Читать книгу 20 MINUTES TO MASTER … YOUR PSYCHIC POTENTIAL - David Lawson - Страница 34



Throughout the day you can repeat your declarations to yourself in combination with other activities such as exercising, walking to your place of work, doing the washing up or practising relaxation techniques and meditation. Whatever you do as part of your daily routine, there are bound to be activities which do not fully engage your mind and which can be combined in some way with the use of declarations.

It is perhaps particularly valuable to combine the use of your daily declarations with many of the other exercises, techniques and meditations I have created for you in this book. You could choose four or five appropriate declarations to repeat a couple of times over as you settle down to meditate, then repeat them once again as you complete the process.

The whole concept of positive thought and declaration is an interesting area to explore. Indeed, the use of positive thought techniques to heal and enhance other areas of our lives, such as our relationships and our physical well-being, appears to have a positive, knock-on effect on psychic development. For more detailed information about the construction and use of positive affirmations for health, well-being and success, you may wish to refer to my book Principles of Self-healing. For now, here are some appropriate declarations, read them through slowly to yourself once or twice and begin to use them straight away.


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