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2 Corinthians 13:4


February 16

Mere Servants

Whatever our position in the world or in the church, this does not finally define us. What does define us is who we are in Christ and that the way of Christ becomes our way in the world.

The way of Christ was that of a humble servant of the Father. Christ’s joy was to do the Father’s will. His purpose was to make the Father known. His mission was to bring into being the healing and restoring reign of God.

Christ did all of this in the power of the Spirit and with his Father’s blessing and benediction. Thus Christ’s work was Trinitarian work, not a solo effort.

We too are invited to participate in the same mission as Christ. But we do so from a much more fragile position. We are not Christ, only his followers. We are more mixed in our motives, while Christ was singular in his commitment. We are hesitant in our love, while Christ loved fully.

St. Anselm’s prayer is therefore appropriate. He prays: “by your

powerful kindness complete what in my powerless weakness I attempt.”47 In our weakness God produces his strength.

In being the mere servants of Christ, we need the grace and sustaining presence of God. In and of ourselves we cannot be what God calls us to be. Therefore, we are always called to rely on God. We are called to live in faith. We are invited to prayer.


No matter how far we are into the journey of faith and love that issues in service, we will always need the Spirit to carry us along.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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