Читать книгу The Great Dictionary Dutch - English - Benjamin Maximilian Eisenhauer - Страница 6
Оглавлениеafweten {verb} be knowledgeable | have knowledge afwezig {adjective} absent | absent-minded afwezige {adjective, noun} absentee afwezigheid {noun} absence afwezigheid versterkt de liefde absence makes the heart grow fonder afwijkeling deviant afwijken {verb} deviate | differ afwijkend {adjective, verb} aberrant afwijkend exemplaar aberration afwijking {noun} deviation | anomaly | abnormality afwijking van mening dissent afwijzen {verb} reject afwijzing [/'ɑfʋɛɪzɪŋ/] {noun} rejection afwikkelen {verb} conclude | dispatch | expedite | finnish | liquidate | settle afwikkeling {noun} completion afwisselen [/ˈɑfʋɪsələ(n)/] {verb} alternate afwisselend {adjective, adverb, verb} about afwisseling [/ˈɑfʋɪsəlɪŋ/] {noun} variation afwissen {verb} wipe off afwrijfsel rubbing afzadelen {verb} unsaddle afzakken {verb} slide down afzeggen {verb} cancel afzegging {noun} calling off afzekeren assure afzemen {verb} clean with a leather afzenden {verb} dispatch afzender {noun} sender afzet {noun, verb} sale | demand afzetbaar {adjective} dative afzetgebied {noun} market afzetkegel traffic cone afzetmarkt {noun} market afzetprobleem {noun} marketing problem afzetsel {noun} deposit | residue afzetster {noun} crook afzetten {noun, verb} amputate | block off | depose | deposit | drop off | entfernen afzetter {noun} swindler afzetting {noun} deposit afzettingsgesteente sedimentary rock afzichtelijk [/ɑf'sɪxtələk/] {adjective} horrible afzien {verb} renounce | abandon | suffer afzien van waive afzienbaar {adjective} foreseeable | measurable afzijdig {adjective} neutral | impartial afzinkbaar submersible afzinken {verb} submerge afzoeken {verb} search afzonderen [/ˈɑfˌsɔnd(ə)rən/] {verb} separate | separate oneself afzondering [/ˈɑfsɔndərɪŋ/] {noun} separation | segregation afzonderlijk {adjective} separate afzuiging {noun} exhaust | suction section | ventilation afzuigkap [/ˈɑfzœʏχkɑp/ | /ˈɑfzœːxkɑp/] {noun} extractor hood afzwaaien {verb} be released | demob | demobilize afzwakken {verb} decline afzweerder abjurer afzwenken {verb} turn off | turning away afzweren {verb} abjure afzwering {noun} abjuration | renunciation agaat {noun} agate agaatgrijs {adjective, noun} agate grey agalactie {noun} agalactia agammaglobulinemie {noun} agammaglobulin-aemia agape {noun} agape | charity agapornis lovebird agaragar {noun} agar | agar-agar Agartala {properNoun} Agartala Agatha {properNoun} Agatha agave {noun} agave agenda [/a.ˈɣɛn.da/ | /a.ˈχɛn.da/] {noun} diary | agenda | order of business agendapunt {noun} item agenesie {noun} agenesis agens [/'aɣɛns/] {noun} agent agent [/a'ɣɛnt/] {noun} agent | policeman agente {noun} police officer agentschap [/aɤˡɛntsxɑp/] {noun} agency agentuur {noun} agency ageren {verb} act | take action agglomeraat {noun} agglomeration | agglomerate agglomeratie {noun} agglomeration agglomereren {verb} agglomerate agglutinatie {noun} agglutination agglutinerend {verb} agglutinative aggravatie {noun} aggravation aggregaat {noun} aggregate aggregatie {noun} aggregation aggregatietoestand {noun} fase (matter) agio {noun} premium agioteren {verb} speculate agitatie {noun} agitation | commotion | disturbance | excitement | flutter | turmoil agitator {noun} agitator agiteren {verb} agitate | incite | stir up | abet Aglaïa Aglaia Agnes {properNoun} Agnes agnosie {noun} agnosia agnosticisme {noun} agnosticism agnosticus {noun} agnostic agnostisch {adjective} agnostic agnotologie agnotology agoeti {noun} agouti agogiek {noun} agogic agonie {noun} agony agonist {noun} agonist agorafobie {noun} agoraphobia agorisme agorism agrafie {noun} agraphia agrammatisme agrammatism agranulocyt {noun} agranulocyte agranulocytose {noun} agranulocytosis agrariër {noun} farmer | agrarian agree to disagree agree to disagree agressie {noun} agression | aggression agressiebeheersing {noun} anger management agressief {adjective} aggressive agressiviteit {noun} aggressiveness | aggression | aggressivity agressor {noun} attacker agricultuur {noun} agriculture | farming | tillage agrimonie [/aɣriˈmoni/] {noun} agrimony agroloog {noun} agrologist agronomie {noun} agronomy agronoom {noun} agronomist Aguacateeks {noun} Awakatek ah [/a/] {interjection, noun} ah aha {interjection} aha Ahaggargebergte {properNoun} Ahaggar Mountains ahob {noun} half-barrier crossing ahoi {interjection} ahoy ahorn [/a.