Читать книгу The Great Dictionary Dutch - English - Benjamin Maximilian Eisenhauer - Страница 5


accolade {noun} accolade accommodatie {noun} accommodation | accoutrement | accoutrements | equipment accommodatievermogen {noun} adaptability | power of accommodation accommoderen {verb} accomodate | house | shelter accompagneren {verb} accompany accordeon {noun} accordion accorderen [/ɑ.kɔr.de.rən/] {verb} come to an agreement accordeur {noun} tuner account {noun} account accountancy {noun} accountancy | accounting accountant {noun} accountant accountantsrapport {noun} audit report | auditor`s report Accra {properNoun} Accra accrediteren {verb} affirm accreditering {noun} accreditation accretie {noun} accrementition | accretion accretieschijf accretion disk accu [/ɑky/] {noun} accumulator | battery accumulatie {noun} accumulation accumulator {noun} accumulator | battery accumuleren {verb} accumulate | heap | pile up | stack accuraat [/ɑkyˈrat/] {adjective} accurate accusatie {noun} accusation accusatief [/ˌɑkusaˈtif/ | /ˌɑkyzaˈtiːf/] {noun} accusative case | accusative aceetamide acetamide acerola {noun} acerola | barbados cherry | west indian cherry | wild crapemyrtle acerola-kers {noun} acerola | barbados cherry | west indian cherry | wild crapemyrtle acetaat {noun} acetate aceton {noun} acetone acetonurie acetonuria acetylcholine [/ˌɑsəˈtilxoˌlinə/ | /ˌɑsəˈtiɫχoˌlinə/ | /ˌɑsɛˌtylxoˈlin(ə)/] {noun} acetylcholine acetyleen [/ˌɑ.sə.ti.ˈlen/] {noun} acetylene acetyleenlamp {noun} carbide lamp acetylsalicylzuur [/xxxx/] {noun} acetylsalicylic acid ach schijt what the hell Achab Ahab Achaz Ahaz Achilles {properNoun} Achilles achilleshiel {noun} Achilles heel | Achilles' heel achillespees {noun} achilles' tendon Achnaton Akhenaten achromasie {noun} Daltonism | color blindness acht {noun, cardinalNumeral, verb} eight achtbaan [/ˈɑxtbaːn/] {noun} rollercoaster achtbaanrit [/ˈɑxtbaːnrɪt/] {noun} rollercoaster ride achteloos {adjective} careless achteloosheid {noun} negligence achten [/'ɑxtə(n)/] {noun, verb} deem achtendertig {noun, cardinalNumeral} thirty-eight achtennegentig {noun, cardinalNumeral} ninety-eight achtenswaardig {adjective} respectable achtentachtig {noun, cardinalNumeral} eighty-eight achtentwintig {noun, cardinalNumeral} twenty-eight achtenveertig {noun, cardinalNumeral} forty-eight achtenvijftig {noun, cardinalNumeral} fifty-eight achtenzestig {noun, cardinalNumeral} sixty-eight achtenzeventig [/ˈɑxtənˌzøvəntəx/] {noun, cardinalNumeral} seventy-eight achter {adverb, preposition} behind achter aan after achter de coulissen behind the scenes achter de schermen behind the scenes achter de tralies behind bars achter de wolken schijnt de zon every cloud has a silver lining achter elkaar upright achter gesloten deuren behind closed doors achteraan {adverb} behind achteraangelegen postern achteraanzicht {noun} rear view achteraf {adverb} afterwards achteraf gezien hindsight achterafstraat {noun} back street | shady (shifty) street achterafstraatje {noun} back street achterbaks [/ɑxtər'bɑks/] {adjective} sneaky | shrewd achterbank {noun} back seat | backseat achterblijven {verb} remain achterblijver {noun} laggard | straggler achterbout {noun} back haunch | hind haunch | hindquarter achterdek {noun} afterdeck achterdenken {noun} concern | mistrust | suspicion | worry achterdeur {noun} back door achterdocht {noun} dubious achterdochtig {adjective} suspicious achtereen {adverb} consecutively achtereenvolgend {adjective} consecutive achtereenvolgens {adverb} successively achtereind {noun} as thich as two short planks | hind part achtereinde {noun} hindquarter achtererf {noun} substitute achtergeplaatst voorzetsel postposition achtergevel [/ɑ'xtərxevəl/] {noun} back elevation | back façade | back wall achtergrond {noun} background achtergrondkleur {noun} background colour achtergrondmuziek {noun} background music achterhaald [/ɑxtər'ɦalt/] {adjective, verb} obsolete achterhalen {verb} discover | find out achterham {noun} smoked leg ham achterhand {noun} hindquarter achterhoede {noun} rear achterhoedespeler back achterhoofd {noun} occiput achterhoofdsbeen {noun} occipital achterhouden {verb} hold out achterkant [/ˈɑxtәrkɑnt/] {noun} back | reverse | rear | reverse side achterkant van de nek nape achterklap {noun, verb} slander | scandal achterkleinkind [/ˈɑxtərklɛɪŋkɪnt/] {noun} great-grandchild achterkleinzoon [/ˈɑxtərklɛɪ̯nzon/] {noun} great-granson achterland {noun} hinterland achterlaten {verb} abandon | leave behind achterlating {noun} abandonment achterlicht {noun} rear light | rear lamp | tail lamp | taillight achterliggend {adjective, verb} underlying achterlijk {adjective, noun} backward | following | from aft | retarded achterlijke {adjective} mug achterlijker dan abaft achterlijkheid {noun} Idioterie | backwardness | mental derangement | mental disorder | mental disturbance | preposterousness achterlijn {noun} baseline achterlopen {verb} lose time | run slow achterna [/ɑxtər'na/] {adverb} after | behind achternaam {noun} surname | last name achternagaan {verb} run after achternajagen chase achternazitten {verb} pursue achterneef {noun} second cousin achternicht {noun} second cousin achterom kijken look back achteromkijken {verb} look back achteropraken {verb} fall behind achteroverliggend recumbent achterovervallen {verb} fall backwards achterpagina {noun} backpage achterplan {noun} backstage achterpoort {noun} back-gate achterrem {noun} rear brake | rear-wheel brake achterruit {noun} rear window achterruitverwarming {noun} heated rear window | rear-window heater achterschip {noun} hind part achterst {adjective} hind achterstag {noun} backstay | stern stay achterstallig {adjective} back | behind | overdue achterstallige betaling arrear achterstand {noun} arrear Achterste posterior achterste {adjective, noun} backside | hind | last achterste oogkamer posterior chamber achterstellen {verb} postpone achtersteven {noun} stern | poop achterstevoren {adverb} backwards achtertuin {noun} back garden achteruit {adverb, noun} aback | back | backward | backwards achteruit gaan back achteruit rijden back achteruitgaan {verb} decline achteruitgang {noun} decline achteruitkijkspiegel {noun} rear-view mirror achteruitrijden {verb} back achteruitrijlamp {noun} reverse light achteruittraprem coaster brake achtervang backstop achtervanger catcher achtervoegen {verb} add | affix achtervoegsel [/'ɑx.tər.vux.səl/] {noun} suffix achtervolgen {verb} pursue | chase after achtervolger {noun} tail achtervolging {noun} persecution | pursuit achterwaarts {adjective, adverb} aback achterwacht {noun} backup achterwerk {noun} backside achterwiel {noun} rear wheel achterwielaandrijving {noun} rear-wheel drive achterzak {noun} back pocket achterzetsel [/'ɑxtərzɛtsəl/] {noun} postposition achterzijde {noun} back | reverse | reverse side achthoek {noun} octagon achthoekig [/ɑxt'ɦukəx/] {adjective} octagonal achthonderd [/ˈɑxtˌɦɔndərt/] {noun, cardinalNumeral} eight hundred achting {noun} esteem achtlettergrepig octosyllabic achtste [/ˈɑxstə/] {ordinalAdjective} eighth achtste cicero German achtste noot quaver achtste petit American achttal {noun} eightsome achttien {noun, cardinalNumeral} eighteen achttiende {ordinalAdjective} eighteenth achtuurjournaal {noun} eight o'clock news achtvoudig eightfold aciditeit [/ˌasidiˈtɛɪt/] {noun} acidity acidose {noun} acidosis acidotisch acidotic acne {noun} acne acoliet {noun} acolyte | follower acquireren {verb} acquire acquis acquis acquis communautaire acquis communautaire acquisitie {noun} takeover Acre {properNoun} Acre acre {noun} acre acribisch meticulous acrimonieus acrimonious acrobaat {noun} acrobat acrobatiek {noun} acrobatics acrobatisch {adjective} acrobatic acrocyanose {noun} acrocyanosis acrofobie acrophobia acroleïne {noun} acrolein acromegalie acromegaly acroniem {noun} acronym acrostichon {noun} achrostic acryl {noun} acrylic acryl- acrylic acrylaat {noun} acrylate acrylamide {noun} acrylamide acrylverf {noun} acrylic acrylverftekening acrylic acrylzuur {noun} acrylic acid act {noun} act acteren {verb} act acteur [/ɑkˈtør/] {noun} actor acth {noun} acth actie {noun} action actiecomité {noun} action committee | action group actief [/ɑk'tif/] {adjective, adverb} active actiefiguur action figure actiefilm {noun} action movie actiegroep {noun} action group actieradius {noun} range | radius of action actieturbine {noun} impulse turbine actieve kool activated carbon actieve vulkaan active volcano actievoerder {noun} activist actinide {noun} actinide actinium {noun} actinium