen {verb} date daguerreotype {noun} daguerreotype daguil {noun} burnet companion moth dagvaarden {verb} summon dagvaarding {noun} summons | subpoena dagzoom {noun} outbreak dahlia {noun} dahlia dahliageel {adjective, noun} dahlia yellow Dahomey {properNoun} Dahomey Daikon daikon Dajaktalen {properNoun} Land Dayak languages dak [/dɑk/] {noun} roof dakantenne {noun} roof mounted antenna dakbalk {noun} timber dakbedekking [/'dɑkbədɛkɪŋ/] {noun} roofing | roof sheeting dakdekker {noun} thatcher dakgoot {noun} rain gutter dakhaas {noun} roof rabbit dakje {noun} circumflex dakkapel {noun} dormer daklijst {noun} cornice | eaves dakloos {adjective} homeless dakloze {adjective, noun} homeless dakluik {noun} roof hatch | roof shutter Dakota {noun} Dakota dakpan {noun} roof tile dakrand {noun} fascia board dakschild {noun} roof canopy | roof hip dakspant {noun} rafter daktaal {noun} umbrella language dakterras {noun} deck | roof terrace. daktuin {noun} hanging garden | roof garden dakvenster dormer-window dakvorm {noun} roof form dal [/dɑl/] {noun} valley | dale | glen dalai lama {noun} Dalai Lama dalen {noun, verb} descend | drop dalgrond {noun} dal soil daling {noun} fall | descent | drop Dalmatisch Dalmatian Dalmatische Dalmatian Dalmatië Dalmatia Dalmatiër Dalmatian dalmatiër {noun} Dalmatian | dalmatian daltonisme {noun} color blindness daluur {noun} base period dalwind {noun} anabatic wind | valley wind dam {noun, verb} dam | king Daman {properNoun} Daman Daman en Diu {properNoun} Daman and Diu Damasceen {noun} Damascene Damasceens {adjective} Damascene Damasceense {adjective, noun} Damascene Damascener {adjective, noun} Damascene Damascus {properNoun} Damascus damast {noun} damask dambordachtig checkered dambordslang dice snake damclub {noun} checker club dame [/daːmə/] {noun} queen | lady dame in nood damsel in distress dames en heren {noun} ladies and gentlemen dames gaan voor {phraseologicalUnit} ladies first damestoilet {noun} ladies'room damhert {noun} Fallow Deer | fallow deer damherthinde doe Dammam Dammam dammen [/ˈdɑ.mə/] {noun, verb} checkers | draughts | play checkers | play draughts damp [/dɑmp/] {noun, verb} vapour dampaal {noun} box pile | sheet pile dampbad {noun} inhalation dampen {noun, verb} damp dampkap {noun} extractor hood dampkring {noun} atmosphere of Earth damspel {noun} game of draughts damwand {noun} retaining wall | sheet pile wall damwandplank {noun} sheet pile Dan Dan dan {adverb, conjunction, noun} than | then dan en slechts dan als if and only if dan wel {conjunction} else Danakil Afar Daneel Daniel Danien Danian danig [/'danəx/] {adjective, adverb} enormously | considerable | considerably | extremely Daniël {properNoun} Daniel dank [/dɑŋk/] {noun, verb} gratitude | thanks dank je cheers dank je wel cheers dank u [/ˈdaŋ.kə/ | /ˈdɑŋ.ky/] {phraseologicalUnit} thank you | thanks dank U voor uw hulp thanks for your help dank u wel thank you very much dankbaar {adjective, adverb} grateful | thankful dankbaar zijn voor appreciate dankbaarheid {noun} gratitude | thankfulness | appreciation dankdag {noun} Thanksgiving-day danken [/dɑŋkən/] {verb} thank dankjewel {interjection, noun} cheers danklied {noun} song of thanksgiving dankzegging {noun} expression of gratitude | expression of thanks dankzij {preposition} thanks to dans [/dɑns/] {noun, verb} dance dansbaar {adjective} danceable dansen [/ˈdɑnsən/] {noun, verb} dance danser [/'dɑnsər/] {noun} dancer danseres [/dɑnsə'rɛs/] {noun} dancer dansorkest {noun} dance-band dansvloer {noun} dance floor danswoede tarantism danszaal {noun} dancehall dantesk {adjective} Dantesque dapper [/ˈdɑpər/] {adjective} brave dapperheid {noun} bravery dar {noun} drone Dardanellen Dardanelles Darius Darius darm [/dɑrm/] {noun} intestine darmbacterie {noun} gut bacteria | intestinal bacteria darmbeen {noun} ilium darmflora {noun} gut flora | colonic flora darmstadtium {noun} darmstadtium Darriwillien Darriwilian dartbord {noun} dartboard dartelen {verb} cavort darter {noun} darts player Darth Vader Darth Vader darts {noun} darts Darwin {properNoun} Darwin Darwin-nandoe Darwin's rhea das [/dɑs/] {noun} badger | necktie | tie | shawl dashboard {noun} dashboard dashboardkastje {noun} glove compartment dashcam dashcam dashond {noun} dachshund dasspeld {noun} tiepin dat {conjunction, noun, demonstrativePronoun, relativePronoun} that dat gebeurt it happens dat gezegd hebbende that said dat is Chinees voor mij it's all Greek to me dat is een lang verhaal it's a long story dat is geen klein bier {phraseologicalUnit} that's no small beer | that's no small fry | that's no small potatoes dat is voor jou een vraag en voor mij een weet that's for me to know and you to find out dat kan je gerust zeggen you can say that again dat komt ervan what goes around comes around dat soort dingen like dat was het that's it dat werd tijd it's about time dat wil zeggen that is dat zei mijn vrouw vannacht ook that's what she said data [/ˈdaːtaː/] {noun} data databank {noun} data bank | data base database {noun} database dataset {noun} dataset datastructuur {noun} data structure daten {verb} date dateren {verb} date datering {noun} date datief [/'datif/] {adjective, noun} dative case dativus dative case datsja {noun} dacha datum [/ˈdatʏm/] {noun} date dauphin {noun} dauphin dauw {noun, verb} dew dauwbraam dewberry dauwdruppel {noun} dewdrop dauwig dewy dauwpunt {noun} dew point dauwvorst hoarfrost dauwworm {noun} acne David {properNoun} David Davidisch Davidic Davidsster Star of David Davidster Star of David davit {noun} davit davvenen {verb} daven Dazaga {noun} Dazaga Ddim {symbol} Ddim7 de {article} the de (diepten der) hel Abaddon de afwas doen do the dishes de angel halen uit defuse de bal in de 'scrimmage' plaatsen scrimmage de boog kan niet altijd gespannen zijn all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy de borst geven breastfeed de broek aanhebben wear the trousers de Bruijn Brown de Bruijne Brown de Bruin Brown de Bruine Brown de brutalen hebben de halve wereld fortune favors the bold de Bruyn Brown de Bruyne Brown de clown uithangen yuk it up de confrontatie aangaan met face de contouren vluchtig schetsen adumbrate de daad bij het woord voegen walk the talk de dingen bij hun naam noemen call a spade a spade de dingen die voorbij zijn bygone de druiven zijn zuur {phraseologicalUnit} the grapes are sour de druppel die de emmer doet overlopen the straw that broke the camel's back de duivel zit in de details devil is in the details de facto {adverb} de facto de feestvreugde bederven rain on someone's parade de fles geven bottle de geest geven give up the ghost de geest is gewillig, maar het vlees is zwak the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak de geschiedenis herhaalt zich history repeats itself de goede oude tijd days of yore de grond in boren murder de Grote great De Haag The Hague de haan overhalen cock de handdoek in de ring werpen {phraseologicalUnit} throw in the towel de