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Review and Refine


You will now have a wall covered in sticky notes and a room full of people surprised that there are so many. That’s progress!

Next, facilitate a walkthrough of the matrix, going top to bottom, left to right. Your goal: review each touchpoint, combine duplicates, and fill in any gaps. Along the way, you will generate a valuable cross-functional conversation about why certain touchpoints exist, how they connect with others, and in general what is known about their performance. Take your time.

To get the most out of the discussion, we recommend the following:

• Get people to lean in. People should be actively putting up and moving sticky notes together.

• Assign some participants to document the walkthrough discussion. One person can write down new touchpoints; another can capture details of touchpoints (how they perform, if they are being replaced or improved, and so on).

• If you have time, give participants three green stickers and three red stickers. Ask them to put their stickers on touchpoints that are performing the best (green) and the worst (red). Facilitate a dialogue around how the organization defines and measures the success and failure of touchpoints.


The sharing of information and dialogue you facilitate in this workshop can generate more value than what ends up on the sticky notes. Bringing together colleagues from different functions with their varying perspectives to cocreate a tool happens too rarely in most organizations. When facilitated well, this workshop is enlightening and enjoyable. You will build a lot of goodwill and lay the foundation for other approaches outlined in this book. Make sure to take good pictures of the session so that you can share the process and results with others.

Orchestrating Experiences

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