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Ephesians 4:26–27


February 24

Dealing with the Small Issues

We are ever busy and always preoccupied. In this state we

easily overlook things. And we are not too discerning and thus leave things undone that should not be left unattended.

There are many good reasons for learning to slow down, no matter what this may cost us in terms of a life reorientation. To do less and think more is a good idea. To create space for reflection is valuable for one’s way of life. To practice solitude is not only good for prayer, but also good for one’s health.

But Thomas à Kempis helpfully reminds us that, “If you do absolutely nothing about your small faults, you will, little by little, fall into greater ones.”55 This is true regarding our faults. It is also true regarding most other matters. If we don’t attend to things that need to be dealt with, then soon we will find ourselves in more difficult circumstances or we become overwhelmed.

The matter of attentiveness is key. And so is taking appropriate

action. Surprisingly, this does not come from doing more but from

doing less and from creating space. Time to be still. Time to listen. Time to discern.

To live this way inevitably means changing our lifestyle. It is, in our daily affairs, becoming more like monks. It is becoming a contemplative in the midst of life.


At the heart of contemplation is attentiveness. And this is both a gift and a work.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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