hare hers de hel breekt los all hell breaks loose de hele dag all day de hele mikmak whole shebang de hele rataplan the whole caboodle de hele reutemeteut whole shebang de hierarcharizatie hierarchization de hoeveelste is het vandaag? what date is it today de hoorns opzetten cuckold de huid niet verkopen voor de beer geschoten is {phraseologicalUnit} don't count your chickens before they're hatched de hunne theirs de inzet verhogen up the ante De Jong Smith de jouwe yours de kans afwachten bide one's time de kansen keren turn the tables de kat de bel aanbinden [/dəˌkɑdəˈbɛlamˌbɪndə(n)/] {verb} belling the cat de kat sturen stand up de keten is zo sterk als haar zwakste schakel a chain is only as strong as its weakest link de kluts kwijt abroad de knoop knot de knuppel in het hoenderhok gooien put the cat among the pigeons de koe bij de hoorns vatten {verb} take the bull by the horns | grasp the nettle de kop in het zand steken bury one's head in the sand de kost gaat voor de baat uit no pain, no gain de krenten uit de pap halen cherry-pick de laatste tijd of late de liefde bedrijven love de liefde van de man gaat door de maag the way to a man's heart is through his stomach de max lush de mens Man de mens is voor de mens een mens {phraseologicalUnit} man is man to man de mens wikt, God beschikt man proposes, God disposes de metro van Londen London Underground de moeite lonend worthwhile de moeite waard worth one's while de mouwen opstropen roll up one's sleeves de muren hebben oren walls have ears de onze ours de oorlog verklaren declare war de overwinning voor de poorten van de hel wegslepen snatch victory from the jaws of defeat de pijp aan Maarten geven {verb} kick the bucket de pijp uit gaan croak de pot verwijt de ketel dat hij zwart ziet pot calling the kettle black de praktijk zal het leren the proof of the pudding is in the eating de puntjes op de i zetten dot the i's and cross the t's de rapen zijn gaar goose is cooked de realiteit onder ogen zien wake up and smell the coffee de rekening, alstublieft the bill, please de rest is geschiedenis the rest is history de ronde doen go about de ronde tafel Round Table de Rubicon oversteken cross the Rubicon de soep wordt nooit zo heet gegeten als zij wordt opgediend {phraseologicalUnit} things are not as bad as they look de spijker op de kop slaan hit the nail on the head de staart tussen de benen tail between one's legs De Stem van Zuid-Afrika The Call of South Africa de strijdbijl begraven bury the hatchet de student die spreekt tijdens de afsluitceremonie valedictorian de tafel dekken table de teerling is geworpen {phraseologicalUnit} the die is cast de tijd heelt alle wonden time heals all wounds de tijd nemen take one's time de tijd vliegt time flies de tijd zal 't leren time will tell de tijd zal het leren time will tell de uwe yours de vier ruiters van de Apocalyps Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse de vijand van mijn vijand is mijn vriend the enemy of my enemy is my friend de vlag strijken strike de vorm aannemen shape up de vorm aannemen van mold De Vries Smith de ware the one de was doen do the laundry de weg naar de hel is geplaveid met goede voornemens the road to hell is paved with good intentions de wereld ligt aan iemands voeten the world is one's oyster de wereld met verbazing slaan set the world on fire de zak geven lay off de zijne his de- {prefix} de- de-audituverklaring hearsay deactiveren {verb} deactivate deadliften deadlift deadline {noun} deadline dealen {verb} deal dealer {noun} dealer deathmetal {noun} death metal debacle {noun} debacle debat {noun} debate debatteren {verb} debate debiel [/deˈbil/] {adjective, noun} moron debiet {noun} flow debiteren {verb} debit debiteur {noun} debtor debitrice {noun} debtor deblokkeren [/de.blɔ.ˈkeː.rə(n)/] {verb} unblock Debora {properNoun} Deborah debrayeren {verb} declutch debrideren debride debuggen {verb} debug debugger {noun} debugger debutant {noun} debutant debutante {noun} debutant debuteren {verb} debut debuut [/dəˈbyt/, /deˈbyt/] {noun} debut debuutalbum {noun} debut album deca decaf deca- [/deka/] {prefix} deca- decaan {noun} dean | decane decade {noun} decade decadent {adjective, noun} decadent decadentie {noun} decadence decaf decaf decaliter {noun} decalitre decameter {noun} decameter | decametre decanteren {verb} decant decarboxylering {noun} decarboxylation december {noun} December decemberdag {noun} day in December decennium {noun} decade decentralisatie {noun} decentralization decentraliseren {verb} uncenter deceptie {noun} deception decharge {noun} discharge dechargeren {verb} discharge deci- {prefix} deci- decibel {noun} decibel decideren {verb} decide deciljard {noun, cardinalNumeral} vigintillion deciljoen {noun, cardinalNumeral} novemdecillion decimaal [/desi'mal/] {adjective, noun} decimal number decimaalstelsel decimal decimale {adjective} decimal decimale stelsel decimal system decime {noun} tenth decimeren {verb} decimate decimeter [/ˈdesiˌmetər/] {noun} decimeter | decimetre deciseconde {noun} decisecond decisie {noun} decision deck {noun} pack of playing-cards declamator {noun} reciter declameren {verb} declaim | recite declarant {noun} declarant declaratie {noun} declaration declareren {verb} announce declinatie [/dekliˈna(t)si/] {noun} declension | declination declineren {verb} go down decodeermachine {noun} decoder | decoding machine decoder {noun} decoder decoderen {verb} decode decolleté {noun} cleavage decompensatie {noun} decompensation decompileren {verb} decompile decompliceren {verb} decomplicate decompositie {noun} decomposition decompressie {noun} decompression decomprimeren {verb} decompress deconfiture {noun} bankruptcy | failure decongestivum {noun} decongestant decor {noun} decoration | decor | décor decorateur {noun} decorator decoratie {noun} decoration decoratief {adjective} decorative decoreren {verb} decorate decouperen {verb} carve decreteren {verb} decree decrypteren decrypt decubitus {noun} decubitus dedaigneus {adjective} disdainful dedicatie {noun} dedication dedovsjtsjina dedovshchina deduceren {verb} deduce deeg [/dex/] {noun} dough deegrol {noun} rollingpin deegroller {noun} rolling pin deegwaren {noun} pasta deel [/ˈdeːl/] {noun, verb} part deel en heers divide and conquer deel- sub- deelachtig {adjective} participate in deelbaar {adjective} divisible deelbaarheid division deelbouwer sharecropper deelgebied subdiscipline deelgroep {noun} sub-group deellijn {noun} bisector | bisectrix deelname {noun} participation deelnemen [/ˈdelnemə(n)/] {verb} participate deelnemend {adjective, verb} participatory deelnemer {noun} participant deelneming {noun} participation deelpacht sharecropping deelpachter sharecropper deelraad {noun} borough deelredactie desk deelrepubliek {noun} republic deels {adverb} in part | partially | partly deelstreep {noun} division deeltal {noun} dividend deeltaxi {noun} share taxi deelteken {noun} division sign deeltijdarbeid {noun} part