Читать книгу The Great Dictionary Dutch - English - Benjamin Maximilian Eisenhauer - Страница 7


anti-abortus antiabortionist anti-emeticum {noun} antiemetic anti-epilepticum {noun} antiepileptic anti-Europees anti-European anti-exsudatief {noun} antiexudative anti-infectieus {adjective} antiinfective anti-inflammatoir {adjective} antiinflammatory anti-kolonialisme anticolonialism anti-oestrogeen {adjective} antioestrogenic anti-semitisme anti-Semitism antiaanbaklaag {noun} anti-sticking substance antiacidum [/ˌɑnti'jasidɵm] {noun} antacid antiallergisch {adjective} antiallergic antiangineus {adjective} antianginal antiaritmicum {noun} antiarrhythmic antiastmaticum {noun} antiasthmatic antibacterieel {adjective, noun} antibacterial antibiogram {noun} antibiogramme antibioticatherapie {noun} antibiotictherapy antibioticum {noun} antibiotic antiblokkeerremsysteem ABS brake antiblokkeersysteem {noun} anti-lock breaking system anticarcinogeen anticarcinogenic anticarcinogene anticarcinogenic anticholinergicum {noun} anticholinergic antichrist {noun} Antichrist | antichrist anticiperen {verb} anticipate | think ahead anticlimax {noun} anticlimax anticlinaal {adjective, noun} anticline anticline {noun} anticline anticoagulans {noun} anticoagulant anticommunisme {noun} anticommunisme anticonceptie {noun} birth control anticonceptiemiddel {noun} contraceptive anticonceptiepil {noun} contraceptive pill anticonvulsivum {noun} anticonvulsant anticycloon {noun} anticyclone antidateren {verb} antedate | backdate | predate antideeltje {noun} antiparticle antidepressivum [/ˌɑntideprɛˈsivʏm/] {noun} antidepressant antidiabeticum {noun} antidiabetic antidiuretisch {adjective} antidiuretic antidopaminergisch {adjective} antidopaminergic antidotum {noun} antidote antiek {adjective, noun} antique antiekhandelaar {noun} antiquarian antiekwinkel {noun} antique shop Antifa Antifa antiferromagnetisch antiferromagnetic antiferromagnetisme antiferromagnetism antifibrinolyticum {noun} antifibrinolytic antifibrinolytisch antifibrinolytic antiflogisticum {noun} antiphlogistic antifoon {noun} antiphon antifungisch {adjective} antifungal antigeen {noun} antigen antiglobalist {noun} antiglobalist Antigua en Barbuda [/ɑn.ˌti.(g)ɣʊa.ɛn.bɑr.ˈbu.da/ | /ɑn.ˌti.gwa.ɛn.bɑr.ˈbu.da/] {properNoun} Antigua and Barbuda Antiguaan Antiguan Antiguaans Antiguan Antiguaanse Antiguan antiheld {noun} antihero antiheldin antihero antihistaminicum {noun} antihistamine antihypertensivum {noun} antihypertensive antilichaam {noun} antibody Antilliaan {noun} West Indian Antilliaans {adjective} West Indian antilope [/ɑnti'lopə/] {noun} antelope antimaterie {noun} antimatter antimetrisch {adjective} extrametric antimicrobieel {adjective} antimicrobial antimilitarisme {noun} antimilitarism antimitoticum {noun} antimitotic antimonium {noun} antimony antimoon {noun} antimony antimycoticum {noun} antimycotic antineoplastisch {adjective} antineoplastic antinomie {noun} antinomy Antiochië {properNoun} Antioch antioxidans {noun} antioxidant antioxidant {noun} antioxidant antiparallel antiparallel antipathie {noun} antipathy antipathiek {adjective} nasty antipode {noun} antipode antiprikkelend abirritant antiproliferatief {adjective} antiproliferative antiprurigineus {adjective} antipruritic antipsychoticum {noun} antipsychotic antipyreticum {noun} antipyretic antiquaar {noun} antiquarian antiquair {noun} antiquarian antiquiteit {noun} antiquity antireclame {noun} adverse publicity antisemiet {noun} anti-Semite antisemitisch [/ˌɑntisəˈmitis/] {adjective} anti-Semitic antisemitisme {noun} antisemitism antisepsis {noun} antiseptic antisepticum {noun} antiseptic antiseptisch {adjective} antiseptic | aseptic antispasmodicum {noun} antispasmodic antistof {noun} antibody | immunoglobulin antistollingsmiddel {noun} anticoagulant antithese {noun} contrast | antithesis antitheïsme antitheism antitoxine {noun} antitoxin antitrombotisch {adjective} antithrombotic antitumoraal {adjective} antitumour antitussivum {noun} antitussive antiutopie dystopia antiviraal [/ˌɑntiviˈraɫ/] {adjective} antiviral antivirus {noun} anti-virus antivries {noun} antifreeze antiziganisme antigypsyism Anton {properNoun} Anthony antoniem [/ɑntoˈn'''i'''m/] {adjective, noun} antonym antraceen {noun} anthracene antraciet [/an.tra.ˈsit/ | /ɑn.tra.