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Dai Manuel’s Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

and Finances, while the roof that over-arches everything is the fifth F: FUN! The rock-solid foundation of good health and well-being lies beneath everything—and that’s what you want to build your “house” upon.

We’ve already started to explore the first F: fitness. What about the others?


Family, to me, means your tribe of special people, regardless of whether you are related by blood. This may be your partner and children, or your siblings and parents, but it can also include your close friends or work colleagues. It’s anybody with whom you have an ongoing and deep relationship that grows over time. Your family includes the folks who encourage you to constantly improve yourself.

For me, family primarily means my wife, Christie, and two daughters, Chardonae and Brielyn. I value their opinions above all others. My family means everything to me; they help me maintain my purpose. They are a big reason why I am so motivated to embody the five Fs as diligently as I do. They give meaning and context to many of the decisions I make and offer me insight and guidance. When faced with a tough decision, I often ask myself what my family would think about it. My moral compass is best directed with one question: Am I being the type of man I would want my daughters to marry? If the answer is no, then I have to challenge myself with other questions: Why did I act that way; why did I have that thought; why did I speak that way to my wife?

Do you see where I’m going with this? If you’re still not sure what I mean, let’s explore the other side of the coin. What if you didn’t have the support of your family, close friends, co-workers and peers? How would that make you feel?

If I were to say to one of my daughters, when they were facing a challenge, “Give up now; you’re never going to get it,” how would the family wall of her house look? I might as well knock it down with a sledgehammer.

I’ve coached many people who have told me that their family doesn’t support them on their path to becoming healthier. For example, “My husband loves me, but he keeps bringing home pizza and chips for the kids, when he knows I want to start eating better,” or, “I really feel alone. No one believes I can do it. Heck, I don’t know if I can do it. Why am I doing this, and what’s the point?”

“Keep moving forward!”

Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

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