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Physiography is a phase of geology which investigates the surface features of the earth. It has to do not only with the description and classification of surface forms, present and past (physical geography or geomorphology), but with the processes and history of their development. The subject is closely related to geography, climatology, sedimentation, and hydrology. As one of the latest phases of geology to be organized and taught, its economic applications have been comparatively recent and are not yet widely recognized. Because of this fact its economic applications may be summarized at somewhat greater length than those of the other branches of geology above mentioned, which are to be more or less taken for granted.

The central feature of physiography is the so-called erosion cycle or topographic cycle. Erosion, acting through the agencies of wind, water, and ice, is constantly at work on the earth's surface; the eroded materials are in large part carried off by streams, ultimately to be deposited in the ocean near the continental margins. The final result is the reduction of the land surface to an approximate plain, called a peneplain, somewhere near sea level. Geological history shows that such peneplains are often elevated again with reference to sea level, by earth forces or by subsidence of the sea, when erosion again begins its work—first cutting narrow, steep gulches and valleys, and leaving broad intervening uplands, in which condition the erosion surface is described as that of topographic youth; then forming wider and more extensive valleys, leaving only points and ridges of the original peneplains, in which stage the surface is said to represent topographic maturity; then rounding off and reducing the elevations, leaving few or none of the original points on the peneplain, widening the valleys still further and tending to reduce the whole country to a nearly flat surface, resulting in the condition of topographic old age. The final stage is again the peneplain. This cycle of events is called the erosion cycle or topographic cycle. Uplift may begin again before the surface is reduced to base level; in fact, there is a constant oscillation and contest between erosion and relative uplift of the land surface.

The action of the erosion cycle on rocks of differing resistance to erosion and of diverse structure gives rise to the great variety of surface forms. The physiographer sees these forms, not as heterogeneous units, but as parts of a definite system and as stages in an orderly series of events. He is able to see into the topographic conditions beyond the range of immediate and direct observation. He is able to determine what these forms were in the past and to predict their condition in the future. He is able to read from the topography the underground structure which has determined that topography. A given structure may in different stages of topographic development give quite diverse topographic forms. In such a case it is important to realize that the diversity is only superficial. On the other hand, a slight local divergence from the usual topographic forms in a given region may reflect a similar local divergence in the underground structure. Thus it is that an appreciation of the physiographic details may suggest important variations in the underground structure which would otherwise pass undiscovered.

Many mineral deposits owe their origin or enrichment to weathering and other related processes which are preliminary to erosion. These processes vary in intensity, distribution, and depth, with the stage of erosion, or in relation to the phase of the erosion cycle. They vary with the climatic conditions which obtain on the erosion surface. Mineral deposits are therefore often closely related to the topographic features, present and past, in kind, shape, and distribution. A few illustrative cases follow.

Many of the great copper deposits of the western United States owe their values to a secondary enrichment through the agency of waters working down from the surface. When this fact of secondary enrichment was discovered, it was naturally assumed that the process was related to the present erosion surface and to present climatic and hydrologic conditions. Certain inferences were drawn, therefore, as to depth and distribution of the enriched ores. This conception, however, proved to be too narrow; for evidences were found in many cases that the copper deposits had been concentrated in previous erosion cycles, and therefore in relation to erosion surfaces, now partly buried, different from the present surface. The importance of this knowledge from an exploring and development standpoint is clear. It has made it possible to find and follow rich ores, far from the present erosion surface, which would otherwise have been disclosed solely by chance. Studies of this kind in the copper camps are yet so recent that much remains to be learned. The economic geologist advising exploration and development in copper ores who does not in the future take physiographic factors into account is likely to go wrong in essential ways, as he has done in some cases in the past.

Not only is it necessary to relate the secondary enrichment of copper deposits to the erosion surface, present or past, but by a study of the conditions it must be ascertained how closely erosion has followed after the processes of enrichment. In some cases erosion has followed so slowly as to leave large zones of secondary enrichment. In other cases erosion has followed up so closely after the processes of secondary enrichment as to remove from the surface important parts of the secondarily enriched deposits.

The iron ores of the Lake Superior region are the result of the action of waters from the surface on so-called iron formations or jaspers. Here again it was at first supposed that the enrichment was related to the present erosion surface; but upon further studies the fact was disclosed that the concentration of the ores took place in the period between the deposition of Keweenawan and Cambrian rocks, and thus a new light was thrown on the possibilities as to depth and distribution of the ores. The old pre-Cambrian surface, with reference to which the concentration took place, can be followed with some precision beneath the present surface. This makes it possible to forecast a quite different depth and distribution of the ores from that which might be inferred from present surface conditions. Present surface conditions, of low relief, considerable humidity, and with the water table usually not more than 100 feet from the surface, do not promise ore deposits at great depth. The erosion which formed the old pre-Cambrian surface, however, started on a country of great relief and semi-arid climate, conditions which favored deep penetration of the surface waters which concentrated the ores.

The iron ores of eastern Cuba are formed by the weathering of a serpentine rock on an elevated plateau of low relief, where the sluggish streams are unable rapidly to carry off the products of weathering. Where streams have cut into this plateau and where the plateau breaks down with sharp slopes to the ocean, erosion has removed the products of weathering, and therefore the iron ore. An important element, then, in iron ore exploration in this country is the location of regions of slight erosion in the serpentine area. One of the largest discoveries was made purely on a topographic basis. It was inferred merely from a study of topography that a certain large unexplored area ought to carry iron ore. Subsequent work in the thick and almost impenetrable jungle disclosed it.

Bauxite deposits in several parts of the world require somewhat similar conditions of concentration, and a study of the physiographic features is an important factor in their location and interpretation.

A physiographic problem of another sort is the determination of the conditions surrounding the origin of sedimentary ores. Certain mineral deposits, like the "Clinton" iron ores, the copper ores in the "Red Beds" of southwestern United States and in the Mansfield slates of Germany, many salt deposits, and almost the entire group of placer deposits of gold, tin, and other metals, are the result of sedimentation, from waters which derived their materials from the erosion of the land surface. It is sometimes possible from the study of these deposits to discover the position and configuration of the shore line, the depth of water, and the probable continuity and extent of the deposits. Similar questions are met in the study of coal and oil.

This general problem is one of the phases of geology which is now receiving a large amount of attention, not only from the standpoint of ore deposition, but from a broader geologic standpoint. In spite of the fact that sedimentary processes of great variety can be observed in operation today, it is yet extremely difficult to infer from a given sedimentary deposit the precise conditions which determined its deposition and limited its distribution. For instance, sedimentary iron formations furnish a large part of the world's iron ore. The surface distribution, the structure, the features of secondary enrichment, are all pretty well understood; likewise the general conditions of sedimentation are reasonably clear—but the close interpretation of these conditions, to enable us to predict the extent of one of these deposits, or to explain its presence in one place and absence in another, is in an early and sketchy stage.

An understanding of the principles and methods of physiography is also vital to an intelligent application of geology to water resources, to soils, to dam and reservoir construction, and to a great variety of engineering undertakings, but as these subjects involve the application of many other phases of geology, they are considered in separate chapters. (Chapters V, VI, and XX.)

The Economic Aspect of Geology

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