time labour deeltijdbaan {noun} part-time job deeltijds {adjective} part-time deeltijdwerk {noun} part-time job deeltje {noun} element | fragment | item | particle deeltjesfysica {noun} particle physics deeltjesversneller {noun} particle accelerator deelverzameling subset deelwoord {noun} participle deelwoordelijk participial deemoed {noun} humility deemoedig {adjective} humble deemoedigen humble deemstering {noun} twilight Deen [/den/ | /deːn/] {noun} Dane Deens [/dens/ | /deːns/] {adjective, noun} Danish Deense [/ˈdensə/ | /ˈdeːnsə/] {adjective, noun} Dane | danish woman Deense dog {noun} Great Dane deerlijk {adjective} pitiful deerne {noun} beefy girl | robust girl | sturdy girl deernis {noun} compassion deerniswekkend {adjective} terrible dees dork defaitisme {noun} defeatism defaitist {noun} defeatist defecatie {noun} defaecation defect {adjective, noun} defect defectief {adjective} defective defectief werkwoord defective verb defenestratie {noun} defenestration defenestreren {verb} défenestrer defensie {noun} defense defensiebegroting {noun} defence budget defensief {adjective, noun} back defibrillatie {noun} defibrillation defibrillator {noun} defibrillator deficit {noun} deficit deficitair {adjective} loss-making deficiëntie {noun} deficiency defilé {noun} parade definitie {noun} definition definitief [/definitif/] {adjective} definitive definiëren {verb} define definiëring {noun} definition deflatie {noun} deflation | entrainment | eolian erosion defloreren {verb} deflower deformeren {verb} deform defragmentatie {noun} defragmentation defragmenteren {verb} defragment deftig {adjective} aristocratic | dignified degelijk {adjective} reliable | firm | solid | steady degen {noun} rapier | épée degeneratie {noun} degeneration degeneratief {adjective} degenerative degenereren {verb} come to blows deglaceren deglaze degoutant {adjective} disgusting degradatie {noun} degradation degraderen {verb} degrade degrowth degrowth dehiscentie dehiscence Dehradun {properNoun} Uttaranchal dehydratatie {noun} dehydration dehydrateren {verb} dehydrate dehydreren {verb} desiccate deinen {verb} billow deinend {adjective, verb} waving deining {noun} swell dek [/dɛk/] {noun, verb} deck dekbed {noun} comforter | duvet dekblad {noun} cover leaf | flyleaf | wrapper deken [/dekə(n)/] {noun} blanket | dean dekenkist {noun} chest dekglas {noun} bull`s eye | cover glass Dekhengst stud dekhengst {noun} stud dekhuis {noun} deckhouse dekken [/ˈdɛkən/] {noun, verb} cover | set dekking {noun} cover dekkleed {noun} mantling deklast {noun} deck cargo deklijst cornice dekmantel {noun} facade | guise | pretext deknaam {noun} pseudonym dekoloniseren {verb} decolonize dekpunt [/'dɛk.pɵnt/] {noun} fixed point dekschild {noun} cover shield | elytron deksel {noun} cover | lid | hood deksels {adjective, interjection, noun} devilish deksteen {noun} cover block | covering slab dekstier stud dekvloer {noun} screed floor dekzwabber mop del {noun} slut | tart delcredere [/ˌdɛɫ.krə.ˈdɪː.rə/] {noun} guarantee delegatie {noun} delegation delegeren {verb} delegate delen [/'de.lə(n)/] {noun, verb} divide | share | split deler {noun} divisor Delfi Delphi delfstof {noun} mineral Delft {properNoun} Delft delfts {noun} delft-ware delgen {verb} amortize | deaden | pay off | redeem delging {noun} redemption Delhi {properNoun} Delhi deliberatie {noun} deliberation delibereren {verb} deliberate delicaat {adjective} dainty delicieus {adjective} delicieus | luscious delict {noun} crime delier delirium deling {noun} division delinquent {adjective, noun} delinquent delirium {noun} delirium delta {noun} delta deltavliegen [/ˈdɛltavlixə(n)/] {verb} hang gliding | hang-gliding delven {verb} dig demagnetiseren {verb} demagnetise | demagnetize demagogie {noun} demagogy demagogie bedrijven demagogue demagogie gebruiken demagogue demagogisch {adjective} demagogic demagogisme demagogism demagoog {noun} demagogue demarcatie {noun} borderline demarcatielijn {noun} borderline demarche {noun} démarche demarkatie demarcation demarkatielijn demarcation demaskeren {verb} unmask dementie {noun} dotage demineralisatie {noun} demineralization demissionair {adjective} demissionary demiurg demiurge demo {noun} demo demobilisatie {noun} demobilization demobiliseren {verb} demobilise democraat {noun} democrat democrate {noun} democrat democratie [/demokraˈ(t)si/, /demokrɑˈsi/] {noun} democracy democratisch {adjective} democratic democratisch socialisme democratic socialism Democratische Republiek Congo {properNoun} Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratische Volksrepubliek Korea Democratic People's Republic of Korea democratiseren {verb} democratise Democritus Democritus demograaf {noun} demographer demografie {noun} demography demografisch {adjective} demographic demon {noun} demon demoniem [/ˌde.mo.ˈnim/] {noun} demonym demonisch {adjective} demonic demonische lach evil laugh demonisering [/demonɪˈzeːrɪŋ/] {noun} demonization demonologie {noun} demonology demonstrateur {noun} demonstrator demonstratie {noun} demonstration demonstratief {adjective, noun} demonstrative demonstreren {verb} demonstrate demontabel {adjective} dismountable demonteer {verb} dismount demonteerbaar {adjective} dismountable demonteren {verb} disassemble demoon {noun} demon demoscene demoscene demotiveren {verb} demotivate dempen [/dɛmpən/] {verb} soften | absorb | fill up | muffle demper {noun} damper demulcens {noun} demulcent demystificeren {verb} demystify den {article, noun} pine Den Haag {properNoun} The Hague denaturaliseren {verb} denaturalise denatureren {verb} alter denazificeren {verb} denazify denderen {verb} contact bounce dendriet {noun} dendrite dendritisch {adjective} dendritic dendrochronologie dendrochronology dendrologie [/ˌdɛn.dro.loˈɣi/ | /ˌdɛn.dro.loˈχi/] {noun} dendrology Denemarken [/ˈdenəˌmɑrkə(n)/ | /ˈdeːnəˌmɑrkə(n)/] {properNoun} Denmark Denemarken-Noorwegen Denmark-Norway dengue {noun} dengue fever denier {noun} denarius denigreren {verb} denigrate denigrerend {adjective, verb} derogatory | pejorative | supercilious denim {adjective} denim denivelleren {verb} unbalance denk je dat je kunt lopen? do you think you can walk denkbaar {adjective} conceivable denkbeeld {noun} idea denkbeeldig {adjective} fanciful denkelijk {adjective} probably denken [/ˈdɛŋkə(n)/] {verb} think denkend [/ˈdɛŋkənt/] {adjective, verb} thinker denker {noun} thinker denkfout [/talfɔut/] {noun} error in reasoning denkgroep {noun} think tank denkkader {noun} edifice denkpauze {noun} period of reflection denktank {noun} think tank denktijd {noun} think time denktrant {noun} way of thinking denkvermogen mind dennenappel {noun} pinecone dennenboom [/'dɛnə(n)bom/] {noun} pinetree dennengroen {adjective, noun} fir green dennenpijlstaart {noun} Pine Hawkmoth dennenscheerder [/'dɛnəsxɪːrdər/] {noun} pine shoot beetle dennensnuitkever pine weevil dennenwolfsklauw {noun} huperzia selago Dennis {properNoun} Dennis denotatie {noun} denotation dentine {noun} dentine dentitie {noun} dentition Dené-Jenisejisch Dene-Yeniseian deo [/ˈdejo/] {noun} deodorant deodorant [/ˌdejodɔːˈrɑnt/] {noun} deodorant deontisch deontic deontologie {noun} deontology deontologisch {adjective} deontological deoxyribose deoxyribose depanneren {verb} fix departement {noun} ministry dependent {adjective} dependent dependentie {noun} dependence depersonalisatie {noun} depersonalization depigmentatie {noun} depigmentation depileren depilate depletie {noun} depletion deplorabel {adjective} deplorable depolarisatie {noun} depolarization depolitisering {noun} depoliticalization | depoliticization deponent deponent deponeren [/ˌdepoˈneːrə(n)/] {verb} register | deposit deportatie {noun} deportation deporteren {verb} deport deposant {noun} depositor depositie {noun} deposition deposito {noun} deposit depot {noun} depot | deposit deppen {verb} dab | pat depreciatie {noun} depreciation depreciëren {verb} deprecate depressie {noun} depression | major depressive disorder depressief [/ˌdeprɛˈsif/] {adjective} blue depri {adjective} down deprimeren {verb} depress deprimerend {adjective, verb} depressing deprivatie [/depriˈvaʦi/] {noun} deprivation deputatie {noun} deputation deputeren {verb} depute der [/dər/ | /dɛr/] {article} that one deracineren deracinate derailleren {verb} come off derailleur {noun} derailleur derangeren {verb} annoy derde [/ˈdɛrdə/] {noun, ordinalAdjective} third | third one | third party derde keer goede keer third time's a charm derde macht cube derde naamval {noun} dative case derde partij third party derde persoon {noun} third person Derde Rijk {properNoun} Third Reich Derde Wereldoorlog {properNoun} Third World War derdegraads {adjective} cubic derdegraads- third-degree derdelaatste antepenultimate derdenbeding {noun} third-party contract dereguleren {verb} deregulate deregulering {noun} deregulation deren {verb} harm derhalve {adverb} therefore derivaat {noun} derivative derivatie {noun} derivation deriveren {verb} adrift dermate {adverb} so dermatitis {noun} dermatitis dermatofytose {noun} dermatophytosis dermatografie {noun} dermographia dermatologie {noun} dermatology dermatologisch {adjective} dermatological dermatoloog {noun} dermatologist dermatomycose {noun} dermatomycosis dermatose {noun} dermatosis dermografie {noun} dermographia derogatie {noun} abrogation derogeren {verb} abrogate dertien {noun, cardinalNumeral} thirteen dertien in een dozijn dime a dozen dertiende {ordinalAdjective} thirteenth dertig {noun, cardinalNumeral} thirty dertigste {ordinalAdjective} thirtieth derven {verb} lack derving {noun} shrink derwaarts {adverb} thither derwisj {noun} Dervish Des {noun, symbol} Des des [/dɛs/] {adverb, article, noun} D-flat | D-flat minor Des grote terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} D flat major des kleine terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} D flat minor Des-groot [/dɛs'xrot/] {abbreviation, noun} D flat major Des-grootakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D-flat major chord Des-grotetertstoonladder {noun} D-flat major scale des-klein [/dɛs'klɛɪn/] {abbreviation, noun} D flat minor des-kleinakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D flat minor chord des-kleinetertstoonaard {noun} D flat minor scale des-kleinetertstoonladder {noun} D-flat minor scale Des-majeur [/dɛs'xrot/] {abbreviation, noun} D-flat major Des-majeurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D-flat major chord Des-majeurtoonaard {noun} D flat major scale Des-majeurtoonladder {noun} D-flat major scale Des-majeurtoonschaal {noun} D-flat major scale des-mineur [/dɛs'klɛɪn/] {abbreviation, noun} D flat minor des-mineurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D flat minor chord des-mineurtoonladder {noun} D-flat minor scale des-mineurtoonschaal {noun} D-flat minor scale desactiveren {verb} deactivate desalniettemin [/'dɛzɑlnitə'mɪn/] {adverb} nevertheless desambiguatie disambiguation desambigueren {verb} disambiguate desastreus {adjective} desastrous desavoueren {verb} disavow desbetreffend [/dɛsbə'trɛfənt/] {adjective} said desbetreffende [/dɛsbə'trɛfəndə/] {adjective} said descriptie {noun} description desda iff desensibilisatie {noun} desensitization desequilibrium disequilibrium deserteren {verb} desert deserteur {noun} defector desertie {noun} desertion deses {noun} D double flat Deses-grootakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D double flat major chord Deses-grotetertstoonladder {noun} D double flat major scale Deses-majeur {noun} D double major Deses-majeurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D double flat major chord Deses-majeurtoonladder {noun} D double flat major scale Deses-majeurtoonschaal {noun} D double flat major scale desgelijks {adverb} as much deshydrateren desiccate Desiderius Erasmus Erasmus Desiderius Erasmus van Rotterdam Erasmus design {noun, verb} design designatie {noun} designation designer {noun} designer desillusie {noun} disappointment desillusioneren {verb} disillusionate desinfectans {noun} disinfectant desinfecteren {verb} disinfect desinformatie {noun} disinformation desintegratie {noun} disintegration desintegreren {verb} disintegrate deskredactie desk desktop {noun} desktop deskundig {adjective} expert deskundige {adjective, noun} expert deskundigheid {noun} manifest desnoods {adverb} if need be desolaat {adjective} bleak desoldeerlitze {noun} solder wick desoldeerlitzedraad {noun} solder wick desondanks {adverb} nevertheless | however desoxyribonucleïnezuur {noun} dNA | deoxyribonucleic acid desperaat {adjective} desperate desperado {noun} desperado despoot {noun} despot despotisch {adjective} despotic despotisme {noun} despotism desquamatie {noun} desquamation Dessendiaan Long Primer dessendiaan small pica dessert {noun} dessert dessin {noun} design destabilisatie {noun} destabilisation destabiliseren {verb} destabilise destalinisatie {noun} destalinization destijds [/'dɛs'tɛits/] {adjective, adverb} at that time Destillaat distillation destinatief {adjective, noun} destinative destructie {noun} destruction destructief {adjective} destructive destructieve {adjective} destructive deswege {adverb} hence | therefore detachement {noun} division detacheren {verb} detach detachering {noun} detachment detail [/de'taj/] {noun} detail detailhandel {noun} retail trade detailleren {verb} detail | specify detaillering {noun} abstract refinement | elaboration | working details detaillist {noun} shopkeeper detecteerbaar {adjective} detectable detecteren {verb} detect | spot detectie {noun} detection detectief sleuth detectiepoort {noun} security gate detective [/detɛkˈtivə/] {noun} detective detectiveverhaal [/detɛkˈtivəvərˌhal/] {noun} detective story | whodunit detector {noun} detector detentie {noun} detention detergens [/de'tɛrɣɛns/] {noun} detergent determinant {noun} determinant determinator {noun} determiner determineren {verb} determine | fix