actinograaf {noun} actinograph activa {noun} assets activatie {noun} activation activeren {verb} activate activisme {noun} activism activist {noun} activist | agitator activiteit {noun} activity activum {noun} active voice | asset item actrice [/ɑkˈtrɪsə/] {noun} actress actualisatie {noun} update actualiseren {verb} update actualiteit {noun} topicality actualiteiten {noun} current events actualiteitenrubriek {noun} current affairs actuariaat {noun} actuarial services actuarieel {adjective} actuarial actuaris {noun} actuary actueel [/ɑktyˈwel/] {adjective} current acupuncturist {noun} acupuncturist acupunctuur {noun} acupuncture acuut [/aˈkyt/] {adjective} acute acyclisch acyclic ad hoc {adjective} ad hoc ad nauseam ad nauseam ad rem {adjective} lively | to the point | witty adagium [/aˈdaɣijʏm/] {noun} adage Adam {properNoun} Adam Adam en Eva Adam and Eve adamant adamant adamsappel [/ˈadɑmzɑpəl/] {noun} Adam's apple adamskostuum {noun} birthday suit adaptatie {noun} adaptation adapter {noun} adapter adapteren {verb} adapt adar [/aˈdɑr/] {noun} Adar ADD {noun} ADD addendum {noun} addendum | appendage | supplement adder {noun} viper | adder addertong {noun} ophioglossum addictie {noun} addiction additie {noun} addition additief {adjective, noun} additive additioneel {adjective} additional additivum {noun} additive adel {noun, verb} nobility adel verplicht noblesse oblige adelaar [/ˈadəˌlar/] {noun} eagle adelaarsnest eyrie adelaarsneus aquiline nose adelaarsvaren {noun} bracken fern adelborst {noun} midshipman adeldom {noun} nobility adelen {verb} ennoble Adelger Elgar Adelheid {properNoun} Adelaide adellijk [/adələk/] {adjective} blue blood adellijke {adjective} noble Adelmar Aylmer adelstand {noun} nobility | peerage Adelwijn Alwin adem [/adəm/] {noun, verb} breath adembenemend {adjective} breathtaking ademen [/ˈa.də.mə(n)/] {verb} breathe ademhalen [/ˈa.də.ˌma.lə(n)/] {verb} breathe ademhaling {noun} breathing | respiration ademhalingssysteem {noun} respiratory system ademnood {noun} dyspnea | dyspnoea adempauze {noun} breath ademstoot {noun} forced exhalation ademtocht {noun} breath | inhalation | respiration Aden Aden adenitis {noun} adenitis adenohypofyse [/aˈdenoˌhipoˌfizə/] {noun} adenohypophysis | anterior lobe | anterior pituitary adenomateus adenomatous adenoom {noun} adenoma adenosine {noun} adenosine adequaat [/a.de.'kʋat/] {adjective, adverb} adequate ader {noun, verb} vein aderen {noun, verb} grain | vein aderlaten [/ˈadərlatə(n)/] {verb} bleed aderlating [/ˈa.dər.la.tɪŋ/ | /ˈaː.dər.laː.tɪŋ(g)/] {noun} bloodletting aderverkalking {noun} arteriosclerosis adervernauwing stenosis aderverwijding aneurysm ADHD {noun} ADHD | ADHS adherent {adjective, noun} adherend | ally | sympathizer adhesie [/ɑtˈhezi/] {noun} adhesion adieu {interjection, noun} goodbye | adieu | bye | farewell | good-bye Adim {symbol} Adim7 adipositas {noun} adiposity | obesity adjectief {noun} adjective adjectivisch {adjective} adjectival adjectivum {noun} adjective adjudant {noun} adjutant | aide-de-camp adjudant-chef {noun} Chief Master Sergeant | Warrant Officer ; sergeant major | sergeant major adjunct {noun} assistant adjustage {noun} adaptation adjuvans {noun} adjuvant administrateur [/ɑtmənɪstra'tør/] {noun} manager | administrator administratie [/ˌɑtminɪsˈtrasi/ | /ˌɑtminɪsˈtratsi/] {noun} accounts | records administratief {adjective} administrative administratiekantoor {noun} administration | management administrator {noun} administrator administratrice {noun} administrator administreren {verb} administer admiraal {noun} admiral admiraalschap {noun} admiralship admiraalvlinder red admiral admiraliteit {noun} admirality Admiraliteitseilanden Admiralty Islands admissie {noun} admission | licence admittantie {noun} admittance adnexitis {noun} adnexitis adobe adobe adolescent {adjective, noun} adolescent Adolf {properNoun} Adolf adonis {noun} Adonis | blood drops | dandy | pheasant's eye adopteren {verb} adopt adoptianisme {noun} Adopcionism adoptie {noun} adoption adoptie vader adoptive father adoptief {adjective} adopted adoptiefouder {noun} adoptive parent adoptiekind {noun} adopted child adoptieouder {noun} adoptive parent adoptieverlof {noun} adoption leave adorabel {adjective} adorable adoreren {verb} adore | worship adpositie adposition adrenaline {noun} adrenaline adrenalitis adrenalitis adrenerg {noun} adrenergic adrenocorticaal adrenocortical adrenolyticum {noun} adrenolytic adres [/aˈdrɛs/] {noun} address adresbalk address bar adresboek {noun} directory | address book adressenlijst {noun} TAR | mailing list | tape address register adresseren {verb} address adreswijziging {noun} change of address Adriaan {properNoun} Adrian Adriatische Zee {properNoun} Adriatic Sea ADSL {noun} ADSL adsorberen [/ɑd.zɔr.