ˈhɔrn/] {noun} maple | sycamore ahornsiroop {noun} maple syrup ai {interjection, noun} oops aichmofobie aichmophobia aide aid aids {noun} AIDS aidsgeval {noun} AIDS case aidspatiënt {noun} AIDS patient aileron aileron ailurofobie ailurophobia Ainu Ainu aio {noun} trainee research assistant aioli {noun} aioli air [/ɛːr/] {noun} air | appearance | look airbag {noun} airbag | air bag airbus {noun} airbus airco {noun} air conditioning airconditioned air-conditioned airconditioner {noun} air conditioner airconditioning {noun} air conditioning airmail {noun} airmail airshow [/ˈɛːrʃo/] {noun} airshow airstrip {noun} airfield | flight strip | landing strip Aischylos Aeschylus Aitne Aetna Aizawl {properNoun} Aizawl aja ayah Ajax Ajax ajour {adjective} open-work aju {interjection} bye ajuin {noun} onion ajuus {interjection} bye Aka {noun} Aka Akan {noun} Akan akelei {noun} Akelei akelig {adjective, adverb} horrible | bleak | dismal | dreary | ghastly | grisly Aken {properNoun} Aachen aker [/'akər/] {noun} acorn | bucket akinesie {noun} akinesia Akkadisch {noun} Akkadian akkefietje [/ɑkə'ficə/] {noun} trifle | bad job akker [/ˈɑkər/] {noun, verb} field akkerbouw {noun} agriculture | farming | tillage akkerbouwbedrijf {noun} farm enterprise akkerbouwer {noun} farmer | agriculturist akkerdistel {noun} creeping thistle akkerdoornzaad {noun} canadian hedge parsley | common hedge parsley | spreading hedge parsley akkerhoningklaver {noun} yellow melilot | yellow sweet clover akkerhoornbloem {noun} field mouse-ear akkerkool {noun} lapsana akkerland {noun} acre akkerpaardenstaart {noun} field horsetail akkerwinde {noun} convolvulus arvensis akkerzenegroen {noun} ground pine | yellow bugle akkevietje {noun} bad job Akko Acre akkoord {noun} chord | agreement akkoordsymbool {noun} chord symbol akoestiek [/ˌakusˈtik/] {noun} acoustics akoestisch {adjective} acoustic akoestische {adjective} acoustic akoestische gitaar acoustic guitar akolei {noun} Akelei Akropolis Acropolis akte {noun} deed akte van cessie assignment Akte van Verlating Oath of Abjuration aktetas {noun} briefcase aktueel current aktuele current al {adverb, conjunction, indefinitePronoun} already al dente {adverb} al dente al draagt een aap een gouden ring, het is en blijft een lelijk ding put lipstick on a pig al gezien al gedaan been there, done that al is de leugen nog zo snel, de waarheid achterhaalt haar wel {phraseologicalUnit} a lie has no legs | lies have short wings | though a lie be swift, truth overtakes it Al Jazeera Al Jazeera al met al {adverb} all in all Al Qaida al-Qaeda al- pan- Al-Andalus Al-Andalus Alaan Alan Alacalufaanse talen {properNoun} Alacalufan languages Alagoas {properNoun} Alagoas Alain {properNoun} Alan alalie {noun} alalia alambiek {noun} alembic Alan {properNoun} Alan alanine {noun} alanine alant {noun} elecampane Alanus Alan alarm [/alɑrṃ/] {noun} alarm alarm slaan alarm alarmeren [/ɑlɑr'merən/] {verb} alarm alarmerend {adjective, verb} alarming alarmklok {noun} alarm-bell | alarm-clock alarmkreet {noun} alarm alarmsein {noun} alarm | alarm-signal alarmsignaal {noun} alarm signal alarmstemming alarm alarmsysteem [/ɑˈlɑrmsiˌstem/] {noun} alarm system | burglar alarm Alas-Kloeët Bataks {noun} Batak Alas-Kluet Alaska {properNoun} Alaska Alaskastrandloper western sandpiper Albaanse talen {properNoun} Albanian languages Alban Alban Albanees [/ɑɫbaˈneːs/] {adjective, noun} Albanian Albanese {adjective, noun} Albanian Albanië [/ɑlˈbaːni.jə/ | /ɑɫˈbani.jə/] {properNoun} Albania Albany Albany albast {noun} alabaster albasten {adjective} alabaster albatros {noun} albatross albe {noun} alb Albert {properNoun} Albert Alberta Alberta Albin Albin albinisme {noun} albinism albino {noun} albino album {noun} album albumine {noun} albumin alchemie {noun} alchemy alchemist {noun} alchemist alchimie {noun} alchemy alchimist {noun} alchemist alcohol {noun} alcohol alcoholhoudend {adjective} alcoholic alcoholica {noun} alcoholic drinks Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous alcoholicus {noun} alcoholic | boozer | drunkard alcoholisch {adjective} alcoholic alcoholische drank alcohol alcoholisme {noun} alcoholism alcoholist {noun} alcoholic alcoholiste alcoholic alcoholmisbruik {noun} alcohol abuse alcoholonthouding abstinence alcoholvrij {adjective} non-alcoholic aldaar {adverb} there | at that place | yonder Aldebaran Aldebaran aldehyde {noun} aldehyde aldislamp {noun} signal lamp | aldis lamp aldosteronisme aldosteronism aldra {adverb} presently aldus {adverb} thus ale {noun} ale aleatoir aleatory aleatorisch aleatory Alectryo Alectryon aleer {conjunction} before | previous to alef [/ˈalɛf/ | /ˈɑlɛf/] {noun} aleph Alemannisch {noun} Alemannic Aleoeten {properNoun} Aleutian Islands alert [/aˈlɛrt/] {adjective} alert alerteren {verb} alarm alertheid {noun} alertness alethisch alethic Aletta {properNoun} Aletta Alexander {properNoun} Alexander Alexander de Grote Alexander the Great alexandrijn {noun} alexandrine Alexandrië Alexandria Alexandroupolis Alexandroupoli alexie alexia Alexius Alexius alf {noun} elf alfa [/ˈɑlfa/] {noun} alpha alfabet {noun} alphabet alfabetisch [/ɑlfɑ'betis/] {adjective} alphabetical | abecedary alfabetiseren [/ɑl.fa.bæː.tɪ.ˈzeː.rə(n)/ | /ɑɫ.fa.be.ti.ˈzɪː.rə(n)/] {verb} alphabetize alfabetisering {noun} literacy alfabetisme {noun} literacy alfalfa {noun} alfalfa alfamannetje alpha male alfanumeriek {adjective} alphanumeric alfastraling {noun} alpha radiation Alfons {properNoun} Alfonso Alfred Alfred alg {noun} alga algazel {noun} Scimitar Oryx algebra [/ˈɑɫɣəbra/] {noun} algebra algebraïsch {adjective} algebraical algeheel {adjective} complete algemeen {adjective, noun} common | general | universal | usual | joint | vague algemeen goed commons Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties United Nations General Assembly algemene verkiezingen general election algemene voorwaarden terms and conditions algen {noun} algae algenbloei {noun} algal bloom Algerije [/ɑl.ɣə.'rɛɪ̯.jə/ | /ɑɫ.ɣə.'rɛː.jə/ | /ɑɫ.χə.'rɛɪ̯.jə/] {properNoun} Algeria Algerijn {noun} Algerian Algerijns {adjective} Algerian Algerijns Arabisch {noun} Algerian Arabic Algerijnse {adjective, noun} algerian woman Algherees Algherese Algiers [/ɑɫˈxiːrs/ | /ɑɫˈɣiːrs/] {adjective, properNoun} Algiers Algisch Algic Algische talen {properNoun} Algic languages Algonkisch Algonquian algonkium [/ɑlˈɣɔŋkijʏm/] {noun} Algonkian Algonquintalen {properNoun} Algonquian languages algoritme {noun} algorithm algoritmisch algorithmic alhamdoelillah alhamdulillah alhidade {noun} alidade alhier {adverb} here | local alhoewel {conjunction} although Ali {properNoun} Ali alia [/aliˈja/] {noun} aliyah alias [/aliɑs/] {adverb, noun} alias | also known as | nickname | otherwise known as alibi {noun} alibi Alice {properNoun} Alice alieë [/aˈlijə/] {noun} aliyah aligneren {verb} align | range alikruik {noun} periwinkle alimentair {adjective} alimentary alimentatie {noun} alimony alimentatiegeld alimony alinea [/aˈlinija/] {noun} paragraph alineateken pilcrow aliënatie {noun} alienation alk [/ɑlk/] {noun} razorbill alkaan {noun} alkane alkali {noun} alkali alkalimetaal [/ˈɑlkalimeˌtal/] {noun} alkali metal alkaline {noun} alkaline alkalisch {adjective} alkaline alkaliseren {verb} alkalize alkalose {noun} alkalosis alkaloïde {noun} alkaloid alkeen {noun} alkene alkoof {noun} alcove alkyleren {verb} alkylate alkyn alkyne all-in {adverb} all-in Allah {properNoun} Allah Allahoe akbar Allahu akbar allang {adverb} for a long time allatief [/ˈɑlatif/] {adjective, noun} allative case alle [/ˈɑlə/] {indefiniteCardinalNumeral, indefinitePronoun} all alle anderen everyone else alle hens aan dek all hands on deck alle rechten voorbehouden all rights reserved alle wegen leiden naar Rome all roads lead to Rome allebei {cardinalNumeral} both allebeide both alledaags {adjective} everyday alledaagse {adjective} quotidian alleen [/ɑl.ˈen/] {adjective, adverb, noun} only | alone alleen de rozijnen uitpikken cherry-pick alleen-lezen read-only alleenbezit monopoly alleenheerschappij {noun} absolute power alleenheerser {noun} autocrat alleenig lonely alleenrecht {noun} monopoly alleenspraak {noun} monologue | soliloque alleenstaand {adjective} single alleenstaande {adjective, noun} outlier alleenverdeler {noun} exclusive distributor | sole distributor allegaartje {noun} mishmash allegorie {noun} allegory allegorisch {adjective} allegoric | allegorical | allegorically allel [/ɑ.ˈlɛl/ | /ɑ.