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Who says what is right or wrong?


While there have been cultures, such as the ancient Greeks, which have sanctioned adult child sex, there’s always been a schizophrenic underbelly to the lifestyle. Greek poetry abounds with references to men swooning for “the tender flower of youth and the thighs and delicious mouth of pubescent boys...but we hear nothing from youths admiring the hairy thighs and bristling lips of their bearded lovers.”2

Nowhere was the schizophrenic attitude towards sex more evident than in Victorian London of the 19th century. While even whispers of sex were taboo and the anti-sensual mind-set was so prudish that gentlemen would even cover the legs of their pianos, there was a population of 80,000 prostitutes in a total population of about two million people.3

Let’s be clear and disallow this schizophrenia to characterize our society today.

There is no group of children, anywhere in the world, asking to be allowed to have sex with adults. Adult-child sex—sexual child abuse—is an adult offense against the most vulnerable members of society.

While one might expect C.S. Lewis, Ravi Zacharias, Deepak Chopra or other religious apologists to argue for right or wrong according to the Bible or the Koran or whatever moral code book they follow, they all recognize that there is a standard, independent of culture, underlying the framework of all mankind. Philosophical arguments of ethics become meaningless apart from the recognition of this unchanging standard that guides human nature.4

So it’s not up to us to decide what’s right or wrong. That has already been written into the DNA of mankind. No matter how acceptable moral relativism may become in any circles, when it contravenes the absolutes of the underlying standard of morality of humanity, society won’t function properly.

Anyone hanging wallpaper knows about a plumb line. No matter how crooked a wall may be, when one hangs the plumb line, it becomes immediately apparent where the edge of the paper needs to go. Otherwise, the patterns will never be right. It’s the same with morality. No matter how moral relativism may try to skew right or wrong, when the universal, unchanging standard of morality is applied, dysfunctions disappear.

We must never tolerate the sexual abuse of children under the guise of tolerating cultural or ethical diversity. It’s just wrong. Period.

Predators Live Among us

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