Читать книгу 20 MINUTES TO MASTER … YOUR PSYCHIC POTENTIAL - David Lawson - Страница 39



Our normal perception of ourselves, although often comforting and secure, can sometimes restrict our potential for development. We get used to seeing ourselves as a particular kind of person, fulfilling certain roles and allowing ourselves to be defined by the jobs that we do or by the needs and opinions of other people. Utilizing the powers of the imagination we can see ourselves in different guises and role-play exciting new possibilities that we may have previously discounted. Perceiving ourselves in new ways can help to stimulate new abilities, allowing us to model our development upon our dreams and desires.

This ‘fantasy’ meditation will allow you to explore your clairsentient potential and help you to develop beyond previous boundaries and limitations. As this is quite a long meditation, you may wish to record it so that you can be guided slowly through it by your own voice without having to memorize it all or read it as you go.

Once again, find somewhere quiet and comfortable to sit, unplug the telephone and make sure that you are not going to be disturbed. Sit or lie down with your back supported and your body open and relaxed, your arms and legs uncrossed.

Breathe deeply and imagine that you are living on a paradise island, far distant from your current environment. The weather, although varied, is generally warm and clement and the air is filled with fragrant breezes perfumed with the essences of honey, flowers and spice. Picture yourself living in a cave that is filled with rich fabrics, beautiful shells, shimmering crystals and soft, cushioned furniture made from exotic wood.

During the day you are free to roam the beaches and forests of this island, tuning in to the sounds and senses of nature. You hear the calls of numerous exquisite birds as they fly, perch and stretch their iridescent feathers in the sunlight. In your heart and solar plexus you can feel the impulses of their joy, freedom and quest for survival as they forage for food, court their mates and nest in the boughs of magnificent trees.

Through your feet you can feel the subtle vibrations of the Earth, echoes of the heartbeat at the core of the planet. Every grain of sand, every stone and every patch of rich, dark loam sends its messages of peace, stability and power to touch you in the depths of your stomach. Your hands and arms brush past the leaves of lush plants that send welcoming ripples of intelligent curiosity and soothing contact into the cells of your body.

In the evenings you return to your cave to eat, wash in a nearby spring and adorn yourself in rich fabrics festooned with the colours of the birds and trees. You become the high priest or priestess of this island paradise, making yourself available to all who respectfully seek your powerful clairsentient wisdom.

You are visited by friendly people who arrive individually or in small groups to receive your blessing and to benefit from your advice. Your instinctive awareness reaches like a loving hand to touch gently the feelings of those who consult you. You sense their hopes and fears, their dreams, desires, passions, concerns and confusions. Your presence calms them and you answer all questions with confidence and compassion, secure in the knowledge that your words of wisdom are aligned to their true nature and greatest spiritual potential. In return they bring you gifts of food, spices and precious minerals.

Gradually your visitors depart, feeling comforted and healed by your insights and intuition. You are left in the company of one or two good friends who nurture you and laugh with you as you share delicious secrets; telling each other stories about the mysteries and brilliance of the universe. You complete your day gazing at the stars, tuning in to the twinkling vibration of each nocturnal light to coax you into dreams of higher consciousness.

Knowing that you can repeat this meditation and tune in to this facet of yourself whenever you choose, imagine the sensuality, wisdom, compassion and developed clairsentient ability of this persona returning with you to your normal waking consciousness.

You are the high priest or priestess of your own destiny; your instincts and intuition guide and protect you always.


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