ˈlɛɫ/] {noun} allele allemaal {indefinitePronoun} everyone allemachtig {adverb, interjection} bloody hell alleman {indefinitePronoun} each | every | every one | everybody | everyone allemansrecht freedom to roam allen [/ˈɑlən/] {cardinalNumeral, indefinitePronoun} all allengs {adverb} gradually allenig {adjective} lonely aller {indefinitePronoun} of all allerbest {adjective} best of all | very best allereerst {adjective, adverb} in the first place allergeen {noun} allergen allergie [/ˌɑlɛrˈɣi/] {noun} allergy allergisch {adjective} allergic allergologe allergist allergologie {noun} allergology allergoloog {noun} allergist Allerheiligen {properNoun} All Saints allerheiligen All Saints' Day allerheiligste Holy of Holies allerlei [/ˈɑlərlɛi/] {indefinitePronoun} various | miscellaneous | several | sundry allerminst [/ɑlərˈmɪnst/] {adjective, adverb} least Allerzielen [/ˌɑlərˈzilə(n)/] {properNoun} All Souls Day allerzielen All Souls' Day alles [/ˈɑləs/] {indefinitePronoun} everything alles goed how are you alles kan the sky is the limit allesbehalve {adverb} anything but allesbrander {noun} multi-fuel boiler alleseter {noun} omnivore allesomvattend complete alleszins {adverb} in all respects | in every respect | in every way alletwee {cardinalNumeral} both alliage {noun} alloy alliantie {noun} alliance allicht [/ɑˈlɪxt/] {adverb} probably allicine allicin alligator {noun} alligator alliteratie {noun} alliteration allitteratie {noun} alliteration alliëren {verb} alliance allocatie {noun} allocation allochtoon {adjective, noun} allochthonous | foreign | migrant allofoon {noun} allophone allomorf {adjective, noun} allomorph allomorfisch allomorphic allopatrische allopatric allopurinol {noun} allopurinol allotropie [/ˌɑ.lo.tro.ˈpi/] {noun} allotropy alluderen {verb} allude allure {noun} allure allusie {noun} allusion alluviaal {adjective, noun} alluvial alluvium [/ɑˈlʏvijʏm/] {noun} alluvium alm {noun} haft alma mater alma mater almacht [/ɑɫmɑxt/] {noun} omnipotence almachtig {adjective} omnipotent almanak {noun} almanac Almere {properNoun} Almere alnico {noun} alnico Aloene [/aˈlune/] {noun} Alune alom {adverb} everywhere | all about alom bekend famous alomtegenwoordig {adjective} ubiquitous alomtegenwoordigheid {noun} ubiquity | omnipresence alomvattend {adjective} comprehensive alopecie {noun} alopecia alover abroad aloë {noun} aloe aloë vera {noun} aloe vera alp [/ɑlp/] {noun} alp | mountain pasture alpaca [/ɑlˈpaka/] {adjective, noun} alpaca | nickel silver Alpen {properNoun} Alps alpenanemoon {noun} pulsatilla alpina alpenden {noun} swiss pine alpengloei alpenglow alpengloeien {noun} alpenglow alpenhoorn {noun} alphorn alpenkauw alpine chough alpenroosje {noun} rhododendron alpenweide haft Alpha Centauri Alpha Centauri alpha privativum alpha privative Alphekka Gemma alpine {adjective} alpine alpineskiën {verb} alpine skiing alpiniste {noun} alpinist | mountaineer alras {adverb} soon alreeds {adverb} already alruin {noun} mandrake als [/ɑls/ | /ɑs/] {conjunction} if | when als blikken konden doden if looks could kill als de berg niet naar Mozes komt, zal Mozes naar de berg moeten gaan if the mountain won't come to Muhammad als de kat van huis is when the cat's away als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel {phraseologicalUnit} when the cat's away the mice will play als de katten muizen, mauwen ze niet {phraseologicalUnit} silence catches a mouse als de wijn is in de man, dan is de wijsheid in de kan {phraseologicalUnit} when the wine is in, the wit is out als een kip zonder kop like a chicken with its head cut off als een lopend vuurtje spread like wildfire als en slechts als if and only if als gevolg van as a result als het ware {adverb} as it were Als ik een stuiver kreeg voor iedere keer if I had a nickel for every time als ik jou was if I were you als ik u was if I were you als je het over de duivel hebt, dan zie je zijn staart speak of the devil als liefhebberij hebben dabble als los zand disjointed als muziek in de oren klinken music to someone's ears als pasen en pinksteren op één dag vallen cold day in Hell als puntje bij paaltje komt when push comes to shove als vanzelfsprekend beschouwen take for granted als volgt as follows als zodanig qua alsem {noun} wormwood alsemambrosia {noun} common ragweed alsjeblieft {adverb} please alsmede {conjunction} as well as alsnog {adverb} still alsof {conjunction} as though alstublieft {adverb} please alt {noun} alto Altaar Ara altaar {noun} altar Altair {properNoun} Altair | Atair Altaïsch Altaic Altaïsche talen {properNoun} Altaic languages altblokfluit {noun} treble recorder alter ego {noun} alter ego alteratie {noun} alteration altereren {verb} alter alternant [/ˌɑl.tɛr.