ˈsit/] {adjective, noun} anthracite | anthracite coal antracietgrijs {adjective, noun} anthracite grey antrax {noun} anthrax antropofagie {noun} anthropophagy antropologie {noun} anthropology antropologisch {adjective} anthropological antropoloog {noun} anthropologist antropometrisch {adjective} anthropometric antropomorfisch anthropomorphic antropomorfiseren {verb} anthropomorphize antropomorfisme {noun} anthropomorphism antroponymie {noun} anthroponymy antroposofie {noun} anthroposophy antroposofisch {adjective} anthroposophic Antwerpen [/ˈantˌwɛrpə(n)/ | /ˈɑntˌʋɛrpə(n)/ | /ˈɑntˌβ̞ɛrpə(n)/] {properNoun} Antwerp Antwerpenaar {noun} Antwerpian Antwerps [/ˈantwɛrps/ | /ˈɑntʋɛrps/ | /ˈɑntβ̞ɛrps/] {adjective} Antwerp Antwerpse [/ˈant.wɛrp.sə/ | /ˈɑnt.ʋɛrp.sə/ | /ˈɑnt.β̞ɛrp.sə/] {adjective, noun} Antwerpian antwoord [/ˈɑnt.ʋɔːrt/] {noun, verb} answer | reply antwoordapparaat {noun} answering machine | answerphone antwoorden [/ˈɑnt.ʋɔːr.də(n)/] {noun, verb} answer | respond | reply antwoordnummer {noun} freepost number anurie {noun} anuria anus {noun} anus anusridder fag anxietas {noun} anxiety anxiolyticum {noun} anxiolytic Ao {noun} Ao Naga aorist aorist aspect aoristisch aorist aoristus {noun} aorist aorta [/aˈɔrta/] {noun} aorta apache {noun} ruffian Apachetalen {properNoun} Apache languages apart {adjective} especially apartheid {noun} apartheid apartheidspolitiek {noun} apartheid policy apartje {noun} private talk apathie {noun} apathy apathisch {adjective} apathetic apatiet apatite apenarend {noun} Philippine eagle apenbroodboom {noun} baobab apenjong monkey apenkooi {noun, verb} monkey shack | monkey shed | monkeyhouse Apennijnen Apennines apennoot {noun} peanut apennootje {noun} peanut apenstaart {noun} at sign apenstaartje [/ˈapəˌstartʃə/] {noun} at sign | commercial at apentuin {noun} primate park aperitief {noun} apéritif apert {adjective} evident | obvious apertuurantenne {noun} aperture antenna aphelium {noun} aphelion Aphrodite Aphrodite aphthae tropicae sprue apicomplexa [/ˌapikɔmˈplɛksa/] {noun} apicomplexa apin {noun} ape apk {noun} periodic vehicle inspection aplasie {noun} aplasia aplastische anemie {noun} aplastic anaemia aplomb {noun} self-assurance apnoe {noun} apnoe apo- {prefix} apo- apocalyps {noun} apocalypse apocalyptisch {adjective} apocalyptic apocope {noun} apocope apocopisch apocopic apocrief {adjective, noun} apocrypha apodictisch {adjective} apodeictic apofenie apophenia apograaf {noun} apograph Apollo Apollo Apollyon Abaddon apologeet {noun} apologist apologie {noun} apology apoplexie {noun} apoplexy apoptose {noun} apoptosis aposematische kleuring aposematism apostasie {noun} apostasy apostel [/ɑˈpɔstəl/] {noun} apostle apostelschap {noun} apostleship | apostolate apostolaat {noun} apostleship | apostolate apostolisch {adjective} apostolic apostrof {noun} apostrophe apothecium apothecium apotheek [/apo'tek/] {noun} pharmacy | drug-store | drugstore apotheker {noun} pharmacist apothekersassistent {noun} pharmaceutical assistant apothema {noun} apothem apotheose {noun} apotheosis app {noun, verb} app Appalachen {properNoun} Appalacian Mountains apparaat {noun} device apparatsjik {noun} apparatchik apparatuur {noun} equipment appartement {noun} apartment appartementsrecht condominium appel [/ɑ.ˈpɛl/ | /ɑ.ˈpɛɫ/ | /ˈɑ.pəl/ | /ˈɑ.pəɫ/ | /ˈɑpəɫ/] {noun} apple | appeal appelaar {noun} apple tree appelbanaan {noun} apple banana appelblauwzeegroen blue green appelblauwzeegroene teal appelbloesem apple blossom appelbol [/ˈɑ.pɔɫ.ˌbɔɫ/ | /ˈɑ.pəl.ˌbɔl/ | /ˈɑ.pəɫ.ˌbɔɫ/] {noun} apple dumpling appelbomenhout apple appelboom {noun} apple tree appelboor {noun} apple-corer appelbrandewijn apple brandy appelcake {noun} applecake appelcider cider appelcompote {noun} apple sauce appeleren appeal appelflap [/ˈɑpəɫflɑp/] {noun} apple turnover appelgroen apple-green appeljam apple butter appellant {noun} appellant appellatie {noun} appellation appelleren {verb} call appelmoes {noun} apple sauce appels met peren apples and oranges appelsap [/ˈɑpəlˌsɑp/] {noun} apple juice appelsien [/ˌɑpəlˈsin/] {noun} orange appelsienenboom orange appelsienlimonade orangeade appelsiensap met spa bruis orangeade appelspijs {noun} apple sauce appelstroop {noun} apple syrup appeltaart {noun} apple pie appeltje voor de dorst nest egg appelvink {noun} hawfinch appelwijn {noun} cider appendectomie appendectomy appendicitis {noun} appendicitis appendix [/ɑˈpɛndɪks/] {noun} appendix appetijt {noun} appetite appetijtelijk [[ɑpə'tɛitələk]] {adjective} tasty appetijtelijke {adjective} tasty