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Acts 1:4–5


February 13

The Life-giving Spirit

It is not so difficult to keep Jesus in view, but the Holy Spirit can so easily fall out of sight. The Spirit, the most mysterious member of the Trinity, the go-between God, the Silent One, is the One who most deeply and profoundly emanates our lives.

St. Bernard has captured well something of the Spirit’s gracious work. He writes, “The revelation which is made by the Holy Spirit gives light so that we may understand and fire so that we might love.”44 This highlights the way our minds are opened and our passions are enlivened by the Spirit. The Spirit thus gives insight and empowerment.

This is one part of the story of the Spirit. There is more. The Spirit renews the face of the earth and revitalizes the people of God. Thus both the created order and the body of Christ are under the energizing work of the Spirit. This says a lot about the amazing diversity of the Spirit’s

interests and concerns.

The Spirit is at work in the church. The Spirit accompanies the

proclamation of the gospel and the reading of Scripture. The Spirit is

present in the sacraments. The Spirit is with us in fellowship, prayer, and service. The Spirit thus energizes the gathered and scattered people of God. The Spirit is in the midst of the community of faith. But the Spirit is also at work in the world. The Spirit prepares hearts for openness to the gospel. The Spirit generates movements of goodness and liberation. The Spirit inspires creativity and beauty. Where there is hope, creativity, and goodness the Spirit is at work.


Hidden yet ever present, the Spirit is the source of all wisdom, renewal, and beauty.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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