determinisme {noun} determinism deterministisch {adjective} determinist detineren {verb} detain detonatie {noun} detonation detonator {noun} detonator detoneren {verb} detonate detoxicatie {noun} detoxication detrivoor detritivore deuce {noun} deuce deugd [/døxt/] {noun} virtue deugddoen do deugdelijk [/døxdələk/] {adjective, adverb} adequate deugdelijkheid {noun} adequacy deugdzaam {adjective} virtuous deugdzaamheid {noun} virtue deugniet [/ˈdøxnit/] {noun} rascal | good-for-nothing | scamp deuk [/døk/] {noun, verb} bump deuken {noun, verb} dent deun {noun, verb} tune deuntje {noun} melody | tune deur [/døːr/] {noun} door deurbel {noun} doorbell deurgat {noun} doorway deurhamer doorknocker deurklopper {noun} door knocker deurknop {noun} doorknob deurkruk {noun} door handle deurluik {noun} peephole deurmat {noun} doormat deuropening {noun} doorway deurslot {noun} door lock deurwaarder [/dørwardər/] {noun} bailiff deutel {noun} treenail-wedge deuterium [/dœyˈterijʏm/] {noun} deuterium deuteriumkern deuteron deuteron {noun} deuteron Deuteronomium [/dewteɾoˈnomjum/] {noun} Deuteronomy deuvel {noun} dowel devalueren {verb} devalue Deventer [/'devəntər/] {adjective, properNoun} Deventer devies {noun} motto deviëren {verb} aberrate devoon [/deˈvon/] {noun} Devonian devoot {adjective} pious devotie {noun} devotion dewelke {relativePronoun} which dewijl {conjunction} because dextrine {noun} dextrin dextrose {noun} dextrose deze {demonstrativePronoun} these | this dezelfde {demonstrativePronoun} same dezer dagen {adverb} nowadays deïsme [/deʲɪsmə/] {noun} deism dharma dharma dhr. Mr. dia {noun} slide diabeet {noun} diabetic diabetes {noun} diabetes diabeticus {noun} diabetic diabetisch {adjective} diabetic diabolisch {adjective} diabolic diaboliseren {verb} demonise diabolo {noun} diabolo diachronisch {adjective} diachronic diaconessenhuis {noun} deaconess-house diadeem {noun} diadem diadeemmeerkat {noun} blue monkey diafaan {adjective} diaphane diafoneem diaphoneme diafragma {noun} aperture diafragmapomp {noun} diaphragm pump diagenese {noun} diagenesis diagnose [/dijaɣˈnozə/, /dijɑɣˈnozə/] {noun} diagnosis diagnosticeren [/'dɪɑɣnɔstɪ'seːrə(n)/] {verb} diagnose diagnostisch {adjective} diagnostic diagonaal [/diɑgo'nal/] {adjective, noun} diagonal diagonaalmatrix {noun} diagonal matrix diagram {noun} diagram diaken {noun} deacon diakritisch [/dijaˈkritis/] {adjective} diacritical dialect [/diaˈlɛkt/] {noun} dialect dialectcontinuüm dialect continuum dialectiek {noun} dialelectic dialectisch materialisme dialectical materialism dialectologie [/ˌdi.ja.ˌlɛk.to.lo.ˈɣi/ | /ˌdi.ja.ˌlɛk.to.lo.ˈχi/] {noun} dialectology dialectoloog [/ˌdi.ja.ˌlɛk.to.ˈlox/ | /ˌdi.ja.ˌlɛk.to.ˈloχ/] {noun} dialectologist dialogeren dialog dialoog {noun} dialogue dialoogvenster dialog dialyse {noun} dialysis diamagnetisch {adjective} diamagnetic diamagnetisme {noun} diamagnetism diamant {noun} diamond diameter {noun} diameter Diana {properNoun} Diana diapason {noun} diapason | tuning fork diapauze {noun} diapause diaphoresis {noun} diaphoresis diaprojector [/ˈdijaproˌjɛktɔr/] {noun} slide-projector diarchie diarchy diarium {noun} diary diarree [/diɑ're/] {noun} diarrhea | diarrhoea diaspoor {noun} diaspore diaspora {noun} Diaspora diastereomeer {noun} diastereoisomer diastolisch {adjective} diastolic diatheek {noun} slide library diathermie {noun} diathermy diathese {noun} diathesis diatomee {noun} diatom diatomeeën [/ˌdiatoˈmeə(n)/] {noun} diatoms diatomen [/ˌdiaˈtomə(n)/] {noun} diatoms diatonisch {adjective} diatonic diazepam {noun} diazepam dibbler dibbler dichotomie {noun} duality dichotoom {adjective} dichotomus dicht {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} dense | closed | shut | zamknięty dichtbij [/dɪxtˈbɛː/ | /dɪɣ.ˈbɛɪ̯/ | /dɪχˈbɛɪ/] {adjective, adverb, preposition} close | near dichtbijgelegen {adjective} adjacent dichtbranden cauterize dichtdoen {verb} close dichtdraaien [/ˈdɪxtdrajə(n)/] {verb} turn off dichte {adjective, verb} thick dichten {noun, verb} block | clog | close | plug up | stop up dichter {adjective, noun} poet dichterbijkomen near dichteres {noun} poetess dichterlijk [/ˈdixterlɪk/] {adjective} poetic dichtgaan {verb} pop dichtgooien [/'dɪxtxojə(n)/] {verb} fill up dichtheid {noun} density | compactness dichtheidsfunctionaaltheorie {noun} density functional theory dichthouden {verb} keep shut dichting {noun} dichting | packing | seal dichtklappen {verb} shut dichtknopen {verb} button up dichtkunst {noun} art of poetry dichtlakken {verb} seal dichtnaaien {verb} seam | suture dichtopeengepakt thick dichtopeengepakte thick dichtsbijzijnde latter dichtschroeien {verb} cauterize dichtslaan {verb} bang | slam | slam shut dichtsnoeren {verb} string | tie dichtst {adjective} next dichttimmeren {verb} board up dichtvallen {verb} slam shut dichtvriezen {verb} cauterize dichtwerk {noun} poetry dictafoon {noun} dictaphone dictator {noun} dictator dictatuur {noun} dictatorship | dictature dictatuur van het proletariaat dictatorship of the proletariat dictee [/dɪk'te/] {noun, verb} dictation dicteren {verb} dictate dictie {noun} diction didgeridoo {noun} didgeridoo didymium [/diˈdimijʏm/] {noun} didymium die {demonstrativePronoun, personalPronoun, relativePronoun} which | that | he | it | she | they die van ons ours Diederik {properNoun} Derek Diedrich Derek dieen [/di'jen/] {noun} diene dieet {noun, verb} diet dief [/dif/] {noun, verb} thief diefachtig {adjective} furtive diefstal {noun} theft dieldrin dieldrin dienaar {noun} servant | boy dienares {noun} maid | servant dienblad {noun} tray diender {noun} cop dienen [/ˈdinən/] {verb} serve | have to | must | ought to | should dienovereenkomstig {adjective, adverb} accordingly dienst {adverb, noun} service | worship service dienstbaarheid {noun} servitude dienstbetoon {noun} service dienstbevel {noun} order dienstdoend {adjective, verb} on duty dienstencheque {noun} service voucher dienstensector {noun} service industry dienstig {adjective} advantageous | useful dienstjaar {noun} year of service dienstknecht {noun} servant dienstmaagd {noun} handmaid dienstman ministerial dienstmededeling {noun} departmental communication dienstmeisje {noun} handmaid dienstplicht {noun} conscription dienstplichtig {adjective} conscript dienstplichtige {adjective} conscript dienstregeling {noun} schedule | time-table dienstreis {noun} mission dienstvaardig {adjective} obliging dienstverlenend {adjective} service dienstverlening {noun} service dienstwillig {adjective} obliging | ready | willing dientengevolge {conjunction} so diep [/dip/] {adjective, noun, verb} deep | profound diep water deep water diepblauw {adjective} Prussian blue | cornflower blue | deep blue diepgaand {adjective, verb} profound diepgang {noun} draft diepgeworteld visceral diepgezonken abject diepgravend in-depth dieplader {noun} deep loading trailer | deeploader | flatbed trailer | low-loading trailer dieplood {noun} lead line | sounding line