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1. My new word, meaning, “the conversion of an individual, group or society from normalcy, modesty and decency to acceptance of writings, pictures, films and behavior (usually considered obscene) intended primarily to arouse lustful sexual desire.”

2. Rush, F. (1980). The Best Kept Secret: Sexual Abuse of Children. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, p.52.

3. The Lancet Medical Journal (1887), from an article by Is’haq Modibbo Kawu in the Nigerian Daily Trust (Aug. 16, 2007).

4. Hergenhahn, B.R. (1992). An Introduction to the History of Psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company and Singer, P. (1991). Ethics. The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 18, Edition 15, p. 492-521

5. Public Health Agency of Canada (2007), National Clearinghouse on Family Violence.

6. Groth, N., Burgess, A., Birnbaum, H. and Gary, T. (1978). A study of the child molester. Myths and realities. LAE Journal of the American Criminal Justice Association, 41(1), Winter/Spring, p. 17-22.

7. Hopper, Dr. J. (2007). Child Abuse: Statistics, Research and Resources, p.23

8. Finkelhor, D. (1994). The International epidemiology of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 18, 409-417

9. Finkelhor, D. (1984). Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory and Research, New York: Free Press in Colton, Matthew and Vanstone, Maurice (1996). Betrayal of Trust; Sexual Abuse by Men Who Work With Children, London ON: Free Association Books Ltd., p. 2.

10. Birchall, E. (1989). The Frequency of Child Abuse—What do We Really Know?, in Colton, Matthew and Vanstone, Maurice (1996). Betrayal of Trust; Sexual Abuse by Men Who Work With Children, , London ON: Free Association Books Ltd., p.2.

11. Van Dam, Carla (2001). Identifying Child Molesters, Preventing Child Sexual Abuse by Recognizing the Patterns of the Offenders, New York: The Halworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press, p.75.

12. UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence Against Children (2006) section II.B., pp.9-10

13. Van Dam, Carla (2001). Identifying Child Molesters, Preventing Child Sexual Abuse by Recognizing the Patterns of the Offenders, New York: The Halworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press, p. 60.

14. Browne, A., & Finkelhor, D. (1986). Initial and long-term effects: A review of the research. In D. Finkelhor, A Sourcebook on Child Sexual Abuse (pp. 143-179). Beverly Hills: Sage.

15. The San Francisco Chronicle (April 3, 2005).

16. Fink, Paul (2005). Science, Vol. 309, August.

17. Mercy, J. A. (1999). Having New Eyes: Viewing Child Sexual Abuse as a Public Health Problem. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 11(4), 317-321.

18. Forward, Susan, and Craig Buck (1979). Betrayal of Innocence: Incest and its Devastation, New York: Penguin Books.

19. Butler, Sandra (1985). Conspiracy of Silence: The Trauma of Incest, San Francisco, Volcano Press.

20. Finney, Lynne D. (1992). Reach for the Rainbow; Advanced Healing for Survivors of Sexual Abuse, New York: The Putnam Publishing Group, p. 35

21. Butler, Sandra (1985). Conspiracy of Silence: The Trauma of Incest, San Francisco, Volcano Press, p. 126.

22. Marshall, Dr. W.L. and Barrett, Sylvia (1990). Criminal Neglect; Why Sex Offenders Go Free, Toronto: Doubleday Canada Limited, p. 93-94

23. Ibid, p. 93

24. Ibid, p. 93

25. Ibid, p. 94

26. Van Dam, Carla (2001). Identifying Child Molesters, Preventing Child Sexual Abuse by Recognizing the Patterns of the Offenders, New York: The Halworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press, p. 58.

Predators Live Among us

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