applaudiseren acclaim applaudisseren [/ɑplɔudi'serə/] {verb} applaud applaus [/ɑ'plɔus/] {noun} approval applicatie {noun} application | appliqué apporteren {verb} retrieve appositie {noun} apposition appreciatie {noun} appreciation appreciëren {verb} appreciate appreteren {verb} finish approach {noun} approach approbatie {noun} approbation approximaal {adjective} approximate approximatie {noun} approximation approximeren {verb} approximate april [/ɑˈprɪl/] {noun, verb} April aprildag {noun} day in April aprilgrap {noun} april fool aprilvis {noun} April fool après-ski {noun} après-ski Aptien Aptian Apuleius Apuleius Apulië Apulia aquaduct {noun} aqueduct aquaponics aquaponics aquarel {noun} watercolor | watercolor painting aquarist [/ˌa.kʋa.ˈrɪst/] {noun} aquarist aquarium [/ɑˈkʋariˌʲʏm/] {noun} aquarium aquariumhouder aquarist aquariumhoudster aquarist aquatisch {adjective} aquatic aquatische {adjective} aquatic aquavit {noun} aquavit aquifer {noun} aquifer Aquitanië Aquitaine aquosus {adjective} aqueous ar [/ɑr/] {noun, verb} sledge | sleigh Ara {noun} Ara ara {noun} macaw arabesk {noun} arabesque Arabier [/ˌɑ.ra.ˈbiːr/] {noun} Arab Arabisch [/ɑ'rabis/] {adjective, noun} Arabic | Arab Arabisch cijfer Arabic numeral Arabisch Schiereiland Arabian Peninsula arabische gom gum arabic Arabische koffie mocha Arabische Lente {phraseologicalUnit} Arab Spring Arabische oryx Arabian oryx Arabische Republiek Egypte Arab Republic of Egypt arabische wereld Arab World arabist {noun} Arabist Arabië {properNoun} Arabia arachidenoot peanut arachideolie {noun} peanut oil arachnofobie {noun} arachnophobia arachnologie {noun} arachnology arafatsjaal {noun} keffiyeh Arafurazee {properNoun} Arafura Sea Aragon {properNoun} Aragon Aragonees {noun} Aragonese Aragonese {noun} Aragonese Aragón Aragon Aramees [/araˈmes/] {adjective, noun} Aramaic Arameeër [/araˈmejər/] {noun} Aramaean Aranees Aranese Araona {noun} Araona Arapaho {noun} Arapaho Arauaanse talen {properNoun} Arauan languages Arawaktalen {properNoun} Arawakan languages arbeid {noun, verb} work | labour arbeiden {verb} work arbeider {noun} worker arbeidersbeweging {noun} labour movement arbeidersbuurt {noun} working class neighbourhood arbeidersklasse {noun} working-class arbeiderswoning {noun} working-class house arbeidsaanbod {noun} supply of labour arbeidsanalyse {noun} job analysis arbeidsbemiddeling {noun} employment-finding arbeidsbesparend {adjective} laboursaving arbeidsbureau {noun} Job Centre arbeidsconflict {noun} labour dispute arbeidsdeelname {noun} activity rate | employment rate arbeidsgeschiktheid {noun} earning capacity | fitness for employment | fitness for work | workability arbeidsinspectie {noun} labour inspection arbeidsintensief {adjective} labor-intensive | labour-intensive arbeidskorting {noun} employed person`s tax credit arbeidskracht {noun} worker arbeidsloon {noun} wage arbeidsloos {adjective} unemployed arbeidsmarkt {noun} labour market arbeidsmarktbeleid {noun} labour market policy arbeidsongeschikt {adjective} disabled | unfit for work arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering {noun} disability insurance | industrial disability insurance arbeidsongeval {noun} industrial accident arbeidsovereenkomst {noun} employment contract arbeidsplaats {noun} work arbeidsproces {noun} work | work process arbeidsrecht {noun} labour law arbeidsreserve {noun} labour reserve arbeidsschuw {adjective} workshy arbeidssituatie {noun} ; labour status | labour force status arbeidstijd {noun} labour time arbeidstijdverkorting {noun} reduced hours arbeidsverdeling {noun} division of labour arbeidsvergunning {noun} work permit arbeidsvermogen {noun} energy arbeidsvoorziening {noun} manpower services arbeidzaam {adjective} toilsome arbiter {noun} arbitrator | referee | arbiter | umpire arbitrage {noun} arbitration arbitrair {adjective} arbitrary arbitratie arbitration arbitreren {verb} arbitrate arboricultuur arboriculture arcade {noun} arc Arcadië Arcadia arccosinus {noun} arccosine arceren {verb} hatch | shade arcering {noun} cross hatching | hachures | hatching archaea [/ɑrˈxeɑ/] {noun} archaea archaeopteryx archeopteryx Archangelsk Arkhangelsk archaïsch {adjective} archaic archaïsme {noun} archaism archeologie [/ˌɑr.xe.ˌjo.lo.ˈɣi/ | /ˌɑr.xɛ.jo.lo.ˈɣi/ | /ˌɑr.χe.ˌjo.lo.