dieporanje {adjective, noun} deep orange dieprood {adjective} crimson diepte [/'diptə/] {noun, verb} depth diepte-interview {noun} in-depth interview dieptezicht perspective dieptrekken deep drawing diepvries {noun, verb} frezer diepvrieseten frozen food diepvrieskist {noun} deepfreeze diepvriesvoedsel frozen food diepvriezen {noun, verb} deep-freeze diepvriezer {noun} frezer diepzinnig {adjective} abstruse diepzwart {adjective} rich black dier [/diːr/] {adjective, noun, demonstrativePronoun} animal dierbaar [/ˈdirbar/] {adjective} dear | beloved dieren [/ˈdirə(n)/] {noun} animals dierenarts {noun} VS dierenasiel {noun} animal shelter dierenhuid {noun} rawhide dierenmishandeling {noun} animal abuse dierenrechten {noun} animal rights dierenriem [/'dirənrim/] {noun} zodiac dierenrijk animal kingdom dierentuin [/ˈdiːrə(n)ˌtœʏ̯n/ | /ˈdiːrə(n)ˌtœːn/] {noun} zoo | zoological garden diergaarde {noun} zoo diergeneeskunde {noun} veterinary medicine dierkunde {noun} zoology dierlijk {adjective} animal | beastly | bestial | brute | harsh dierlijke {adjective} animal diermeel {noun} carcass meal | meat and bone meal | meat flour dierproef [/ˈdirpruf/] {noun} animal experiment diesel [/ˈdisəl/] {noun, verb} diesel diesellocomotief {noun} diesel locomotive dieselmotor {noun} diesel engine Diets {adjective, noun} middle dutch dievegge {noun} thief dievenbende [/ˈdivən.bɛndə/] {noun} gang of thieves dievenpad {noun} stealing dieverij {noun} theft difenyl {noun} biphenyl | diphenyl | lemonene | phenylbenzene diffamatie {noun} defamation diffameren {verb} defame differentiaal {noun} differential differentiaalbeveiliging {noun} residual-current device differentiaalquotiënt {noun} difference quotient differentiaalrekening {noun} differential calculus differentiaalvergelijking {noun} differential equation differentiatie {noun} differentiation differentie {noun} difference differentieel {adjective, noun} differential gear differentiëren [/dɪfərɛn'(t)ʃerə(n)/] {verb} differentiate diffusie {noun} diffusion diffuus [/dɪˈfys] {adjective} diffuse difterie {noun} diphtheria diftong [/ˈdɪftɔŋ/] {noun} diphthong diftongering {noun} diphthongisation | diphthongization | vowel breaking digamma digamma digereren {verb} stomach digestie {noun} digestion digestief {adjective, noun} digestive digitaal {adjective} digital digitale camera digital camera digitale fotografie {noun} digital photography digitale vingerafdruk fingerprint digitalisatie {noun} digitalization digitaliseren {verb} digitalize digitalisering {noun} digitalization digraaf {noun} digraph dij [/dɛj/] {noun, verb} thigh dijbeen {noun} femur | thigh bone dijbreuk {noun} inguinal hernia dijk {noun, verb} dike | dyke dijkgat {noun} dike breach | dike gap dijkvak {noun} dike reach dijkval {noun} dike slide dijkverhoging {noun} dike heightening Dijle Dyle Dijon Dijon dik [/dɪk/] {adjective, adverb, verb} fat | thick | mightily | thickly dik en dun thick and thin dikachtig {adjective} thickish dikbekzaadkraker {noun} large-billed seed-finch dikbuikig abdominous dikdoener {noun} boaster dikdoenerij {noun} boast | boasting | bold | bravado | tall talk dikhoornschaap bighorn sheep dikhuidig thick-skinned dikke [/ˈdɪ.kə/] {adjective} thick dikke darm {noun} large intestine dikkerd {noun} chub dikkerdje {noun} chubby dikkerworden fill out dikkig {adjective} creamy | fat dikkop {noun} tadpole dikkopje {noun} tadpole diklijvig obese diklipharder {noun} Thick-lipped Grey Mullet dikoor {noun} mumps Diksmuide Diksmuide dikte {noun, verb} bulk dikwandig {adjective} thick-walled dikwijls {adverb} often | frequently dikzak {noun} fat-ass dilatatie {noun} dilatation dilateren {verb} dilate dildo {noun} dildo dilemma [/dɪ'lɛmɑ/] {noun} dilemma dilettant {noun} dilettante dilettantisch dilettante diligence {noun} diligence dille {noun} dill diltiazem {noun} diltiazem dimeer {noun} dimer dimensie {noun} dimension diminutief {noun} diminutive Dimitri {properNoun} Dmitry Dimli {noun} Dimili | Southern Zaza | Zaza | Zazaki dimlicht {noun} dim light dimmen {verb} dim dimmer {noun} dimmer dimorfisme {noun} dimorphism dinee dinner diner {noun} dinner dineren {verb} dine ding [/ˈdɪŋ/] {noun, verb} thing dingen {noun, verb} stuff | things Dinges John dinges [/ˈdɪ.ŋəs/] {noun} doohickey dingetje {noun} widget dingo {noun} dingo Dinka {noun} Dinka dinoflagellata [/ˈdinoflɑɣɛˌlata/] {noun} dinoflagellate dinoflagellaten [/ˈdinoflɑɣɛˌlatə(n)/] {noun} dinoflagellate dinosauriër [/ˌdinoˈsʌʊriər/] {noun} dinosaur dinosaurus [/ˌdinoˈsʌʊrəs/] {noun} dinosaur dinsdag [/ˈdɪnzdɑx/] {noun} Tuesday dinsdagdip suicide Tuesday diocees {noun} diocese diocese {noun} bishopric diode {noun} diode dioptaas dioptase Dioula {noun} Dyula Dioula-Dagaare {noun} Dagaari Dioula dioxide {noun} dioxide dioxine [/dijɔk'sinə/] {noun} dioxin dip [/dɪp/] {noun, verb} depression diplodocus {noun} diplodocus diploma {noun} diploma | certificate diplomaat {noun} diplomat diplomatencorps {noun} corps diplomatique | diplomatic corps diplomatie {noun} diplomacy diplomatiek {adjective, noun} diplomatic | diplomatics diplomatieke betrekkingen diplomatic relations diplopie {noun} diplopia diploë diploë diploïd [/diploˈit/] {adjective} diploid dipmeter {noun} dipmeter | dipper | grid dip oscillator dipool {noun} dipole dipoolantenne {noun} dipole antenna dippen {noun, verb} dip dipper {noun} dipmeter | dipper | grid dip oscillator diptiek {noun} diptych diptoot diptote direct [/diˈrɛkt/] {adjective, adverb} direct | directly direct aan de slag gaan hit the ground running directe vlucht direct flight directeur {noun} manager | director directie {noun} management director {noun} director directoraat {noun} directorate | directorship directorium {noun} directory directrice {noun} matron Dirichlet-energie Dirichlet energy dirigeerstok {noun} baton | conducting baton dirigent {noun} conductor dirigeren {verb} conduct dirigisme {noun} dirigism | dirigisme Dirk {properNoun} David | Derrick dirk [/ˈdɪrək/] {noun} topping lift Dis {noun, symbol} D sharp dis [/dɪs/] {noun, verb} table | D-sharp | D-sharp minor Dis grote terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} D sharp major dis kleine terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} D sharp minor Dis-groot {abbreviation, noun} D sharp major Dis-grootakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D-sharp major chord Dis-grotetertstoonaard {noun} D sharp major scale Dis-grotetertstoonladder {noun} D sharp major scale Dis-grotetertstoonschaal {noun} D sharp major scale Dis-grotetertstoonsoort {noun} D sharp major scale dis-klein {abbreviation, noun} D sharp minor dis-kleinakkoord {abbreviation, noun} Dis minor chord dis-kleinetertstoonaard {noun} D sharp minor scale dis-kleinetertstoonladder {noun} Dis-minor scale Dis-majeur {abbreviation, noun} D sharp major Dis-majeurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D-sharp major chord Dis-majeurtoonaard {noun} D sharp major scale Dis-majeurtoonladder {noun} D sharp major scale Dis-majeurtoonschaal {noun} D-sharp major scale Dis-majeurtoonsoort {noun} D sharp major scale dis-mineur {abbreviation, noun} D sharp minor dis-mineurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} D-sharp minor chord dis-mineurtoonladder {noun} Dis-minor scale dis-mineurtoonschaal {noun} Dis-minor scale Disappointmentmeer {properNoun} Lake Disappointment discant {noun} discant discipel {noun} disciple disciplinair {adjective} disciplinary discipline {noun} discipline disciplineren {verb} discipline | punish | sanction disclaimer {noun} disclaimer disco {noun} discotheque discografie {noun} discography discoid {noun} discoid discontinuïteit {noun} discontinuity disconto {noun} Federal discount rate discordantie {noun} discordance discotheek {noun} discotheque | disco discours {noun} discourse discreet {adjective} discreet | discreetly discrepantie {noun} discrepancy discrete fouriertransformatie discrete Fourier transform discretie {noun} discretion discretiseren discretize discriminant {noun} discriminant discriminatie {noun} discrimination discrimineren {verb} distinguish discursief {adjective} discursive discus [/ˈdɪskʏs/] {noun} discus discussie {noun} discussion discussiëren {verb} discuss discusvis discus fish discuswerpen {noun, verb} discus throw discutabel {adjective} doubtful | questionable discuteren {verb} discuss disis {noun} D-double sharp disjunctie {noun} disjunction diskette {noun} diskette diskettestation floppy drive diskwalificatie {noun} disqualification diskwalificeren {verb} disqualify dislocatie {noun} dislocation dismemberen partition disorde {noun} confusion dispar vulgo {phraseologicalUnit} dispar vulgo disparaat {adjective} disparate dispatching {noun} aircraft handling and control dispensatie {noun} absolution dispenser {noun} dispenser | dispensing machine display {noun} display disponeren {verb} absorb | have at one's disposal disponibel {adjective} at someone's disposal | available | vacant dispositie {noun} disposition Dispur {properNoun} Dispur disputeren {verb} argue | dispute dispuut {noun} quarrel disruptie {noun} disruption disruptief {adjective} disruptive diss {noun} diss dissel [/dɪsəl/] {noun} adze disseminatie {noun} dissemination dissemineren {verb} disseminate dissen {noun, verb} dish out dissertatie {noun} thesis | essay dissident {adjective, noun} deviationist dissidentie {noun} dissidence dissimileren {verb} dissimilate dissipatie {noun} disipation dissiperen {verb} dissipate dissociatie {noun} dissociation dissociëren {verb} atomize dissonant [/dɪso'nant/] {adjective, noun} dissonance dissonantie {noun} dissonance distaal {adjective} distal distantiëren {verb} dissociate distel {noun} thisle distentie {noun} distention distillaat {noun} distillate distilleerapparaat still distilleerderij distillery distilleren {verb} distill distinctie {noun} distinction distinctief {adjective, noun} distinctif distingeren {verb} distinguish distomatose fascioliasis distorsie {noun} distortion distractie {noun} distraction distribueren [/dɪstriby'erə(n)/] {verb} distribute distributeur {noun} distributor distributie {noun} distribution distributief {adjective} distributive district {noun} district districtenstelsel {noun} constituency voting system districtpolitiebureau precinct distro distro dit {demonstrativePronoun} this dit jaar this year ditjes-en-datjes this and that ditmaal {adverb} this time dito {adjective, adverb, noun} ditto dito dito ditto ditransitief {adjective} ditransitive diurese {noun} diuresis diureticum {noun} diuretic diuretisch {adjective} diuretic diurnus {adjective} diurnal diva {noun} diva Divali Diwali Divehi Dhivehi divergent {adjective} divergent divergentie {noun} divergence divergeren {verb} differ divers {adjective} diverse diversen {noun} olio diversiteit {noun} diversity diverticulitis {noun} diverticulitis divide et impera divide and conquer dividend {noun} dividend dividivi {noun} divi-divi divisie {noun} division diwaterstof {noun} dihydrogen diwaterstofcarbonaat {noun} carbonic acid diwaterstofmonoxide {noun} dihydrogen monoxide diwaterstofoxide {noun} dihydrogen monoxide diwaterstofsulfide {noun} hydrogen sulphide dizuurstof {noun} dioxygen diëlektricum {noun} dielectric diëtair dietary diëten {noun, verb} slim diëtetiek {noun} dietetics diëtist {noun} dietician diëtiste {noun} dietician Djaloet Goliath djembé [/'dʒɛmbe/] {noun} djembe Djibouti [/(d)ʒi.ˈbu.ti/ | /dji.ˈbu.ti/] {properNoun} Djibouti djinn {noun} jinn Dm {symbol} Dm Dm6 {symbol} Dm6 Dm7 {symbol} Dm7 Dmaj7 {symbol} Dmaj7 DNA {noun} DNA DNZ DNA do [/do/ | /ˈdɔndərˌdɑx/] {noun} do dobbelaar {noun} dicer | gambler dobbelspel crapshoot dobbelsteen {noun} die dobbelsteenslang dice snake dobber {noun, verb} cork dobberen {verb} bob dobermann {noun} Dobermann dobermannpincher {noun} Dobermann Pinscher dobra dobra docent {noun} docent docente {noun} teacher dochter [/ˈdɔxtər/] {noun} daughter dochterbedrijf {noun} subsidiary dochteronderneming {noun} subsidiary company dochtertaal daughter language dochtschere candle snuffer doctor [/ˈdɔktɔr/] {abbreviation, noun} doctor doctoraat {noun} doctorate doctorandus {abbreviation, noun} doctorandus doctorsgraad doctorate doctrinair {adjective} doctrinal doctrine {noun} doctrine docu documentary document {noun} document documentair {adjective} documentary documentaire {adjective, noun} documentary | documentary film documentalist {noun} documentarian documentatie [/dokymɛn'taʦi/] {noun} documentation documenteren {verb} document dodaars {noun} little grebe dode {adjective, noun, verb} dead dode harrel {noun} basal stem blight dode komeet dead comet dode letter {noun} dead letter Dode Zee Dead Sea dodecafonie {noun} dodecaphony | twelve-note composition dodecafonisch {adjective, adverb} dodecaphonic dodecafonist dodecaphonist dodecaphonist dodecaphonist dodecaëder {noun} dodecahedron dodehoekspiegel {noun} blind spot mirror dodekop {noun} rouge dodelijk [/'do:dələk/] {adjective} deadly dodemansknop {noun} dead man's button | dead man's handle | safety drive switch doden [/ˈdo.də(n)/] {noun, verb} kill dodenbezweerder necromancer dodenbezwering necromancy dodenboek {noun} book of the Dead dodendans {noun} danse macabre dodenherdenking [/ˈdodə(n)hɛrdɛŋkɪŋ/] {noun} commemoration of the dead dodenmasker death mask dodenmis [/ˈdodə(n)ˌmɪs/] {noun} requiem dodenrijk {noun} underworld dodental [/'do.dən.tɑl/] {noun} number of casualties dodenwake wake doder {adjective, noun} killer dodo {noun} dodo doe alsof je thuis bent make yourself at home doe rustig take it easy doe-het-zelf {noun, verb} do-it-yourself doedelzak [/ˈdudɔɫˌzɑk/ | /ˈdudəlˌzɑk/] {noun} bagpipes | doodlesack doeg {interjection} bye doei [/dui̯/] {interjection} bye doei doei bye-bye doejong dugong doek {noun} screen | cloth | curtain | linen | painting | picture doekoe {noun} dough doel [/ˈdul/] {noun, verb} goal | target doelbewust {adjective} advisedly doelgericht {adjective} purposeful