ˈbeː.rə(n)/ | /ɑt.sɔr.ˈbɪː.rə(n)/] {verb} adsorb adsorptie {noun} adsorption adstringent {adjective} adstringent adstringerend {adjective} adstringent adstructie {noun} proof | sign adstrueren {verb} prove adult {adjective, noun} adult advent [/ɑtˈfɛnt/] {noun} advent | Advent adventief {noun} adventitious | alien adventskalender {noun} advent calender adventsperiode {noun} advent adverbiale accusativus adverbial accusative adverteerder {noun} advertiser advertentie {noun} advertisement | ad advertentiebureau {noun} advertising agency advies [/ɑt'fis/] {noun} advice | counsel | notice | notification advies geven advise adviesprijs retail adviseren [/ɑtfiˈzerə(n)/] {verb} advise | recommend adviseur {noun} adviser | counsellor advocaat {noun} lawyer | barrister | attorney advocaat van de duivel devil's advocate advocate {noun} advocate advocatenkantoor {noun} law office advocatuur {noun} advocacy adynaton adynaton adzukiboon {noun} azuki bean adéliepinguïn Adelie penguin AE {abbreviation, properNoun} AU Aegidius Aegidius Aeneis Aeneid aerobics {noun} aerobics aerobiologie aerobiology aerodroom {noun} aerodrome aerodynamica {noun} aerodynamics aerodynamisch {adjective} aerodynamic aerofagie {noun} aerophagy aerofobie {noun} aerophobia aerofoon {noun} aerophone aerograaf {noun} airbrush Aeronien Aeronian aeroob [/ɛːrop/] {adjective} aerobic aerosol [/ˌæːroˈzol/ | /ˌɛːroˈzɔɫ/] {noun} aerosol aerostatica {noun} aerostatics af {adjective, adverb} finished | ready | through af en toe {adverb} now and then | off and on | sometimes | occasionally Afar {noun} Afar afasie {noun} aphasia afbakenen {verb} buoy afbakening {noun} delineation afbeelden {verb} portray | picture afbeelding [/ɑfbeldɪŋ/] {noun} illustration | image afbellen {verb} cancel by telephone | countermand by telephone afbestellen {verb} cancel afbetalen {verb} acquit afbetaling {noun} installment | hire purchase | instalment afbetalingstermijn {noun} repayment afbeulen {verb} work to pieces afbijten [/ˈɑfbɛitə(n)/] {verb} bite off afbikken {verb} chipp off afbinden {verb} bind afbinding ligature afbladderen {verb} flake off | peel off | scale off afblaffen [/ˈɑvblɑfə(n)/] {verb} snarl | snub afblijven {verb} keep off afblijven! hands off afblinden dim afboeken {verb} write-off of an asset afboeking {noun} write-down | writing off the balance afborstelen {verb} brush afbraak [/'ɑfbrak/] {noun} catabolism | decomposition afbraakprijs {noun} rock-bottom prize afbraakproduct {noun} breakdown product | decay product | degradation product afbramen {verb} deburr afbranden {verb} burn down afbreekbaar {adjective} biodegradable afbreekteken hyphen afbreken [/ˈɑvbrekə(n)/] {verb} abort afbrekende kritiek flak afbreker {noun} cut-off man | decomposer | reducer afbrekingsteken {noun} break afbrengen {verb} dissuade afbrokkelen {verb} crumble | crumble away | crumble off afbrokkeling {noun} crumbling | spalling afbuigen {verb} turn afbuiging {noun} deflection afdak [/ˈɑf.dɑk/ | /ˈɑv.dɑk/] {noun} abat-vent afdalen {verb} go down afdaling {noun} descent afdammen {verb} curb afdamming {noun} canal closure afdanken {verb} discard | throw away afdankertje {noun} cast-off | hand-me-down afdanking {noun} dismissal afdekkap {noun} cover | covering cap afdekken [/ˈɑf.dɛ.kə(n)/ | /ˈɑv.dɛ.kə(n)/] {verb} cover up afdeklaag {noun} cover foil | protective coating | protective layer afdekverf {noun} opaque afdekzeil {noun} protection cover afdeling [/ˈɑfdelɪŋ/] {noun} department afdelingsbestuur {noun} Branch Leadership afdelingshoofd {noun} Head of Unit | Project Lead | head of department | headmanager | manager afdelingsmanager {noun} Head of Department afdelingsvergadering {noun} sectional meeting afdingen {verb} bargain | haggle afdoen {verb} conclude | dispatch | expedite | finnish | put off | settle afdoend {adjective, verb} conclusively afdraaien {verb} turning away afdracht {noun} tribute afdragen {verb} hand over | turn over | wear out afdrift {noun} leeway afdrijven {verb} purge afdrijvend {verb} abortive afdrijving abortion afdroogdoek [/ˈɑfdroxduk/] {noun} tea towel afdruiprek [/ˈɑfdrœʏpˌrɛk/ | /ˈɑfdrœːpˌrɛk/] {noun} plate rack afdruk {noun, verb} copy | imprint | print afdrukken {noun, verb} print afdruksel {noun} print afdruppelen distil afduwen {verb} push off afdwalen {verb} stray | wander afdwalend {verb} aberrant afdwaling {noun} aberration | digression | wandering afdwingbaarheid {noun} enforceability afdwingen {verb} command | compel | force aferese apheresis aferesis apheresis affaire {noun} affair | case affakkelen {verb} flaring affect {noun} affect affectatie {noun} affectation | assignment | affectedness | allotment affecteren {verb} affect affectie {noun} affection affectief {adjective} affective affectiviteit {noun} affectivity affiche {noun} bill affidavit {noun} affidavit affiliatie [/ˌɑfiliˈja(t)si/] {noun} affiliation affiliëren [/ˌɑfiliˈjerə(n)/] {verb} affiliate affiliëren/sjabloontest [/ˌɑfiliˈjerə(n)/] {verb} affiliate affineren {verb} purify affiniteit [/ɑfiniˈtɛit/] {noun} affinity affirmatief {adjective} affirmative affirmeren {verb} affirm affix {noun} affix affixoïde {noun} affixoid affreus {adjective} appalling affricaat [/ˌɑfriˈkat/] {noun} affricate affront {noun} abuse | insult affronteren {verb} insult | offend affuit {noun} gun carriage afgaan {verb} go down | go off | lose one's face afgang {noun} flop afgebakend {adjective, verb} defined | delimited afgebeeld {adjective, verb} image | painting | portraying afgebroken {verb} broken afgedankt {adjective, verb} discarded | dismissed | disused afgedragen {verb} decrepit afgejakkerd {verb} jaded afgekeurd {verb} deprecated afgeknot {verb} abrupt afgeknotte icosaëder truncated icosahedron afgekort {verb} abbreviated afgeladen {verb} abrim afgelasten [/'ɑfxəˌlɑstə(n)/] {verb} adjourn afgelasting {noun} cancellation afgeleefd {adjective, verb} decrepit afgelegen [/ɑfxəlegə/] {adjective, verb} remote | distant | far | afar | far away afgeleid gegeven epiphenomenon afgeleide {noun, verb} derivative afgelopen {adjective, verb} last afgemat {verb} beat afgeplat {verb} flattened afgeprijsd {verb} cheap afgerond {adjective, verb} round afgeroomd {verb} skim afgeroomde melk skim milk afgesleten {verb} bald afgesloten [/'ɑf.xə.slo.tə(n)/] {verb} closed afgespen {verb} unbuckle | unclasp | untying afgesproken {verb} consensual afgestompt {adjective, verb} callous afgestudeerde {adjective, noun, verb} graduate afgetrokken {verb} abstractive afgevaardigde {noun, verb} delegate afgeven [/ˈɑfɣevə(n)/] {verb} deliver | complain | leave | run afgewikkeld {verb} unwound afgezaagd {adjective, verb} commonplace | dismal | hackneyed | hard-worked | stale | trite afgezant {noun} envoy | emissary | messenger afgezien {preposition, verb} besides afgezien van [/ˈɑfxəzinˌvɑn/] {preposition} apart from afgezonderd {adjective, adverb, verb} abstract afgezonderde {adjective, verb} separate Afghaan [/ɑf.ˈxan/ | /ɑf.ˈχan/] {noun} Afghan afghaan {noun} Afghan Afghaans [/ɑf.ˈxans/ | /ɑf.ˈχans/ | /ɑv.ˈɣaːns/] {adjective, noun} Afghan | Pashto | Afghani Afghaanse [/ɑf.ˈxan.sə/ | /ɑf.ˈχan.sə/] {adjective, noun} afghan woman Afghaanse windhond Afghan Hound Afghanistan [/ɑf.ˈɣa.nɪ.ˌstɑn/ | /ɑf.ˈχa.nɪ.ˌstɑn/ | /ɑv.ˈɣa.nɪ.ˌstɑn/] {properNoun} Afghanistan afgietsel {noun} cast afgifte {noun} delivery afgod [/'ɑfxɔt/] {noun} idol | false god afgoderij [/ɑfxodə'rɛi/] {noun} idolatry afgraven {verb} abrade afgraving {noun} excavation afgrazen {verb} browse | graze | pasture afgrendelen {verb} sealing off afgrenzen {verb} bound | limit afgrenzing demarcation afgrijselijk {adjective, adverb} atrocious afgrijselijke zaak abhorrence afgrijzen {noun} abhorrence afgrond [/ˈɑfxrɔnt/ | /ˈɑfχrɔnt/ | /ˈɑvɣrɔnd/] {noun} abyss | chasm afgunst [/ˈɑfxɵnst/ | /ˈɑfçʏnst/] {noun} envy | jealousy afgunstig {adjective} envious | jealous afgunstig zijn envy afhaalrestaurant {noun} takeaway restaurant afhaker {noun} dropout afhakken {verb} truncate afhalen [/ˈɑfhalə(n)/] {verb} pick up afhandelen {verb} end afhandeling {noun} ending afhangen {verb} depend | hang down afhankelijk {adjective} according | dependent afhankelijkheid {noun} dependence afhappen {verb} bite off afhechten {verb} anchor afhellen {verb} slope down afhelpen {verb} release afhouwen {verb} sever afhuiven {verb} unhood afhuren {verb} charter afijn {interjection} ah well afikoman [/afikoˈmɑn/] {noun} afikomen afikomen [/afiˈkomə(n)/] {noun} afikomen afikoumon [/afiˈkɑumɔn/] {noun} afikomen afjakkeren {verb} override afkalven {verb} calve | calve-in afkalving {noun} caving | flow slide afkammen {verb} write down afkanten {verb} cast off | chamfer afkappen {verb} truncate afkeer {noun, verb} abhorrence afkeren {verb} turn away afkerig {adjective} loath afketsen {verb} reject afkeuren {verb} disapprove | reject afkeurend {adjective, verb} disapproving afkeurenswaardig [/ˌɑfkørənsˈʋardəx/] {adjective} blameworthy | condemnable | objectionable afkeuring {noun} disapproval afkicken {verb} kick the habit afkijken {verb} copy afklimmen {verb} climbing down | descending | dismount afkloppen {verb} knock on wood | touch wood afkluiven {verb} gnaw afknagen {verb} browse afknellen {verb} pinch off afknijpen {verb} pinch off afknippen {verb} cut-off afknotten {verb} clip | truncate afkoelen [/'ʔɑfkulən/] {verb} cool down afkoeling {noun} cooling afkoelingsperiode {noun} cooling off period afkomen {verb} be granted | head afkomst {noun} race afkomstig {adjective} coming from afkomstig zijn van hail from afkondigen {verb} proclaim afkondiging {noun} proclamation afkooksel {noun} decoction | extract afkoopsom {noun} redemption money afkopen {noun, verb} buy off afkoping {noun} redemption afkoppelen {verb} disconnect afkorten {verb} abbreviate afkortend {verb} abbreviatory afkorter abbreviator afkorting [/ɑfkɔrtɪŋ/] {noun} abbreviation afkrabben {verb} scrape | scrape off | scratch off afkraken {verb} slate afkrijgen [/ˈɑf.krɛɪ̯.ɣə(n)/ | /ˈɑf.krɛɪ̯.χə(n)/ | /ˈɑf.krɛː.ɣə(n)/] {verb} finish | get done afkunnen {verb} be able to cope with | be able to handle aflaat [/ˈɑflat/] {noun, verb} indulgence aflaatbrief [/ˈɑflatˌbrif/] {noun} letter of indulgence | indulgence afladen {verb} unload aflakken {verb} applying of wax resist | finish | seal aflaten {noun, verb} cease | stop aflatoxine {noun} aflatoxin afleesbaar {adjective} readable afleesfout {noun} reading accuracy | reading error | reading fault afleggen {verb} cover | remove | sit for | take | take off aflegger {noun} layer afleiden {verb} distract | conclude afleiding {noun} distraction | derivation afleidingsmanoeuver diversion afleidingsmanoeuvre {noun} red herring afleren {verb} unlearn afleveren {verb} deliver aflevering {noun} episode afleveringsbewijs {noun} delivery note | delivery receipt | delivery slip aflezing {noun} reading aflijnen {verb} delineate aflijning demarcation afloeren {verb} spy out afloop [/ˈɑflop/ | /ˈɑfloːp/] {noun, verb} ending | bleed aflopen [/ˈɑflopə(n)/ | /ˈɑfloːpə(n)/] {noun, verb} finish | end | end up | go off | ring aflossen {verb} pay off | relieve aflosser {noun} relief clerk | relief employee aflossing {noun} partial payment aflossingstermijn {noun} amortization rate afluisteraar {noun} eavesdropper afluisteren {verb} eavesdrop afmaken {verb} cull | finish afmarcheren {verb} be dismissed afmatten {verb} exhaust afmattend {adjective, verb} gruelling afmelden {verb} log out | unregister afmeren {verb} dock afmesten {verb} final fattening period afmeten {verb} measure afmeting {noun} dimension afmeting veranderen resize afmetingen {noun} footprint afmixen mix afmonsteren {verb} discharge afname {noun} decrease afnemen {verb} decline afnemende maan waning moon afnemer {noun} customer aforisme {noun} aphorism afotisch aphotic afotische zone aphotic zone afpakken {verb} take away afpalen {verb} clearly define | demarcate | outline afpassen [/'ɑfpɑsə(n)/] {verb} measure afpellen {verb} peel | shell afpersen {verb} dun afpersing [/ˈɑf.pɛr.sɪŋ/] {noun} blackmail afplaggen {verb} turf afplatten {verb} flatten afplukken {verb} pick | pluck | tear off afprijzen {verb} reduce afraden {verb} disrecommend afraden om discourage afraffelen {verb} bungle | scamp one's work aframmelen {verb} beat up aframmeling {noun} beating | thrashing | wallop afranselen {verb} thrash | beat up | rosser afranseling {noun} lashing | wallop | whipping afrasteren {verb} fence in | fence off | rail in afrastering {noun} grate | grid | grill afreageren {verb} abreact afreagering abreaction afreizen {verb} depart afrekenen {verb} pay afrekening [/ˈɑfrekənɪŋ/] {noun} liquidation | elimination afremmen {verb} brake afremming {noun} braking | moderation | slowing-down africhten {verb} train Afrika {properNoun} Africa Afrikaan [/afri'kan/] {noun} African Afrikaans [/afriˈkaːns/] {adjective, noun} Afrikaans | African Afrikaanse {adjective, noun} African Afrikaanse kwartelkoning African crake Afrikaanse steppevaraan savannah monitor Afrikaanse Unie African Union afrikaantje {noun} marigold Afrikaner {noun} afrikander | afrikaner afristen {verb} strip off | stripping afrit {noun} exit afro {noun} afro | afrokampaus Afro-Amerikaan African-American Afro-Amerikaans African-American Afro-Aziatisch Afro-Asiatic Afro-Aziatische talen {properNoun} Afro-Asiatic languages afrodisiacum {noun} aphrodisiac afrollen {verb} unfurl afromen {verb} skim afroming {noun} cream-skimming afronden {verb} complete | finish | round up afronding {noun} completion afrossen {verb} beat up afruimen {verb} clear afschaduwing {noun} adumbration | shadow afschafbaar abolishable afschaffen {verb} abolish | abrogate afschaffer abolisher afschaffing {noun} abolishment afschaven {verb} abrade | remove by planing | scraping off | shave off afscheid {noun, verb} goodbye | parting | farewell | good-bye afscheid nemen say goodbye afscheiden {verb} secede | secrete afscheiding {noun} separation | discharge afschenken {verb} decant | pour off afschepen {verb} put off | send about his business afscheren [/ˈɑf.sxeːrə(n)/ | /ˈɑf.sχɪːrə(n)/] {verb} shave off afschermen {verb} fence off afschetsing adumbration afscheuren [/ˈɑfsxørə(n)/] {verb} tear | tear off | get torn | pull off | rip off afschieten [/'ɑf.sxi.tə(n)/] {verb} shoot afschilderen [/ɑfsxɪldərə(n)/] {verb} depict afschilferen {verb} flake afschminken {verb} take off make-up afschrapen {verb} scrape off afschrift {noun} transcription afschrijven [/ˈɑfsxrɛɪvə(n)/] {verb} write off afschrijving {noun} deduction afschrik {verb} deterrent afschrikken {verb} quench afschrikkend {verb} deterrent afschrikking deterrence afschrikwekkend {adjective} dour afschuifkracht shear afschuimen {verb} scour afschuinen {verb} bevel | chamfer afschuining chamfer afschuiven {verb} abdicate afschuiving {noun} fault afschuren {verb} abrade afschuring abrasion afschurving excoriation afschutting {noun} fence afschuw {noun} abomination | abhorrence afschuwelijk [/ɑfˈsxyu̯ələk/] {adjective} ghastly afschuwelijkheid gruesomeness afslaan {verb} turn down afslachten {verb} cull afslachting [/ˈɑfslɑxtɪŋ/] {noun} bloodbath | carnage | massacre afslag {noun} exit | Dutch auction afslag bij afmijning Dutch auction afslanken {verb} downsize afslijten {verb} abrade afslijting encroachment afsloven {verb} work to pieces afsluitceremonie commencement afsluiten [/'ɑf.slʌʏ.tə(n)/] {verb} disconnect afsluiting {noun} acquisition afsluitpremie commission afsluitprovisie {noun} commission afsmelting ablation afsmeren {verb} luting afsnijden {verb} cut afsnijden door abscissie abscise afsnijdsel {noun} meat scraps | meat trimmings | trimming afsnijsel {noun} meat scraps | meat trimmings | trimming afspatten {verb} crack off | spatter off afspeellijst playlist afspelden {verb} pin off | pinning off afspelen {verb} wear out | finish | happen | play | take place afspeuren {verb} scan afspiegelen {verb} mirror | reflect afspiegeling {noun} reflection afsplitsen fork afsplitsing {noun} fork afspoelen {verb} wash afsponzen {verb} sponge | sponge down | sponge over afspraak [/ˈɑfsprak/] {noun} agreement | appointment afspraakje {noun} date afspreken {verb} agree afspringen {verb} jump off afstaan {verb} give in afstammeling {noun} descendant afstammelingen {noun} offspring afstammen {verb} be descended afstammen van hail from afstamming {noun} descent afstand [/ˈɑfstɑnt/] {noun} distance | cession | renunciation afstand doen abandon afstand doen van relinquish afstandelijk {adjective} aloof afstandelijkheid aloofness afstandsbediening {noun} remote control afstandsbesturing {noun} remote control afstappen {noun, verb} dismount afsteken {verb} light afstellen [/'ɑfstɛlə(n)/] {verb} adjust | set afstelling {noun} adjustment afstemmen [/'ɑfstɛmə(n)/] {verb} reject | tune | tune in | vote down afstemming {noun} coordination afstemoog [/ɑfstɛmox/] {noun} magic eye afstempelen {verb} punch afsterving necrosis afstevenen {verb} bear down | make afstoffen [/ˈɑfstɔfə(n)/] {verb} dust afstompen {verb} dull afstoot {verb} break-off afstoppen {verb} plugging | stopping afstotelijk {adjective} abominable afstoten {verb} to repel | push away | reject afstotend {adjective, verb} repelling | repulsive | unattractive afstoting {noun} repulsion afstraffen {verb} punish afstraffing {noun} punishment afstrijken {verb} level off afstromen {verb} flow away | flow off afstropen {verb} strip afstuderen {verb} graduate afstuiten {verb} rebound aft [/ɑf/ | /ɑft/] {noun} aphtha aftakdoos {noun} junction box aftakelen {verb} decline | deteriorate | unrig aftakeling {noun} decrepitude aftakken {verb} branch off | branching | fork off aftakking {noun} bough | branch | branching aftappen {verb} tap aftappunt {noun} line drains | outlet aftasten [/'ɑftɑstə(n)/] {verb} explore afte {noun} aphthous ulcer aftekenen {verb} delineate | emphasize | sign | underline aftelbaar {adjective} countable aftellen {verb} count aftelling {noun} countdown aftobben {verb} worry aftocht {noun} retreat aftrap [/ˈɑftrɑp/] {noun, verb} kickoff aftrappen {noun, verb} kick down | kick off aftreden {verb} resign | step aftredend {adjective, verb} resigning aftreding {noun} resignation aftrek {noun, verb} deduction aftrekbaar {adjective} deductible aftrekgetal minuend aftrekken {noun, verb} subtract aftrekker {noun} squeegee aftrekking [/ˈɑftrɛkɪŋ/] {noun} subtraction aftreksel [/ˈɑftrɛksəɫ/] {noun} extract aftreksom {noun} subtraction sum aftroeven {verb} pummel aftroggelen [/ˈɑftrɔɣələ(n)/] {verb} wangle off aftuigen {verb} beat up afvaardigen [/ˈɑˌfaːrdəɣə(n)/] {verb} delegate | depute afvaardiging {noun} delegation afvaart {noun, verb} departure afval {noun, verb} garbage | waste afvalbak {noun} dustbin afvalberg {noun} heap afvallen [/ ˈɑfɑlə(n) /] {verb} fall off | apostatise | lose weight afvallig {adjective} apostate | unfaithful | disloyal afvallig zijn flake afvallige {adjective, noun} apostate | deserter | renegade | renegate afvalligheid {noun} apostasy afvalscheiding waste sorting afvalstof {noun} waste product afvalverwerking {noun} sanitation afvalwater {noun} waste water afvaren {verb} depart | go down | leave | sail | start afvegen {verb} wipe afvijlen {verb} file away | file off afvinken {verb} check afvinklijst {noun} checklist afvlakken {verb} fattening afvliegen {verb} disappear | fly away | fly off | fly out afvloeien {verb} be discharged gradually | flow down | flow off afvloeiingspolitiek attrition afvloeiingsregeling {noun} redundancy pay | redundancy scheme | severance scheme afvoer {noun, verb} transport | carrying off | discharge afvoerder {noun} abductor afvoeren {noun, verb} eliminate afvoerend {verb} abducent afvoerend kanaaltje efferent duct afvoerende zenuw abducens nerve afvoering {noun} abduction afvoermiddel {noun} laxative | purgative afvragen {verb} wonder afvuren {verb} fire afwachten [/ˈɑfwɑxtə(n)/ | /ˈɑfʋɑxtə(n)/ | /ˈɑfʋɑχtə(n)/] {verb} await | wait for afwachting {noun} expectation afwas {noun, verb} washing-up afwasbaar {adjective} washable afwasbak {noun} washing-up bowl afwasborstel {noun} dishwashing brush afwasmachine {noun} dishwasher afwasmiddel {noun} dishwashing detergent afwassen [/'ɑfwɑsə(n)/ | /'ɑfʋɑsə(n)/ | /'ɑfβ̞ɑsə(n)/] {noun, verb} wash up | wash off afwasser {noun} dishwasher afwaswater {noun} dishwater afwateren {verb} drain afwatering {noun} drainage | draining afwateringsgebied {noun} catchment area | river basin | watershed afweer {noun, verb} defence afweergeschut [/ɑfwergəsxʌt/] {noun} anti-aircraft guns afweerstof {noun} antibody | immune substance afweging {noun} assessment afwending {noun} averting afwennen {verb} break of a habit | break oneself of a habit | get out of a habit | teach | unlearn afweren [/ɑfˈwerə(n)/] {verb} deflect | protect from | thwart | ward off afwerken {verb} absolve afwerker {noun} decorator | finisher afwerking [/ɑfwɛrəkɪŋ/] {noun} finishing | finishing touch afwerpen {verb} cast

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