ˈχi/] {noun} archaeology | archeology archeoloog {noun} archeologist archetype {noun} archetype archief {noun} archive archiefmedewerker {noun} actuary archiefwetenschap {noun} archival science archifoneem {noun} archiphoneme archipel {noun} archipelago archipelvlek Mongolian spot architect {noun} architect architectonisch {adjective} architectural architectuur {noun} architecture architraaf {noun} architrave archivaris [/ɑrxivaːrɨs/] {noun} archivist archiveren {verb} archive archivering {noun} filing arcologie {noun} arcology arcsinus {noun} arcsine arctangens {noun} arctangent Arctica {properNoun} Arctic arctisch {adjective} arctic arctische kabeljauw Arctic cod Arctische Oceaan {properNoun} Arctic Ocean arctische walvis {noun} Greenland right whale | arctic right whale | bowhead whale Ardennen Ardennes arduin {noun} belgian limestone Ardèche {properNoun} Ardèche are {noun} are | square decametre areaal {noun} area arena {noun} arena arend {noun, verb} eagle Arendbuizerd long-legged buzzard arendsneus aquiline nose Ares Ares argeloos {adjective} guileless Argentijn [/ˌɑrɣɛnˈtɛɪ̯n/ | /ˌɑrɣɛnˈtɛːn/ | /ˌɑrχɛnˈtɛɪ̯n/] {noun} Argentine | Argentinian Argentijns [/ˌɑrɣɛnˈtɛɪ̯ns/ | /ˌɑrɣɛnˈtɛːns/ | /ˌɑrχɛnˈtɛɪ̯ns/] {adjective} Argentine Argentijns Quechua {noun} Quechua de Santiago del Estero Argentijnse {adjective, noun} argentinian woman Argentinië [/ˌɑrɣɛnˈtini.jə/ | /ˌɑrχɛnˈtini.jə/] {properNoun} Argentina arginine {noun} arginine arglist {noun} guile arglistig {adjective} insidious arglistigheid {noun} guile Argoen {properNoun} Argun argon [/ˈɑrɣɔn/] {noun} argon Argonaut Argonaut argument [/ˌɑrɣyˈmɛnt/] {noun} argument | reason argumentatie {noun} argumentation argumenteren {verb} argue argumentum e silentio argument from silence Argus {properNoun} Argus argwaan {noun, verb} suspicion argwaanend leery argwanend {adjective, verb} suspicious aria {noun} aria Arianne {properNoun} Ariana aride {adjective} arid Arisch {adjective, noun} aryan aristocraat {noun} aristocrat aristocratie {noun} aristocracy aristocratisch {adjective} aristocratic aristotelisch peripatetic ariteit {noun} arity aritmetica {noun} arithmetic aritmie {noun} arrhythmia aritmogeen {adjective} arrhythmogenic Ariër {noun} aryan ariër {noun} Aryan ark [/ɑrk/] {noun} ark Ark van het Verbond Ark of the Covenant Ark van Noach Noah's ark arkschelp ark clam arm [/ɑrṃ/] {adjective, noun} arm | poor | branch | miserable arm in arm arm in arm armadillo armadillo armagnac {noun} Armagnac armatuur {noun} armature | brace | cramp-iron armband {noun} bracelet armbuigspier biceps arme {adjective, noun} indigent armee {noun} armed forces Armeen [/ɑrˈmen/ | /ɑrˈmeːn/] {noun} Armenian Armeens [/ɑrˈmens/ | /ɑrˈmeːns/] {adjective, noun} Armenian Armeens Hoogland Armenian Highland Armeense [/ɑrˈmensə/ | /ɑrˈmeːnsə/] {adjective, noun} armenian woman Armeense talen {properNoun} Armenian armelijk {adjective} poor armen {noun} poor armen en benen uitspreiden sprawl armenhuis {noun} almshouse | poorhouse | workhouse Armenië [/ɑrˈmeni.jə/ | /ɑrˈmeːni.jə/] {properNoun} Armenia Armeniër [/ɑrˈmeni.jər/ | /ɑrˈmeːni.jər/] {noun} Armenian armenwijk {noun} slum Armeria thrift armhuis {noun} almonry | almshouse | workhouse armillarium armillary sphere arminianisme {noun} Arminianism armklem {noun} armlock armlastige {adjective} indigent armlegger {noun} arm pad armleuning {noun} armrest armoede [/ˈɑrəmude/] {noun} poverty armoedig {adjective} poor armoedzaaier {noun} beggar armsgat {noun} armhole armslag {noun} elbow-room armsteun {noun} cradle armtierig {adjective} pathetic armvol {noun} armful armworstelaar arm-wrestler armworstelares arm-wrestler armworstelen arm-wrestle armworsteling arm wrestling armzalig {adjective} paltry Arnhem {properNoun} Arnhem Arnoud {properNoun} Arnold aroekookaburra spangled kookaburra Aroemeens [/aruˈmens/] {adjective, noun} Aromanian aroma [/a'roma/] {noun} aroma | flavour Aromaans [/aroˈmans/] {noun} Aromanian aromaat {noun} aromatic aromatisch {adjective} aromatic aromatiseren {verb} flavour aronskelk [/arɔnskɛlək/] {noun} arum Aroyo-mierklauwier upland antshrike Arpitaans [/ɑrpiˈtaːns/] {adjective, noun} Arpitanian arrangement {noun} arrangement arrangeren {verb} arrange | fix up array {noun} array arrenslee {noun} sled arrest {noun} arrest arrestant {noun} arrested person arrestatie {noun} arrest | detention arrestatiebevel {noun} arrest warrant arresteren {verb} arrest | apprehend arriveren [/ɑriveːrən/] {verb} arrive | end up arrogant {adjective} arrogant arrogantie {noun} arrogance | presumption | assumingness | overbearingness | pretence arrondissement {noun} borough arrondissementsrechtbank {noun} District Court arrowroot [/ˈɛrɔwru:t/] {noun} arrowroot arseen {noun} arsenic arsenaal {noun} arsenal arsenicum {noun} arsenic art deco {noun} Art Deco art nouveau {noun, phraseologicalUnit} Art Nouveau artdirector {noun} art director artefact {noun} artefact | artifact arterie {noun} artery arterieel {adjective} arterial arteriografie {noun} arteriography arteriolair {adjective} arteriolar arteriosclerose {noun} arteriosclerosis arterioveneus {adjective} arteriovenous artesisch {adjective} artesian Arthur {properNoun} Arthur articulair {adjective} articular articulatie {noun} articulation articuleren {verb} articulate artiest {noun} artist artieste {noun} artist artificieel {adjective} artificial artikel [/ɑrˈtiːkəl/] {noun} article | commodity artillerie {noun} artillery artillerist {noun} artilleryman Artinskien Artinskian artisjok {noun} artichoke artisjokbodem artichoke bottom artistiek {adjective} artistic artralgie {noun} arthralgia artritis {noun} arthritis artropathie {noun} arthropathy artrose {noun} arthrosis arts {noun} doctor artsenbezoeker {noun} medical representative artsenij {noun} drug artwork {noun} artwork Aruba [/a.ˈru.ba/ | /a.ˈry.ba/] {properNoun} Aruba Arubaan {noun} Aruban Arubaans {adjective} Aruban Arubaanse {adjective, noun} aruban woman Aruküla Aruküla Arunachal Pradesh {properNoun} Arunachal Pradesh Arvanitisch Arvanitika As {noun, symbol} A-flat as {noun} ash | axis | axle | A-flat | A-flat minor | stalk As grote terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} A flat major as kleine terts {abbreviation, phraseologicalUnit} A flat minor As majeur A-flat major as van het kwaad axis of evil As-groot [/(ʔ)ɑs'xrot/] {abbreviation, noun} A flat major As-grootakkoord {abbreviation, noun} A-flat major chord As-grotetertstoonladder {noun} A-flat major scale As-grotetertstoonschaal {noun} A flat major scale as-klein [/(ʔ)ɑs'klɛɪn/] {abbreviation, noun} A flat minor as-kleinakkoord {abbreviation, noun} As minor chord as-kleinetertstoonaard {noun} A flat minor scale as-kleinetertstoonladder {noun} A-flat minor scale As-majeur [/(ʔ)ɑs'xrot/] {abbreviation, noun} A flat major As-majeurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} A-flat major chord As-majeurtoonaard {noun} A flat major scale As-majeurtoonladder {noun} A-flat major scale As-majeurtoonschaal {noun} A-flat major scale as-mineur [/(ʔ)ɑs'klɛɪn/] {abbreviation, noun} A flat minor as-mineurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} A flat minor chord as-mineurtoonladder {noun} A-flat minor scale as-mineurtoonschaal {noun} A-flat minor scale asbak [/ˈɑzbɑk/] {noun} ashtray | ash-tray asbest {noun} asbestos asbest- asbestos asblond {adjective} ash blonde asceet {noun} abstainer Ascension {properNoun} Ascension Island ascese {noun} ascesis ascetisch {adjective} ascetic ascetisme {noun} asceticism ASCII {noun} ASCII ascites {noun} ascites Asclepius Asclepius ascorbinezuur {noun} ascorbic acid | vitamin C aseksualiteit {noun} asexuality aseksueel {adjective} asexual aselect {adjective} random asem {noun, verb} breath asemen {verb} breathe asemhalen breathe Asen Æsir asepsis {noun} asepsis aseptisch {adjective} aseptic Aser Asher ases {noun} A double flat Ases-grootakkoord {abbreviation, noun} A double flat major chord Ases-grotetertstoonladder {noun} A double flat major scale Ases-majeur {noun} A double flat major Ases-majeurakkoord {abbreviation, noun} A double flat major chord Ases-majeurtoonladder {noun} A double flat major scale Ases-majeurtoonschaal {noun} A double flat major scale asfalt {noun} asphalt | bitumen asfaltbeton {noun} asphalt concrete asfalteren {verb} asphalt asfaltweg [/'ɑsfɑltwɛx/] {noun} macadam asfyxiatie {noun} asphyxiation asfyxie [/a.sfɪk.