Читать книгу Predators Live Among us - Diane Roblin Lee - Страница 26

The newest twist to the oldest perversion


In 1874, the police in London, England, arrested a photographer with 130,000 pornographic images of children.32 In those days, the images were on glass plates. Child pornography is nothing new. Stories of incest filter way back in biblical times to the story of Lot and his daughters.

What is new is that pedophiles are becoming increasingly empowered through the use of the Internet. They used to be a solitary lot, isolated by the shame of their perversions and repressed by the revulsion of normal society.

But now! Now they can go online and, with a click of the mouse, find like-minded people with whom to share not only photographs, but actual live occurrences of child rape and molestation. While Chapter Five, “The Porn Factor,” addresses this more fully, the point here is that pedophiles are no longer the isolated loners they once were. Thanks to the Internet, they are part of a slimy club of peers they can access at any moment, day or night, and feed their perversions. Because of the group solidarity, they feel more legitimized and thus are becoming bolder and bolder. Because of the group dynamic, they are interacting more like a repressed minority than an intolerable plague.

Predators Live Among us

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