Читать книгу NEUROMARKETING - Branislav R. Tanasic - Страница 17

Alternative assessment


At this stage, a potential buyer, who initially has a solid purchasing intent, is slowly transforming and begins to make a buying decision. This phase is extremely interesting for marketers because they want to know how consumers make the decision and choose a specific brand? As a consumer will behave during the decision-making process at this stage, it depends on the individual characteristics of the consumer and the specificity of the purchasing situation. In one case, the consumer carefully calculates and logically contemplates, while for the second time, the same consumer, does little or even nothing in the assessment, simply purchases impulsively and intuitively. Marketers will explore consumers to find out how they choose one of the offered alternatives. If this process is revealed, marketers will take steps to influence customer decisions (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012: 154) New approaches to consumer behavior research will be reflected in the application of new techniques that can disclose elements in the decision-making mechanism, invisible and inaccessible to traditional research methods. One of these approaches is neuromarketing, which will be the subject of research, but the question of the existence of a universal purchasing behavior model, as Valas (Walas Maelani, 2003) called it "shopping button", will be open and difficult to solve the enigma for a long time.


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