ˈsi/] {noun} asphyxia Asgaard Asgard asgrijs {adjective, noun} ash grey asiel {noun} asylum asiel aanvragen defect asielcentrum [/aˈsilsɛntrʏm/] {noun} asylum-seekers' hostel asielzoeker {noun} asylum seeker Asjkenazi [/ɑʃkə'nazi/] {noun} Ashkanazi Asjkenazi's [/ɑʃkə'nazis/] {noun} Ashkanazim Asjkenazim [/ɑʃkə'nazim/] {noun} Ashkanazim askruik {noun} urn asla {noun} ash pan aslager {noun} axle bearing asociaal {adjective, noun} antisocial | unsocial Asoka Ashoka asparagine {noun} asparagine asparaginezuur {noun} aspartic acid aspartaam {noun} aspartame aspecifiek {adjective} nonspecific aspect [/ɑsˈpɛkt/] {noun} aspect aspectverhouding aspect ratio asperge {noun} asparagus aspic {noun} aspic aspics {noun} aspic aspidistra {noun} aspidistra aspirant {noun} candidate aspiratie [/ˌɑspiˈraʦi/] {noun} aspirate aspireren {verb} aspirate aspirientje {noun} aspirin aspirine {noun} aspirin asplenie asplenia asrest {noun} ash residue | residual ash assagaai {noun} assegai Assam {properNoun} Assam Assam-thee Assam Assamees {noun} Assamese Assami {noun} Assamese Assamitisch {noun} Assamese Assamthee Assam Assassijn assassin assassijn assassin assay {noun} assay asse {noun} ash assegaai {noun} assegai Asselien Asselian assemblee {noun} assembly assembler {noun} assembler assembleren {verb} assemble Assepoester [/ˈɑsəˌpustər/] {properNoun} Cinderella assepoester {noun} cinderella assertie {noun} assertion assertief [/ɑsɛrˈtif/] {adjective} assertive assertiviteit {noun} assertiveness assignatie {noun} summons assimilatie {noun} assimilation assimileren {verb} assimilate Assisi Assisi assist {noun} asist assistent {noun} assistant assistent-scheidsrechter {noun} assistant referee assistente {noun} assistant | lady help assistentie {noun} aid | help | assistence assisteren [/ˌɑsɪsˈteːrə(n)/] {verb} assist associatie {noun} association associé {noun} partner associëren {verb} associate assonantie {noun} assonance assortiment {noun} assortment assuradeur {noun} insurer assurantie {noun} insurance assureren {verb} insure assyriologie {noun} assyriology assyrioloog {noun} Assyriologist | assyriologist Assyrisch {adjective} assyrian Assyrisch Nieuwaramees {noun} Assyrian Neo-Aramaic Assyrische Rijk Assyria Assyrië {properNoun} Assyria Assyriër {noun} assyrian astaat {noun} astatine astatium {noun} astatine aster {noun} aster asterisk [/ˈɑs.tə.ˌrɪs(x)/ | /ˈɑs.tə.ˌrɪsk/] {noun} asterisk asteroïde {noun} asteroid asthenie {noun} asthenia astigmatisch {adjective} astigmatic astma [/ˈɑs(t)ma/] {noun} asthma astmatisch {adjective} shortwinded astrakan {noun} astrakhan astreinte {noun} on-call astringent {adjective} astringent astrochemie {noun} astrochemy astrofotografie {noun} astrophotography astrofysica {noun} astrophysics astrofysicus {noun} astrophysicist astrograaf {noun} astrograph astrolabium {noun} astrolabe astrologie [/ɑstrolo'gi/] {noun} astrology astroloog {noun} astrologer astrometrie {noun} astrometry astronaut [/ˌɑstroˈnaʊ̯t/ | /ˌɑstroˈnɔʊ̯t/ | /ˌɑstroˈnʌʊ̯t/] {noun} astronaut astronautenvoedsel {noun} space food astronomie {noun} astronomy astronomisch {adjective} astronomic | astronomical astronomische schemering astronomical twilight astronoom {noun} astronomer astroïde {noun} astroid Asturisch {noun} Asturian Asturië {properNoun} Asturias Aswoensdag {noun} Ash Wednesday aswoensdag Ash Wednesday aswolk {noun} ash cloud asymmetrie {noun} asymmetry asymmetrisch {adjective, adverb} asymmetric | asymmetrical asymptomatisch {adjective} asymptomatic asymptoot [/a.sɪmp.ˈtot/] {noun} asymptote asynchroon {adjective} asynchronous Atair {properNoun} Altair | Atair atalanta {noun} red admiral atavisme {noun} atavism atavistisch atavistic ataxie [/atɑkˈsi/] {noun} ataxia Atayal {noun} Atayal ATB {noun} ATB atelier {noun} atelier Athabaskisch Athabascan Athabaskische talen {properNoun} Athapascan languages Atheens {adjective} Athenian Athene {properNoun} Athens Athener {noun} Athenian atherogene atherogenic atheromatose {noun} atheromatosis athetose {noun} athetosis atheïsme [/ˌa.te.ˈjɪsmə/ | /ˌɑ.te.ˈjɪsmə/] {noun} atheism atheïst [/ˌa.te.ˈjɪst/ | /ˌɑ.te.ˈjɪst/] {noun} atheist atheïste {noun} atheist atheïstisch {adjective} atheistic | godless | irreligious Atikamek {noun} Atikamekw Atjeh {properNoun} Aceh Atjehs [/ˈɑtjes/] {adjective, noun} Acehnese atlanticum [/ɑtˈlɑntikʏm/] {noun} Atlantic Atlantis [/ɑtˈlɑntɪs/] {properNoun} Atlantis Atlantisch {adjective} Atlantic Atlantische Congotalen {properNoun} Atlantic-Congo languages Atlantische Oceaan {properNoun} Atlantic Ocean Atlantische steur {noun} Antlantic sturgeon Atlas [/ɑtlɑs/] {properNoun} Atlas atlas [/ɑtlɑs/] {noun} atlas | satin Atlasgebergte Atlas Mountains Atlasisch Atlasic Atlasleeuw Barbary lion atleet [/ɑtlet/] {noun} athlete atletiek {noun} athletics | track and field atletisch {adjective} athletic atmosfeer {noun} atmosphere | ambiance | mood atmosferisch {adjective} atmospheric atol {noun} atoll atomisch {adjective} atomic atonaal {adjective} atonal atonaliteit {noun} atonality atonie {noun} atony atoom {noun} atom atoomaanval {noun} nuclear attack atoombom {noun} nuclear bomb atoomenergie {noun} nuclear power atoomgetal {noun} atomic number atoomgewicht {noun} atomic weight atoomkern {noun} atomic nucleus atoomklok {noun} atomic clock atoomkop {noun} nuclear head atoommassa {noun} atomic mass atoomnummer {noun} atomic number atoomproef nuclear testing atoomsplitsing {noun} nuclear fission atoomtheorie {noun} atomic theory atoomtijdperk {noun} Atomic Age atoomwapen {noun} atomic weapon atopie {noun} atopy atopisch {adjective} atopic atorvastatine {noun} atorvastatin atoxisch {adjective} atoxic Atrecht {properNoun} Arras atrioventriculair {adjective} atrioventricular atrium {noun} atrium atrofie {noun} atrophy atrofisch atrophic Atsam {noun} Atsam attachment {noun} attachment attaché {noun} attaché attachékoffer {noun} briefcase atten [/ɑtə(n)/] {verb} chug attenderen {verb} draw attention to attentie {noun} attention attenties {noun} attention attest {noun} certificate attesteren {verb} attest attestering certification Attica Attica Attisch Attic Attisch zout Attic salt attitude {noun} attitude atto- [/ˈɑto/] {prefix} atto- attometer {noun} attometer | attometre attoseconde {noun} attosecond attractie {noun} attraction attractief {adjective} attractif attractiepark {noun} amusement park attribueren {verb} accredit attributie {noun} attribution attributief [/ɑtrɪbʏˈtif/] {adjective} attributive attribuut {noun} attribute atypisch {adjective} atypical au {interjection} ouch | ow au pair {noun, phraseologicalUnit} au pair aubade {noun} aubade | pagan aubergine [/obɛrˈʒinə/] {adjective, noun} eggplant | aubergine Auckland {properNoun} Auckland auctie {noun} public sale audientie audience audio {noun} audio audioboek {noun} audio book audiogram {noun} audiogram audiologie {noun} audiology audiotape {noun} audio tape | audiotape audioversterker {noun} amplifier audiovisueel {adjective} audiovisual auditeren {verb} audition auditie {noun} audition auditie doen audition auditief {adjective} auditory auditorium {noun} audience | auditory audiëntie {noun} audience Audouins meeuw Audouin's gull auerhoen capercaillie auermetaal {noun} ferrocerium Augias {properNoun} Augeas augment augment augmentatie {noun} augmentation augmentatief {adjective} augmentative Augsburg Augsburg augurk [/ʌuˈɣɵrk/ | /ʌˈʝʏrk/] {noun} gherkin Augustijn cicero Augustinus Augustine Augustus {properNoun} Augustus augustus [/aʊ̯.ˈɣʏs.tʏs/ | /ɑuˈɣʏstʏs/ | /ɔʊ̯.ˈɣʏs.təs/ | /ʌʊ̯.ˈχʏs.təs/] {noun} August augustusdag {noun} day in August aula [/ˈɑula/] {noun} assembly hall | auditorium aura [/ˈʌurɑ/] {noun} aura auraal {adjective} aural aureool {noun} aureole auriculair {adjective} auricular aurifries orphrey Aurora Aurora Auschwitz {properNoun} Oświęcim auscultatie {noun} auscultation ausculteren {verb} auscultate ausgleichsmandat leveling seat auspiciën {noun} auspices ausputzer {noun} sweeper Australisch [/aʊ̯ˈstraːlɪs/ | /ɔʊ̯ˈstraːlis/ | /ʌʊ̯ˈstralis/] {adjective} Australian Australisch Hoofdstedelijk Territorium {properNoun} Australian Capital Territory Australische {adjective, noun} Australian Australische muskuseend musk duck Australische pelikaan Australian pelican Australische talen {properNoun} Australian languages Australische witoogeend hardhead Australische witte ibis Australian white ibis Australië [/aʊ̯ˈstraːli.jə/ | /ɔʊ̯ˈstrali.jə/ | /ʌʊ̯ˈstrali.jə/] {properNoun} Australia Australiër [/aʊ̯ˈstraːli.jər/ | /ɔʊ̯ˈstraːli.jər/ | /ʌʊ̯ˈstrali.jər/] {noun} Australian Austroaziatisch Austroasiatic Austroaziatische talen {properNoun} Austro-Asiatic languages Austronesisch [/ɑustro'nezis/] {adjective} Austronesian Austronesische talen {properNoun} Austronesian languages autarchie {noun} autarchy | autarky autarkie {noun} autarky auteur [/ɑu̯tœːr/] {noun} author | writer | authoress | woman writer auteursrecht {noun} copyright authenticatie {noun} authentication authenticeren {verb} authenticate authenticiteit {noun} authenticity authentiek {adjective} authentic | genuine authentificatie authentication authentificeren authenticate authentiseren {verb} authenticate authoriseren authorize autisme [ʌuˈtɪsmə | ʌˈtɪsmə] {noun} autism autismespectrumstoornis {noun} autism spectrum disorder autist [/ʌuˈtɪst/] {noun} autist autiste autist autistisch [/ʌuˈtɪstɪs/ | /ʌˈtɪstɪs/] {adjective} autistic auto [/ɑʊ̯to/] {noun} car | automobile auto-immuun {adjective} autoimmune auto-ongeluk {noun} car accident autoantenne {noun} car