ˈnɑnt/ | /ˌɑɫ.tər.ˈnɑnt/] {noun} alternant alternantie {noun} dual education system alternatief [/ɑltərnaˈtif/, /ɑltɛrnaˈtif/] {adjective, noun} alternative alternator {noun} alternator alterneren {verb} alternate altfluit {noun} bass flute althans {conjunction} at least althobo {noun} cor anglais althoorn {noun} tenor horn altijd {adverb} always altijddurend everlasting altist {noun} altoist altoos {adverb} always altruïsme {noun} altruism altruïstisch {adjective} altruistic altsaxofoon {noun} alto saxophone altsleutel {noun} alto clef altstem {noun} alto altviolist {noun} violist altviool [/ˈɑltfiˌjoːl/] {noun} viola | tenor violin aluhoedje conspiracy theorist aluinaarde {noun} alumina aluminium [/alyˈminijʏm/] {adjective, noun} aluminium | aluminum aluminiumbrons {noun} aluminium bronze Aluminiumfolie foil aluminiumfolie {noun} aluminiumfoil alvast {adverb} for now alveole [/ˌɑɫveˈol(ə)/] {noun} alveolus alveolitis {noun} alveolar osteitis | alveolitis alver {noun} bleak alvleesklier {noun} pancreas alvleesklierkanker {noun} pancreatic cancer alvorens {conjunction} before | previous to Alvíssmál Alvíssmál alweer {adverb} again alwetend {adjective} all-knowing alwetendheid {noun} omniscience alweter {noun} wise guy alzheimer {noun} Alzheimer's disease alzo {adverb, conjunction} thus Am {symbol} Am Am6 {symbol} Am6 Am7 {symbol} Am7 amaai oops Amadeusmeer {properNoun} Lake Amadeus amai [/a.ˈma:j/ | /a.ˈmaj/] {interjection} blimey Amaj7 {symbol} Amaj7 amalgaam [/amɑl'ɣaːm/] {noun} amalgam amalgamatie amalgamation amandel {noun} almond | tonsil | almond-tree amandelboom {noun} almond tree | almond | almond-tree amandelkleurig almond amandelmelk {noun} almond milk amandelogen epicanthus amandelontsteking {noun} tonsillitis amandelpers {noun} almond paste amandelspijs {noun} almond paste amandelwolfsmelk {noun} wood spurge amanuensis {noun} laboratory assistant amarant {noun} amaranth amaretto {noun} amaretto amaril {noun} emery amaryllis {noun} amaryllis amateur {noun} amateur amateurastronomie {noun} amateur astronomy amateurisme {noun} amateurism Amazone {properNoun} Amazon River Amazone-mierklauwier Amazonian antshrike ambacht {noun} handicraft | trade ambachtelijk {adjective} handcrafted ambachtslui {noun} craft ambachtsman {noun} artisan ambachtsvrouw artisan ambachtswerk {noun} craftwork ambachtswerker artisan ambarella {noun} spondias dulcis ambassade {noun} embassy ambassadeur {noun} ambassador ambassadrice {noun} ambassador | female ambassador Amber {properNoun} Amber amber {noun} amber amberboom {noun} sweetgum amberkleurig {adjective} amber amberkleurige {adjective} amber amberzaad amber seed ambetant [/ˌɑmbəˈtɑnt/] {adjective} annoying ambeteren {verb} gall ambidexter {adjective, noun} ambidextrous ambigram ambigram ambigu {adjective} ambiguous ambiguïteit {noun} ambiguity ambiguïteitsdrogreden equivocation ambitie [/ɑmˈbi(t)si/] {noun} ambition ambitieus {adjective} ambitious | full of zeal | zealous ambivalent {adjective} ambivalent ambivalente {adjective} ambivalent ambivalentie {noun} ambivalence ambiëren {verb} aspire to amblyopie {noun} amblyopia Ambrosius {properNoun} Ambrose ambrozijn {noun} ambrosia ambt {noun} office ambtelijk {adjective} official ambtenaar [/ˈɑmtənar/] {noun} civil servant ambtenarenapparaat {noun} bureaucracy ambtenares [/ɑmtəna'rɛs/] {noun} civil servant ambtenarij {noun} bureaucracy ambtgenoot {noun} counterpart ambtsdrager {noun} official who holds a post ambtseed {noun} oath of office ambtsgeheim {noun} official secret ambtsgewaad {noun} gown | robes of office ambtsketen [/ɑmtsˈketə(n)/] {noun} chain of office ambtstaal vernacular ambtstermijn {noun} term of office ambtswoning {noun} official residence | staff accomodation ambulance {noun} ambulance ambulant {adjective} ambulant | ambulatory ambulante {adjective} ambulatory amechtig [/ɑˈmɛxtəx/] {adjective, adverb} breathless Ameland {properNoun} Ameland amelioreren ameliorate amen [/ˈamə(n)/] {interjection, noun} amen amendement [/ˌamɑndəˈmɛnt] {noun} amendment amenderen {verb} reform amenorrhoea {noun} amenorrhoea amenorroe {noun} amenorrhoea ameretto {noun} amaretto American football {noun} American football americium {noun} americium Amerika [/aˈmɪːriˌka/] {abbreviation, properNoun} America | The Americas Amerikaan {noun} American Amerikaans {adjective} American Amerikaans-Engels American English Amerikaans-Samoa {properNoun} American Samoa Amerikaans-Samoaan {noun} American Samoan Amerikaans-Samoaans {adjective} American Samoan Amerikaans-Samoaanse {adjective, noun} American Samoan Amerikaanse {adjective, noun} American | american woman Amerikaanse bosruiter solitary sandpiper Amerikaanse buidelrat opossum Amerikaanse buldog American Bulldog Amerikaanse dikkop-elrits {noun} fathead minnow Amerikaanse eik {properNoun} northern red oak Amerikaanse Gebarentaal {noun} American Sign Language Amerikaanse gebarentaal American Sign Language Amerikaanse goudplevier American golden plover Amerikaanse hondsvis {noun} Mud minnow Amerikaanse houtsnip American woodcock Amerikaanse kruidkers {properNoun} poor man's pepper | virginia peppergrass | virginia pepperweed Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden {properNoun} Virgin Islands of the United States Amerikaanse mammiappel {properNoun} mammea americana Amerikaanse marter {noun} American Marter Amerikaanse rivierharing alewife Amerikaanse slangenhalsvogel anhinga Amerikaanse torenvalk American kestrel Amerikaanse veenbes cranberry Amerikaanse voetbal American football Amerikaanse vogelkers {phraseologicalUnit} black cherry Amerikaanse zeearend bald eagle Amerikaanse zwarte beer {noun} American Black Bear amerikaniseren {verb} americanize amerikanisme {noun} Americanism amethist {noun} amethyst ameublement {noun} furniture amfetamine {noun} amphetamine amfibie {noun} amphibian amfibievoertuig {noun} amphibious vehicle amfibisch {adjective} amphibian | amphibious amfibrachys {noun} amphibrach amfitheater {noun} amphitheatre amfoor {noun} amphora amfora [/ɑmˈfora/] {noun} amphora amfoteer {adjective} amphoteric Amhaars {noun} Amharic Amharisch {noun} Amharic amicaal {adjective} friendly amict {noun} amice amide {noun} amide amidoxim amidoxime amigo {noun} pokey amine {noun} amine aminoacyl aminoacyl aminozuur {noun} amino acid Ammaj7 {symbol} Ammaj7 Amman {properNoun} Amman amman bailiff ammonia {noun} ammonia ammoniak {noun} ammonia ammoniakaal {adjective} ammoniac | ammoniacal ammonium {noun} ammonium ammoniumcarbonaat {noun} ammonium carbonate ammoniumnitraat {noun} ammonium nitrate ammunitie {noun} ammunition amnesie {noun} amnesia amnestie {noun} amnesty amnion {noun} amnion amoebe [/ɑˈmøbə/] {noun} amoeba | ameba Amoer Amur amok {noun} amuck Amor Cupid amoreel {adjective} amoral amorf [/a.'mɔrf/] {adjective} amorphous amortisatie {noun} redemption amortiseren {verb} amortize | deaden Amos [/ˈamɔs/] {properNoun} Amos amoureus {adjective} loving amoureuze {adjective} amorous ampel [/ˈɑmpəɫ/] {adjective} ample amper [/ˈɑmpər/] {adverb} scarcely amphictionie amphictyony amplificatie {noun} amplification amplificeren {verb} amplify amplitude {noun} amplitude amplitudemodulatie {noun} amplitude modulation ampul {noun} ampoule amputatie {noun} amputation amputeren {verb} amputate ampère {noun} ampere ampèremeter {noun} ammeter amsoi {noun} brassica juncea Amsterdam [/ɑmstər'dɑm/] {properNoun} Amsterdam Amsterdammer {adjective, noun} Amsterdamer amsterdammertje [/ɑmstər'dɑmərtjə/] {noun} bollard Amsterdamse {adjective, noun} Amsterdamer amulet {noun} amulet amusant [/ɑmy'zɑnt/] {adjective} comical amusement {noun} amusement amuseren {verb} amuse | enjoy oneself | have a good time Amuzgo {noun} Amuzgo amylase {noun} amylase amylopectine {noun} amilopectin | amylopectin amylose {noun} amylose amyotrofische laterale sclerose amyotrophic lateral sclerosis an sich per se anaal {adjective} anal anabaptist {noun} Anabaptist anabaptistisch Anabaptist anabole {adjective, noun} anabolic anabolicum {noun} anabolic substances | anabolics anabolisch {adjective} anabolic anabolisme {noun} anabolism anabool {adjective} anabolic anachoreet {noun} anchorite anachronisme {noun} anachronism anachronistisch {adjective} anachronistic anaconda [/anaˈkɔnda/] {noun} anaconda anaeroob {adjective} anaerobic anafoor {noun} anaphora anafora anaphora anafylactisch {adjective} anaphylactic anafylactische shock anaphylactic shock anafylaxie [/ˌa.na.fi.lɑkˈsi/] {noun} anaphylaxis anagogie {noun} anagogy anagram {noun} anagram Anakalangu {noun} Anakalangu anale seks {noun} anal intercourse | anal sex analemma analemma