Читать книгу Dental Neuroimaging - Chia-shu Lin - Страница 55 The Oral‐to‐Behaviour Framework


The most intuitive framework consists of the stomatognathic system as the only functional apparatus for feeding behaviour. According to the oral‐to‐behaviour (OB) framework, a sound stomatognathic apparatus directly links to good eating and feeding behaviour (Figure 1.3a). Based on this framework, the structural and functional parameters of the stomatognathic system determine how well one can eat, such that the more teeth and the greater biting force one has, the better mastication and swallowing one will achieve. Notably, the OB framework consists of a bi‐directional relationship: while improving the stomatognathic system will help better eating, a poor eating experience will motivate individuals to fix the deficits of the stomatognathic system. Empirically, the simple logic that ‘if you have got something wrong with eating, fix your teeth first’ goes well most of the time. It echoes the traditional view that dentists are trained as a surgeon who masters the surgical work in the oral cavity.

Figure 1.3 Theoretical frameworks of the association between the brain, oral functions and behaviour. (a) The oral‐to‐behaviour (OB) framework, (b) the oral‐brain‐behaviour (OBB) framework and (c) the brain–stomatognathic axis (BSA).

Dental Neuroimaging

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