radio antenna autobaan {noun} motorway autobestuurder {noun} motorist autobezit {noun} car ownership autobiografie {noun} autobiography autobiografisch {adjective} autobiographical autobom {noun} car bomb autobus {noun} bus | autobus autochtoon {adjective, noun} autochthonous | autochthon autocraat {noun} autocrat autocratie {noun} autocracy autocratisch {adjective} autocratic autodidact {noun} autodidact | automath | self-learner autofabrikant {noun} car manufacturer | motor-car manufacturer autofagie autophagy autofocus {noun} autofocus autogamie {noun} self-pollination autogeen {adjective} autogenous autogordel {noun} seat-belt autograaf {noun} autograph autografie {noun} autography autogram {noun} autograph autokatalyse {noun} autocatalysis autokerkhof {noun} car graveyard autokeuring {noun} MOT autolak {noun} car body finish | car paint autolyse {noun} autolysis automaat {noun} robot automagisch {adjective} automagical automatenhal arcade automatie {noun} automatism automatisch {adjective} automatic automatische incasso direct debit automatische piloot autopilot automatische versnellingsbak {noun} automatic transmission automatiseren {verb} automate automatisering {noun} automation automatisme {noun} automatisme automedicatie self-medication automobiel {noun} automobile automobilist {noun} motorist automobiliste {noun} motorist automonteur {noun} car mechanic automorf getal automorphic number automutilatie {noun} autolesion | self-mutilation autonomie [/aʊ̯.to.no.ˈmi/ | /ɔʊ̯.to.no.ˈmi | /ʌʊ̯.to.no.ˈmi/] {noun} autonomy autonoom [/ˌʌʊtoˈnom/] {adjective, noun} autonomous autootje op afstandsbediening radio-controlled car autoped {noun} scooter autopsie {noun} autopsy autoradio {noun} car radio autorijden [/ɑʊ̯torɛi(d)ə(n)/] {verb} drive a car autorijschool {noun} driving-school | school of motoring autorisatie {noun} authorization autoriseren {verb} authorize autoritair {adjective} authoritarian autoritarisme {noun} authoritarianism autoriteit {noun} authority autoriteiten {noun} authority autorodeo demolition derby autoslaaptrein {noun} accompanied car train autosnelweg {noun} motorway autosoom {noun} autosome autosport {noun} auto racing autostoel {noun} car seat autostop doen hitchhike autostrade {noun} highway autosuggestie {noun} autosuggestion autotelefoon carphone autotransformator {noun} autotransformer autoverhuur car rental autovrij [/ˈɑʊ̯toˌvrɛɪ̯/ | /ˈɔʊ̯toˌvrɛː/] {adjective} carfree autowas {noun} car-wash | carwax autowasstraat {noun} car wash autoweg {noun} motorway auvergne Auvergne auxiliair {adjective} auxiliary av [/ɑf/] {noun} Ab | Av av beet dien [/ɑv bet ˈdin/] {phraseologicalUnit} Abbetdin | Abbethdin | abbethdins | abetdins ava avatar Avaar Avar Avaars {noun} Avar Avaarse Avar avance {noun} advance avanceren {verb} advance | go on | promote | push avances maken put the make on avant-garde {noun} avant-garde avant-première {noun} preview avaricieus avaricious avatar {noun} avatar Ave Maria {noun, phraseologicalUnit} hail Mary avegaar [/ˈavəˌɣar/] {noun} auger aventurien aventurine aventurijn aventurine averecht {adjective} purl averechts {adjective} counterproductive averechts werken backfire averij [/avə'rɛi/] {noun} damage aversie {noun} aversion Avestisch {noun} Avestan aviair {adjective} avian aviateur {noun} airman | aviator aviatiek {noun} aeronautics | aviation aviev [/aˈvif/] {noun} Abib Avignon {properNoun} Avignon avionica {noun} avionics avitaminose {noun} avitaminosis avocado [/ɑvoˈkado/] {noun} avocado | alligator pear avocadoboom [/ˌavoˈkadobom/] {noun} avocado tree | avocado avond {noun} evening avondblad {noun} evening paper avonddienst {noun} evening song avondeten {noun} supper avondjapon {noun} evening gown avondje {noun} night avondjurk {noun} evening dress avondkleding {noun} evening dress avondklok {noun} curfew Avondland {properNoun} Occident avondmaal {noun, verb} evening meal | supper avondmaaltijd dinner avondmens [/ˈaːvɔntˌmɛns/] {noun} night owl avondmist smokefall avondrood {noun} afterglow avondschemering {noun} dusk avondschool {noun} evening classes | evening-school | night-school Avondster {properNoun} Venus | evening star avondster {noun} evening star avondstond even avondvullende film feature film avondwerk {noun} evening work avonturier {noun, verb} adventurer avonturierster {noun} adventurer | female adventurer avontuur {noun, verb} adventure

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