analepticum {noun} analeptic analfabeet {noun} illiterate analfabetisch {adjective} analphabetic | illiterate analfabetisme {noun} illiteracy analgesie {noun} analgesia analgeticum {noun} analgesic analist {noun} analyst analiste {noun} analyst analoge {adjective} analogous analogie {noun} analogy analogiseren {verb} analogise | analogize analoog {adjective} analogue | analogal | analogous analyse [/ɑnɐ'liːzə/] {noun} analysis analyseren {verb} analyze | analyse analytisch {adjective} analytic | analytical anamnese {noun} anamnesis anamorfose {noun} anamorphosis ananas {noun} pineapple ananaskers {noun} cape gooseberry | golden berry ananassap {noun} pineapple juice anapest {noun} anapaest anarchie {noun} anarchy anarchisme {noun} anarchism anarchist {noun} anarchist anarchistisch {adjective} anarchist | anarchic | anarchical anarchokapitalisme {noun} anarcho-capitalism anarchosyndicalisme {noun} anarcho-syndicalism anastomose {noun} anastomosis anathema {noun} anathema | ban | excommunication Anatolisch Anatolian Anatolië Anatolia anatomie {noun} anatomy anatomisch {adjective} anatomical anatoom {noun} anatomist anchorman {noun} anchorman anciënniteit {noun} seniority Andaloesisch {adjective} Andalusian Andaloesische {adjective, noun} Andalusian | Andalusian woman Andaloesië {properNoun} Andalusia Andaloesiër {noun} Andalusian Andalusisch {adjective} Andalusian Andalusische {adjective, noun} Andalusian | Andalusian woman Andalusië {properNoun} Andalusia Andalusiër {noun} Andalusian Andaman en Nicobar {properNoun} Andaman and Nicobar Islands ander {adjective, noun} other andere {adjective} other andere geslacht opposite sex andere kleren change anderen {noun} other anderhalf {cardinalNumeral} one and a half anderhalve man en een paardenkop one man and his dog andermans [/'ɑndərmɑns/] {indefinitePronoun} another man's | other people's | someone else's anders [/ˈɑndərs/] {adverb, conjunction} else | differently anders nog iets anything else anders zijn alterity andersdenkend {adjective} dissenting andersom {adverb} backhand andersvalide differently able anderszijn otherness anderszins {adverb} otherwise anderzijds {adverb} on the other hand Andes {properNoun} Andes andescondor {noun} Andean condor andesflamingo Andean flamingo Andhra Pradesh {properNoun} Andhra Pradesh andijvie {noun} endive Andorra {properNoun} Andorra Andorraanse {adjective, noun} andorrian woman Andorrees {adjective, noun} Andorran Andorrese {adjective, noun} Andorran andragogie {noun} andragogy andragologie {noun} andragogy Andreas Andrew andreaskruis {noun} Saint Andrew's cross Andries {properNoun} Andrew androgenen {noun} androgenic androgyn {adjective, noun} androgynous androgynie {noun} androgyny andrologie {noun} andrology androloog {noun} andrologist Andromeda {noun} Andromeda | Andromeda galaxy Andromedanevel {noun} Andromeda galaxy | Andromeda nebula androseksualiteit {noun} androsexuality androseksueel {adjective, noun} androsexual androïde {noun} android André {properNoun} Andrew anechoïsch anechoic anekdote [/a.nɛg.ˈdo.tə/] {noun} anecdote anekdotisch {adjective} anecdotal anemie {noun} anaemia anemisch {adjective} anaemic | anemic anemograaf {noun} anemograph anemoon [/ɑnəmon/] {noun} anemone anergie {noun} anergia anesthesie {noun} anaesthesia anesthesiologie {noun} anaesthesiology | anesthesiology anesthesioloog {noun} anaesthesist anesthesist {noun} anaesthetist | anesthesiologist anestheticum {noun} anaesthetic anethol {noun} anethole aneurysma {noun} aneurysm aneurysmatisch aneurysmatic Angaur {noun} Angaur | Anguar | Ngeaur Angel Angle angel {noun} sting | fishhook angelologie {noun} angelology angels {noun} Anglish Angelsaks Anglo-Saxon Angelsaksisch [/ɑŋəl'sɑksis/] {noun} Anglo-Saxon | Old English angelus {noun} angelus angiitis {noun} angiitis Angika {noun} Angika angina {noun} tonsillitis angina pectoris {noun} angina pectoris angineus {adjective} anginal angio-oedeem {noun} angioedema angiocardiografie {noun} angiocardiography | angiography angiogenese {noun} angiogenesis | angiogeny angiografie {noun} angiography angiogram {noun} angiogram angiologie {noun} angiology angioneuroticum [/ˌɑŋɣionøˈrotikɵm/] {noun} angioneurotic angiopathie {noun} angiopathy angioplastiek {noun} angioplasty angiosperm {adjective} angiospermous angiotensine {noun} angiotensin angkloeng angklung Angkor Wat Angkor Wat Anglicaan Anglican anglicaan {noun} Anglican anglicaans {adjective} Anglican Anglicaanse Gemeenschap Anglican Communion Anglicaanse kerk Church of England anglicanisme {noun} Anglicanism anglicisme {noun} anglicism anglist {noun} Anglicist Anglo-Normandisch {adjective, noun} Anglo-Norman | Anglo-Norman French anglocentrisch Anglocentric anglocentrisme Anglocentrism Angola [/ɑŋ.