doelgroep {noun} target market doellat {noun} crossbar doellijn {noun} goal line doellijntechnologie {noun} goal-line technology doelloos {adjective} aimless doelman {noun} goalkeeper | goalie doelmatig [/dul'matəx/] {adjective} convenient | handy | opportune doelmatigheid {noun} expediency doelmatigheidsleer teleology doeloorzaak [/ˈduloːrˌzak/] {noun} final cause doelpaal {noun} post doelpunt {noun, verb} goal doelpuntenmaker goalscorer doelsaldo {noun} goal difference doelstelling {noun} aim | objective doeltaal {noun} target language doeltreffendheid {noun} efficacy doelvrouw {noun} goalkeeper doelwachter goalkeeper doelwachtster goalkeeper doelwit {noun} clout doelzak {noun} target bag Doema {noun} State Duma | lower house doema duma doemdenker {noun} pessimist doemprofeet {noun} doomsayer doemscenario {noun} worst case scenario doen {noun, verb} do doen alsof pretend doen bijeen passen coordinate doen bol staan billow doen denken aan redolent doen draaien spin doen en laten coming and going doen gelden vindicate doen groeien grow doen hellen bank doen herleven revive doen in verzekeringen insure doen mislukken abort doen ontaarden deprave doen repeteren rehearse doen schrikken scare doen stoppen in een vroegtijdig stadium abort doen verloederen deprave doen vermoeden suggest doen verouderen age doen verstuiven pulverise doen wegkwijnen waste doenbaar {adjective} fair doenlijk {adjective} possible doerian {noun} durian doezelen {verb} slumber | drowse | stump dof {adjective, noun, verb} lackluster doffe e schwa doffer {adjective, noun} cock pigeon | cock dove | cock-dove | cock-pigeon dofheid {noun} apathy | dullness | torpor dog [/dɔx/] {noun} mastiff dogcar dog cart doge {noun} doge doggy doggy style doggy style doggy style doggybag {noun} doggy bag dogma [/'dɔɣma/] {noun} dogma dogmaticus {noun} dogmatist dogmatiek {noun} dogmatics dogmatisch {adjective} dogmatic Dogri {noun} Dogri Dogri-Kangri {noun} Dogri-Kangri Dogrib {noun} Dogrib dok {noun, verb} dry dock | harpsichord jack | wet dock doka {noun} darkroom dokblok {noun} keelblock dokken {noun, verb} cough up | dock doksaal {noun} rood screen dokter [/ˈdɔktər/] {noun, verb} doctor | physician dokteren {verb} doctor doktersattest {noun} medical certificate doktersvis surgeonfish dokwerker {noun} stevedore dol [/dɔl/] {adjective, noun, verb} mad | crazy | oarlock | rowlock | thole dol zijn op dote dolblij [/ˈdɔlblɛi/] {adjective} glad dolboord {noun} gunwale dolce far niente {phraseologicalUnit} dolce far niente doldraaien {verb} ruin the thread by turning | strip the thread of a screw doldriest {adjective} audacious | daring | overconfident | reckless doldriftig {adjective} furious dolen {verb} roam dolend {adjective, verb} errant dolfijn [/dɔlˈfɛɪ̯n/ | /dɔlˈfɛːn/ | /dɔɫˈfɛɪ̯n/ | /ˈdɔlfɛɪ̯n/ | /ˈdɔlfɛːn/ | /ˈdɔɫfɛɪ̯n/] {adjective, noun} dolphin dolfinarium {noun} dolphinarium dolgedraaid {adjective, verb} to ruin the thread by turning dolheid {noun} extasis | frenzy | fury | passion | rage dolik {noun} darnel dolk {noun} dagger dollar [/ ˈdɔlɑr /] {noun} dollar dollarteken {noun} dollar sign dollekoeienziekte {noun} bovine spongiform encephalopathy dolleman {noun} idiot | imbecile | lunatic | madman | maniac dollen {noun, verb} dote dolly {noun} dolly doloreus dolorous dolzinnig {adjective} crazy | insane | mad | nuts dom [/dɔm/] {adjective, noun} dome | dumb | cathedral dom blondje dumb blonde dom, lanzaam reagerend tardy domein {noun} domain domesticatie {noun} domestication domesticeren [/domɛsti'serə(n)/] {verb} domesticate domestiek {adjective, noun} servant domheid {noun} folly domicilie {noun} legal domicile domiciliëring {noun} banker's order dominant {adjective, noun} dominant dominantie {noun} dominance dominantseptiemakkoord {noun} dominant seventh chord dominee {noun} pastor domineren [/domiˈnɪːrə(n)/] {verb} dominate Dominic {properNoun} Dominic Dominica [/do.ˈmi.ni.ˌka/] {properNoun} Dominica Dominicaan {noun} dominican dominicaan {noun} dominican Dominicaanse Republiek [/ˌdo.mi.ni.ˌkan.sə.re.py.ˈblik/ | /ˌdo.mi.ni.ˌkans.re.pʏ.ˈbliːk/] {properNoun} Dominican Republic domino-effect {noun} domino effect domkop {noun} blockhead domme {adjective} stupid domme ezel donkey domme gans fool domme koe cow dommekracht {noun} hooker dommelen {verb} doze dommelig {adjective} drowsy dommeling {noun} subwaking dommerik {noun} dope domoor {noun} stupid dompelbad {noun} dip dompelen {verb} dabble domper {noun} candle snuffer domweg {adverb} simply Don Don Don Juan Don Juan don juan playboy Don Quichot Don Quixote Donald Duck Donald Duck Donar Thor donateur {noun} donator donatie {noun} donation donatiepagina {noun} Spendenseite | donation page donatisme {noun} Donatism Donau {properNoun} Danube Donauzalm huchen donder {noun, verb} thunder donder op {verb} fuck you donderbus blunderbuss donderdag [/ˈdɔndərˌdɑx/] {noun} Thursday donderdagavond {adverb, noun} Thursday evening donderen [/ˈdɔndərə(n)/] {verb} thunder | tumble | bluster | come crashing down | thunder away donderend {adjective, verb} booming | thundering donderjagen {verb} be a nuisance donderpreek {noun} fire-and-brimstone sermon donderroe {noun} lightning conductor | lightning rod donderroede {noun} lightning conductor | lightning rod donderslag [/'dɔndərslɑx/] {noun} thunderbolt donderspeech {noun} lay down law dondersteen {noun} rascal donderstraal {noun, verb} blighter | rascal dondervogel thunderbird donderwolk {noun} thundercloud doneren {verb} endow dongel {noun} dongle donjon {noun} bastille donker [/ˈdɔŋkər/] {adjective, noun, verb} dark donker bier ale donker maken shade donker worden darken donkerder {adjective} darken donkerder worden darken donkere energie dark energy donkere materie dark matter donkere tuinhommel short-haired bumblebee donkerheid darkness donkerhuidig dark-skinned donkerreactie [/ˈdɔŋkəreˌɑksi/] {noun} Calvin cycle donkerrode {adjective} plum donkerrood {adjective, noun} dark red donkerte {noun} darkness donor {noun} donor donormoeheid donor fatigue donorprincipe {noun} donor principle donquichotterie {noun} quixotry donquichotterig quixotic dons {noun} down donsdek {noun} comforter donsdeken {noun} comforter donut {noun} donut | doughnut donzen {adjective} downy dood [/doːt/] {adjective, noun, verb} death | dead dood door schuld culpable homicide dood(straf) capital dood- {prefix} dead doodarm {adjective} destitute | impoverished | penniless doodbloeden {verb} bleed to death doodceel death certificate dooddoen {verb} kill doodgaan [/ˈdotxan/] {verb} die doodgeboorte stillbirth doodgeboren {adjective} stillborn doodgemoedereerd {adjective} coolly doodgestoken {verb} stabbed to death doodgewicht {noun} dead load | deadweight | deadweight tonnage doodgewichtanker {noun} deadweight anchor doodgraver {noun} gravedigger | burying beetle doodkalm {adjective} coolly doodkist {noun} coffin doodlachen {verb} die laughing doodmaken {verb} kill | liquidate | slay doodmoe {adjective} bushed