Читать книгу 20 MINUTES TO MASTER … YOUR PSYCHIC POTENTIAL - David Lawson - Страница 29



The abilities commonly described as psychic gifts are simply natural extensions of our intuition. We have all experienced times when our intuition is acute and we are able to listen to it and respond accordingly. Your intuition tells you that it would be a good time to telephone a friend; you have a ‘gut feeling’ that she is in need of some support and, before you have walked across the room to pick up the telephone, it starts ringing. Your friend has beaten you to it and is telephoning you!

You always park your car in the same spot, under a shady tree just outside your place of work. On one morning, for no explicable reason, you have an instinct to park on the opposite side of the street, still in view from your office window but a little further away than normal. During the day there is a thunderstorm and a heavy branch breaks away from the tree and comes crashing down on the spot where your car would normally have been positioned. At the end of the day you are able to drive home with your windscreen and your paint work still intact!

There are numerous examples of good choices that we make through listening effectively to our intuition. We have so many hunches, coincidences and happy accidents that we do not even notice them half the time, and many such experiences are easily forgotten in our attempts to keep up with the frenetic pace of modern life. When we talk of instinct, hunches and gut feelings we are often referring to one distinct area of psychic awareness: the skills of clairsentience.

Clairsentience is possibly the most commonly developed and, at the same time, the least recognized and acknowledged of all psychic abilities. Even for those of us who are more visually attuned and potentially clairvoyant or who most easily receive information in the form of clairaudient sounds, words and messages, clairsentience is an excellent place to start when we embark upon the adventure of developing our psychic and intuitive gifts. Good clairsentient awareness is also a huge asset for anyone working within the caring professions. It has proved to be essential for many of the healers, counsellors and therapists I have known.

If we push out the boundaries of our gut intuition and learn to sharpen our ability to notice and respond to all of our instincts, then we create a firm foundation for the development of all other psychic skills. Our inner voices, visions and perceptions will be automatically supported and enhanced by our ability to feel, touch and grasp the emotional ‘reality’ of any given event or situation. For instance, when we walk into an unfamiliar environment for the first time, it is often the feeling of the place that dictates our initial response to it and indicates whether or not we are likely to be comfortable there.

When I work as a healer and counsellor I sometimes utilize my ability to see the auric field around the person with whom I am working. I am often able to see the subtle electromagnetic field that is emanating from my client, in the form of coloured light. This can give me a range of valuable information which I can use to support the person in the process of self-healing. However, to interpret the information that I am receiving visually it is important for me to listen to my feelings and utilize the physical and emotional response that comes with a developed clairsentient awareness. Indeed, in many cases I receive and act upon the ‘gut’ information first, before I focus on the visual sense.

During this chapter we will be exploring some ideas, exercises and practical techniques to extend and enhance our clairsentient awareness. As with all of the exercises within this book, when practised they may facilitate the development of all our other senses at the same time, particularly in the areas of intuitive and psychic ability which are already more naturally developed.


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