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Hebrews 12:1


February 14

Hold Fast

The greater the revelation of Christ in our hearts and minds, the greater is the desire to cling to Christ. The more our

response to Christ has been one of social convention or

psychological need, the easier we may let Christ slip out of our lives because our circumstances may have changed.

Becoming a Christian is premised on a revelatory event. Christ reveals himself to us by Word and Spirit and we are captivated by his love and grace. And thus we respond in faith and surrender. In Christ we have come home to the heart of God in the power of the Spirit.

St. Ambrose understands this. He writes, “you received Him into the dwelling of your mind; you saw Him in spirit; you saw with inner eyes. Hold fast your new Guest, long awaited, but lately received.”45

Becoming a Christian is not primarily a social activity, but a spiritual one. It is Christ through the Spirit meeting the seeking and longing heart. It is, therefore, an encounter that is profoundly mystical, even though it may be a response to the gospel or the witness of another person. This is no simple rational experience. It is profoundly spiritual and life changing.

The more profound this experience the more joyfully we will cling to Christ in the long, and at times torturous, journey of faith. And because Christ is deeply embedded within us and is the faithful guest, he will hold us fast. And in both light and darkness we will cling to him. Having been captivated by Christ’s love, we will not let him go.


Holding on to Christ, while being held, is the journey of faith.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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