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Define Journey Stages


If your organization has an existing journey model, place each stage on the canvas as a column of your matrix. Review each stage and make sure that everyone is in alignment before moving on to the next step. In the absence of a previously created journey model, you will need to build a quick hypothesis with your participants. Here is a quick way to do so:

• Give each participant a few sticky notes and a Sharpie.

• Ask everyone individually to capture what they think are the stages of the customer journey, writing one stage per sticky.

• Have participants present their stages one by one. As they do so, begin to cluster similar stages.

• Once everyone has presented, facilitate aligning around the names and sequence of your stages. Remember, there is no magic number, and your stages should be from the customer’s perspective.


To create change, you must begin somewhere. This workshop essentially creates a hypothesis of your channels, stages, and touchpoints based on what the workshop participants know (or think they know). This starting point helps you introduce new concepts and get some traction in creating a shared understanding. You shouldn’t create grand strategies and plans based on this initial hypothesis, however. More work—especially customer research (see Chapter 5)—and subsequent iterations will be needed to have a complete inventory.

Orchestrating Experiences

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