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do you want to live a life of total awesomeness?

Some years ago, I asked myself that same question. I realized that while I had a lot to be thankful for in my life, I was falling short of my own potential. Don’t get me wrong—I was doing the best I could, and life had been trucking along fine. I had moved to a new city on the West Coast, attended university, started to discover myself, landed a great job, fell in love, travelled a little and started a family. But I never seemed to have time for the things that were most important to me. I was also spending more money than I had.

My health and fitness ebbed and flowed throughout my life. When I only had to worry about myself, I could always find time for fitness. But when other people—my family—became a significant part of my life, I felt pulled to prioritize “us” rather than “me,” and my health often suffered as a result. I figured that this was just the way it went; after all, it seemed like everyone else I knew was on the same path. But in the back of my mind, I was always thinking: Is this really how life is supposed to be?

As time went on, I kept trying to balance the priorities in my life, striving to attain “perfection,” but I was constantly disappointed in myself. I was never able to truly balance it all. When I let one part of my life become the shining star, all other aspects of my life would dim in comparison. If I focused on family, my career suffered. When I turned my energies toward my career, in particular when I was building my company, my family felt it, and so did my health. I just never seemed to have enough to make everything work. Do you know the feeling?

Like many people, I found happy distraction in activities that didn’t propel me forward in life—pub nights, boys’ trips, nights out with my colleagues and long days on the golf course. I kept telling myself that tomorrow would be the day to “reset” and get everything in order: Tomorrow is the day to start my new habits. Tomorrow is the start of my path to awesomeness. But you know what? Every day I’d wake up to today and tomorrow would never arrive.


Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

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