Читать книгу Hear the Ancient Wisdom - Charles Ringma - Страница 45

Matthew 19:12


February 6

A Holy Calling

Throughout the history of the Christian church there have been those who have lived the Christian life with great

intensity and commitment. These persons are to be seen as a challenge to all of us to live the Christian life with greater fidelity.

St. Francis of Assisi in his Rule of 1223 writes, the Christian way of life is “to observe the holy gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, living in obedience without personal possessions, and in chastity.”37

This calling, lived out fully amongst those who have been called to this activist religious order, is a calling that has implications for all of us. Their way of life and service, while the way of greater intentionality, is also in some sense to be our way.

Whether married or single, in secular work or holy orders, with riches or in poverty, we are called to live in the power of the gospel. The gospel is to indwell us and we are called to be in Christ and to live for Christ. All of us, no matter what our life circumstances are, are called to live in obedience to the way of Christ and all of us are called to great

generosity because God has been generous towards us in Christ.

The heartbeat of the monk or that of a member of a religious order to live one’s whole life for Christ is a calling for the whole people of God, even though they may need to outwork that calling in different ways.


The imitatio Christi lies at the heart of Christianity. We are all called to

follow Christ’s love for the Father in heaven. We are all called to community. We are all called to purity of heart and to a life of service.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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