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Chapter 1: ‘Only the Bolder Spirits’: Politics, Racism, Solidarity and War in Abantu-Batho


What were the main news stories for Africans between 1912 and 1931? Some themes stand out: the 1913 Natives’ Land Act; Word War I; the rise of Congress, the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU), and Garveyism; and the opening of Fort Hare. Yet many other issues were also of concern, including the pass laws; labour and gender matters; and local events such as concerts, church meetings and sports. In the previous chapter I sketched the broad contours of Abantu-Batho. In this chapter and the following paired one I examine in more detail how the paper reported and analysed such varied subjects. This chapter focuses squarely on the political sphere, emphasising the context of African political movements, especially Congress, and the state in which Abantu-Batho was obliged to operate, as well as closely related themes of race and racism, the law, political solidarity, and the breakdown of politics – war. I show how the patterns of politics and race in South Africa resonated in the newspaper and influenced its content. The next chapter addresses socio-cultural aspects of gender, class, education, leisure and religion. Together, these two chapters paint a broad canvas of the newspaper and its people, form and content, and set the stage for the other chapters, which explore many of these aspects in finer detail.

The People’s Paper

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