Читать книгу The Great Dictionary Dutch - English - Benjamin Maximilian Eisenhauer - Страница 15



Corsica [/'kɔrsɪkɑ/] {properNoun} Corsica | Corse Corsicaan {noun} Corsican Corsicaans {adjective, noun} Corsican | corsican Corsicaanse {adjective, noun} corsican woman corso {noun} display | parade cortex {noun} cortex corticaal {adjective} cortical corticosteroïde {noun} corticosteroid cortisol {noun} cortisol cortisone {noun} cortisone coryfee {noun} coryphaeus cosinus {noun} cosine cosmeticum {noun} cosmetic Costa Rica [/ˌkɔs.ta.ˈri.ka/] {properNoun} Costa Rica cottage cheese cottage cheese coua coua couchette {noun} bunk bed cougar {noun} cougar coulage {noun} pouring coulant {adjective} accomodating coulisse {noun} scenery flat coulissen {noun} scenery coulomb {noun} coulomb country {noun} country coup {noun, verb} coup couperen {verb} abscind couperose {noun} copperas couplet {noun} verse coupon {noun} remnant couppleger putschist coupure {noun} denomination coupé {noun} compartment | coupé courage {noun} strength courant {adjective, noun} newspaper coureur {noun} race driver courgette {noun} courgette | zucchini | squash courtage {noun} brokerage | commission courtisane {noun} courtesan couscous {noun} couscous couturier {noun} dressmaker | tailor couvert {noun} forks, knives and spoons couveuse {noun} business incubator covalent {adjective} covalent covalente binding covalent bond covariabele covariate covariantie {noun} covariance cover [/ˈkɔvər/] {noun, verb} cover coverband {noun} cover artist coveren {verb} cover covergirl {noun} covergirl cowboy {noun} cowboy cowboyfilm {noun} western cowboyhoed {noun} cowboy hat coxalgie {noun} coxalgia coyote {noun} coyote | prairie wolf coëfficiënt {noun} coefficient coëxisteren coexist coïncidentie {noun} coincidence coïncideren {verb} coincide coïtus {noun} coitus coöperatie {noun} cooperative coöperatief {adjective} cooperative coöpereren {verb} co-operate coöptatie {noun} cooption coördinaat {noun} coordinate coördinatenstelsel {noun} coordinate system coördinatie {noun} coordination coördinatienet grid coördinatiestelsel grid coördinator {noun} coordinator coördineren {verb} coordinate coûte que coûte {phraseologicalUnit} at all costs CPU processor crabappel {noun} crabapple crack {noun} ace craniaal {adjective} cranial craniotomie craniotomy cranium skull craquelé {noun} alligator cracking crash {noun, verb} crash crashcourse crash course cravate {noun} cravate crawlen {verb} crawl creatie {noun} creation creatief [/krejaˈtif/] {adjective} creative creatine {noun} creatine creatininemie {noun} creatinaemia creationair creationary creationisme {noun} creationism creationistisch creationist creativiteit {noun} creativity creatuur {noun} creature credit {noun} credit creditcard {noun} credit card crediteren {verb} credit crediteur {noun} creditor credo {noun} creed Cree {noun} Cree Creek {noun} Creek crematie {noun} cremation crematorium {noun} crematory cremeren {verb} cremate crenarchaeota [/ˈkrɛnɑrxeˌota/] {noun} Crenarchaeota | Crenarchaeotes creolist {noun} creolist creolistiek {noun} creolistics creool {noun} Creole Creools {adjective, noun} Creole creools {adjective, noun} creole creooltaal {noun} creole language creperen {verb} burst cretin {noun} cretin creëren [/kreˈjeːrə(n)/] {verb} create cricket {noun, verb} cricket cricketen {verb} cricket cricketer {noun} cricket player cricothyreotomie cricothyrotomy criminaliseren {verb} criminalize criminaliteit {noun} criminality | delinquency crimineel {adjective, noun} criminal criminologie {noun} criminology criminoloog {noun} criminologist crinoline {noun} crinoline | hoopskirt crisis {noun} crisis crisisbeheersingsoperatie {noun} crisis management operation crisiscel {noun} crisis cell criterium [/kriˈterijʏm/] {noun} criterion | criterium criticaliteit {noun} criticality criticus {noun} critic crochet {noun} crocheting | needlecraft | needlework croissant {noun} croissant croque-monsieur {noun} croque-monsieur croquet {noun} croquet cross {noun} cross crotonaldehyde crotonaldehyde crotonzuur crotonic acid croupier {noun} croupier crouton {noun} crouton crowdfunding {noun} crowd financing cru {adjective, noun} crude | raw | rough cruciaal {adjective} crucial | decisive crucifix {noun} crucifix cruise {noun, verb} cruise cruisecontrol {noun} cruise control cruisen {verb} cruise cruiseschip {noun} cruiseliner crunchy granola cryogeen {adjective} cryogenic cryogenium [/krio'ɣenijʏm/] {noun} Cryogenian cryomatie {noun} promession cryotherapie {noun} cryotherapy cryovulkanisme cryovolcano crypt {noun} crypt cryptanalyse {noun} cryptoanalysis crypte {noun} crypt crypto- {prefix} crypto- cryptoanalyse {noun} cryptoanalysis cryptografie {noun} cryptography cryptogram {noun} cryptogram cryptojodendom crypto-Judaism cryptozoölogie {noun} cryptozoology crèche {noun} crèche | day-care centre crème {adjective, noun} cream crème brûlée crème brûlée crème de la crème cream crèmekleurig cream crèmewit {adjective, noun} cream crêpepapier {noun} crêpe paper crêperie {noun} creperie CT {noun} CT | X-ray CT CT-scan {noun} CT scan Cu Cultural Revolution Cuba [/ˈky.ba/] {properNoun} Cuba Cubaan {noun} Cuban Cubaans {adjective} Cuban Cubaanse {adjective, noun} Cuban Cubaanse ara Cuban red macaw Cubaanse kwartelduif quail-dove cul de Paris bustle culinair {adjective} culinary culmineren {verb} lead to cultfilm {noun} cult film cultiveren {verb} manure cultureel [/kʏltyˈrel/] {adjective} cultural cultureel centrum cultural center Culturele Revolutie Cultural Revolution culturele rijkdom cultural wealth cultus {noun} cult cultusplaats place of worship cultuur [/kɵl'tyːr/] {noun} culture cultuurbeleid {noun} cultural policy cultuurgeschiedenis {noun} cultural history cultuurschok {noun} culture shock cultuurtaal {noun} national language | standard language cultuurwetenschappen {noun} cultural studies culverin culverin cumarine {noun} coumarin cummingtoniet cummingtonite cumulatief [/kymylaˈtif/] {adjective} cumulative cumulonimbus {noun} cumulonimbus cumulus [/'kymylɵs/] {noun} cumulus cunnilingus {noun} cunnilingus cup {noun} cup | goblet cupcake {noun} cupcake Cupido {properNoun} Cupid curandus {noun} ward curare {noun} curare curariseren {noun} curarize curatele {noun} guardianship curatief {adjective} curative curator {noun} curator Curaçao [/ky.ra.ˈsʌʊ̯/ | /kyː.ra.ˈzaʊ̯/] {properNoun} Curaçao curaçao {noun} curaçao Curaçaos {adjective} Curaçaoan Curaçaose {adjective, noun} Curaçaoan Curaçaoënaar {noun} Curaçaoan cureren {verb} cure | treat curettage {noun} curettage curette {noun} curette curie {noun} Roman Curia curieus {adjective} curious | quaint | interesting curiositeit {noun} curiosity curiosum {noun} curio curium {noun} curium curling {noun} curling curlingmoeder {noun} mama bear curlingmoeders {noun} mama bear curriculum {noun} curriculum curry {noun} curry curryketchup curry ketchup curryschotel curry curryworst {noun} currywurst cursief {adjective} italic cursiefje {noun} cursive cursiveren {verb} italicize cursor {noun} cursor cursus {noun} course | class cursusboek coursebook curve {noun} curve cutaan {adjective} cutaneous cuvelage {noun} casing CVE CPU CVVO Collective Security Treaty Organisation cyaan {adjective, noun} cyan | cyanogen cyaankali {noun} potassium cyanide cyaankleurig cyan cyanobacteriën [/siˈanobɑkˌtɪ:riə(n)/] {noun} Cyanobacteria cyanogeen {noun} cyanogen cyanose {noun} cyanosis cyanotypie blueprint cyber- {prefix} cyber- cyberaanval {noun} cyber attack cybercafé {noun} cybercafé cybernetica {noun} cybernetics cybernetika cybernetics cybernetisch cybernetic cybertechnologie cybernetics cyborg {noun} cyborg Cycladen Cyclades cyclisch [/ˈsiklis/] {adjective} cyclic cyclo- {prefix} bicycle cyclocross {noun} cyclocross cyclofosfamide {noun} cyclophosphamide cyclohexaan {noun} cyclohexane cycloon {noun} cyclone cycloop {noun} cyclops cycloplegie {noun} cycloplegia cyclopropaan cyclopropane cyclopropeen cyclopropene cyclosporine {noun} ciclosporine | cyclosporine cyclus {noun} cycle cymeus cymose cynicus [/ˈsinikʏs/] {noun} cynic cynisch [/ˈsinis/] {adjective} cynical cynisme {noun} cynicism Cyprioot {noun} Cypriot Cypriotisch {adjective} Cypriote Cyprisch {adjective} Cypriote Cyprus [/ˈki.prʏs/ | /ˈsi.prʏs/] {properNoun} Cyprus Cyrenaica Cyrenaica Cyrillisch Cyrillic cyrillisch [/sɪˈrɪlɪs/] {adjective} Cyrillic cyrillisch alfabet {noun} Cyrillic cyste {noun} cyst cysteïne {noun} cysteine cystitis [/sɪ'stitəs/] {noun} cystitis cystoscopie {noun} cystoscopy cyto- {prefix} cyto- cytochroom {noun} cytochrome cytokine cytokine cytologie {noun} cytology cytoplasma [/ˌsitɔˈplɑsma/] {noun} cytoplasm cytosine {noun} cytosine cytoskelet [/ˈsitoskəˌlɛt/] {noun} cytoskeleton cytosol [/ˈsitɔzɔl/] {noun} cytosol cytostaticum {noun} cytostatic cytotoxisch {adjective} cytotoxic

The Great Dictionary Dutch - English

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