ˈ(g)ɣo.la/ | /ɑŋ.ˈgo.la/] {properNoun} Angola Angolar [/angoˈlaːr/] {noun} Angolar | Ngola Angolees {adjective, noun} Angolan Angolese {adjective} Angolan angora {noun} angora | ankara angorakat {noun} angora cat angst [/ɑŋst/] {noun} fear | anxiety | fright | anguish | Bangnis angst aanjagen scare angstaanjagend {adjective} horrible angstdroom {noun} anxiety dream | anxious dream | incubus | nightmare angstgevoel qualm angsthaas {noun} chicken angstig {adjective} fearful angstig zijn dismay angstkreet {noun} cry of distress angststoornis {noun} anxiety disorder angstvallig {adjective} accurate | scrupulous angstwekkend {adjective} horrible angstzweet {noun} cold sweat Anguilla {properNoun} Anguilla angulair {adjective} angular anhedonie [/ˌɑn.ɦe.doˈni/] {noun} anhedonia anhydrisch {adjective} anhydrous aniconisme aniconism anijs {noun} anise | aniseed anijsplant {noun} anise anijszaad {noun} aniseed aniline {noun} aniline anilingus anilingus animaliteit {noun} animality animateur {noun} animator animatie {noun} animation anime {noun} anime animeermeisje {noun} play girl animeren {verb} encourage animo {noun} gusto animositeit {noun} enmity anion {noun} anion anionisch [/ˌɑniˈonis/] {adjective} anionic anisakiasis anisakiasis anisocorie {noun} anisocoria anisotropie anisotropy anjelier {noun} carnation | pink anjer {noun} carnation Anjerrevolutie [/ˈɑ.nʲər.re.voˌly.si/ | /ˈɑ.ɲər.re.voˌly.tsi/] {properNoun} carnation Revolution Ankara {properNoun} Ankara anker {noun, verb} anchor | rotor | anchor plate | keeper | pallet fork | wall washer ankerbal {noun} anchor ball ankerblad fluke ankerboei {noun} anchor buoy ankerbol {noun} anchor ball ankeren {verb} anchor ankerhand fluke ankylose ankylosis Anna {properNoun} Ann | Alfred annalen {noun} annals Anne {properNoun} Ann annexatie [/ˌɑnɛkˈsatsi/] {noun} annexation annexeren [/ˌɑnɛkˈsɪːrə(n)/] {verb} annex annonce {noun} advertisement annotatie {noun} annotation annoteren {verb} annotate annulatie {noun} annulment annuleren [/ɑny'lerə/] {verb} cancel | annul annulering {noun} cancellation annulleerbaar defeasible annullering annulment Annunciatie {noun} Annunciation annunciatie {noun} annunciation annuïteit {noun} instalment | repayment anoa anoa anode {noun} anode anomaal {adjective} deviating | divergent anomalie {noun} anomaly anomie {noun} anomie anoniem {adjective} anonymous anonimiteit {noun} anonymity anonymus {noun} anonymus writer anopia anopia anopie anopia anopsia anopia anopsie anopia anorectaal {adjective} anorectal anorexia {noun} anorexia anorexia nervosa {noun, phraseologicalUnit} anorexia nervosa anorexie {noun} anorexia anorganisch {adjective} inorganic anosmie [/a.nɔsˈmi/] {noun} anosmia anosognosie anosognosia anovulair {adjective} anovulatory anoxie {noun} anoxia anschluss {noun} connection Anselmus Anselm ANSI {noun} ANSI ansichtkaart {noun} picture postcard ansjovis {noun} anchovy antacidum {noun} antacid antagoneren antagonize antagonisme {noun} antagonism antagonist {noun} antagonist antagonistisch {adjective} antagonistic Antakarinja {noun} Antakarinya Antarctica {properNoun} Antarctica Antarctisch {adjective} antarctic antarctisch {adjective, noun} Antarctic Antarctisch Schiereiland Antarctic Peninsula Antarctische Oceaan Southern Ocean Antares Antares antecedent {adjective, noun} antecedent antedateren {verb} antedate | backdate antediluviaal {adjective} antediluvian antemeticum {noun} antiemetic antenne {noun} antenna | aerial antennedraad {noun} antenna wire antennehoogte {noun} antenna height antennekabel {noun} antenna cable antennekring {noun} antenna circuit antennemast {noun} mast antenneschotel {noun} antenna disk antenneversterker {noun} antenna amplifier antenneversterking {noun} gain antennewinst {noun} gain anterieur anterior anterograad {adjective} anterograde anterograde amnesie anterograde amnesia anthelminthicum {noun} anthelmintic anthere anther anthologie {noun} antology anti [/ɑnti/] {adverb, noun} anti anti- {prefix} anti-