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Jeremiah 23:3–4


February 15

Making Others Whole

The journey towards wholeness is one of grace and one of

often painful transitions. But wholeness cannot only be the fruit of a personal focus, wholeness is communal. It’s the fruit of open receiving and gracious giving.

Anthony, one of the desert fathers, pointed out that, “The Fathers of old went forth into the desert and when [they] themselves were made whole, they became physicians, and returning again they made others whole.”46

Clearly, the journey towards wholeness for the desert fathers and mothers was one of withdrawal, prayer, purgation, and suffering. Lost in the love of God they endured difficulty. But it was love that transformed them. And this love moved them to deeds of love that brought blessing and healing to others. Their withdrawal from the world, therefore, was not an end in itself. They withdrew to lay a foundation for a new world.

Their journey was one of union with God, moving ever closer into the heart and purposes of God. But this movement in and towards God drew them ever more deeply into seeking to be God’s healing hands

towards others.

This is what true wholeness is all about. Living more fully in God and more truly at home with ourselves, we become agents of goodness towards others. Blessing, therefore, is never only for ourselves. It is for all. It is for the world.


Wholeness is the fruit of holiness, which issues in giving gifts of healing and hospitality. This builds the new humanity of which Christ was the New Adam and the pioneer.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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